2016江苏专转本英语真题 教师版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2016江苏专转本英语真题 教师版更新完毕开始阅读


75:选C,go up steep slopes 爬上陡坡,并和后文的along…down构成并列结构。 76:选A,lying,动词原形lie,不及物动词,表示“位于,处于”。 77:选B,route表示“道路,路线”,与前文反复出现的route呼应。 78:选D,where引导定语从句修饰places。

79:选C,have a chance to…走这些乡间小路,司机们有机会一睹另一个清新的世界。 80:选A, get a view of 一睹….

Part Four Translation(共 35 分) Section A (共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. You may refer to the corresponding passages in Par 1

81.With the same amount of money, you can buy more goods in this city. 在这个城市,用同样多的钱你可以购买更多的商品。

82.The Swiss have a 99% literacy rate, which means that 99% of the people can read and write. 瑞士的识字率达到了99%,也就是说99%的瑞士人会读书写字。

83.When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster(抚养)homes.

在这对双胞胎三个月大的时候,他们的父母去世了,然后他们被不同的家庭领养了。 84.Three American psychologists did a research study several years ago on what Americans value most. In the study, eighteen values were asked to put in the order of importance.


85. As you can see, several of these values are closely related to each other and are dependent upon each other.

正如你所看到的,这些价值观中有些价值观是紧密相连,相互依赖的。 Section B(共5小题。每小题3分,共15分)

Direction: Translate the following sentences into English. 86.如果你听从我的劝告,你会找到更好的工作。 If you follow my advice, you will find a better job. 87.不管你说什么,我还是相信他是诚实的。 Whatever you say, I still believe that he is honest. 88.他花了好几个星期才习惯了大学生活。 It took him several weeks to get used to college life. 89.让父母高兴的是,她最终决定去参加那个时装秀。

What made her parents happy was that she finally decided to participate in the fashion show. 90.我校的许多学生都熟悉学校的计算机系统。

Many students in our school are familiar with the computer system of our school. Part Five Writing(15分)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay with the title Starting Up Businesses after Graduation. You are required to write at least 120 words, following the outline given below:

1.大学生创业越来越普通; 2.大学生创业的利弊; 3.我的看法。