2016外研社新标准小学五年级英语教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2016外研社新标准小学五年级英语教案更新完毕开始阅读

小Chant: sit sit ,sit in lines , sit sit ,sit around tables.

3. 学习课文 This is a Chinese school . Do you know about the schools in England? Let’s watch TV and find the answers.(播放前两段录音) What did Lingling do yesterday ? What do they do every morning? What do we do every morning? (Practise in pairs.) She took photos.

They sing songs together every morning. We do morning exercises.

就学生的回答学习took photos. sing songs. do morning exercises. 练习词组并加以肢体动作。( sit in lines,do morning exercises, took photos, sing songs)

(exercises, sing 的发音较易出错,教师要注意进行正音)

T say sit in lines. do morning exercises. took photos, sing songs , Ss act.

T act, Ss say sit in lines. do morning exercises. took photos, sing songs

morning与 evening可以进行对比教学,引导学生发现差异。

4. Now what’s time is it ? Ah, It’s ten o’clock. At half past nine ,We do morning exercises in China. What about English school? Guessing game.

What time does school star in England? What time does school star in China? What time does school finish in England? What time does school finish in China? 教师播放第三段录音。Let’s check. Who’s right? 回答正确的学生予以奖励。

5. Do you like English school ? Yesterday Lingling went to Sam and Amy’s school in England. It’s fun . Listen to the whole text. Then repeat. (1)Now Find “they”、“we” .

(2)Let’s find the difference between their school and our school. 6 Do the Activity book 练习1、2 Step3 Consolidation and extension.

1. Do SB Activity 3.

先找2名程度较好的学生做第一、二幅图,小组讨论后二幅图,前二幅图还可以表示为:In England ,the school stars at 9o’clock. In China the school finishes at 4o’clock.

(提醒学生注意主语的不同,动词要有相应的改变) (Practise in pairs). 2. Fill in the blanks.

In England,_________ sing songs together every morning. _________ eat with a knife and fork. We do __________exercises in China . We______in ________in China.

_________play Chinese chess in China. They______around the tables. 3. Do AB Activity 3.

提醒学生注意时针和分针的长短,不要弄混。看谁写的最正确,画的最美观。 Step 4 Summary

Today we learn the difference between Chinese schools and English schools. Who can tell us the difference for short? Step 5 Homework

Copy the sentences (P31). Listen and repeat the dialog.

Find the more difference between Chinese schools and English schools from email or books and so on. Step 6 Blackboard design

Module8 unit l Children often sit around tables.

In England, they sit around tables. We sit in lines in China.

They sing songs together every morning. We do morning exercises.


Module8 UNIT2 There are lots of games

一、教学目标与要求: 1. 知识与能力目标: 掌握听说词汇::lots of 掌握听说读写词汇:break 掌握听说读写词汇:study

掌握句型Thre’re are lots of games. English children can have fun at break time.

2. 情感态度目标: 了解英国学校的作业布置,课间活动等,有端正,明确的学习态度


掌握2个重点句型,能正确回答 SB Activity2,找出2幅图的不同. 三、 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talk

Who can tell us the difference between Chinese school and English school?

2. Play a game. T act, Ss say

sing songs, do morning exercises, take photos, sit around tables. Step 2 Presentation and practice

1.There are lots of tables.认读词汇:lots of 2.T: There is a TV. There are lots of books. There is a computer. There are lots of pens. 强调there is 与 there are的区别

Can you say the things in the classroom with there is or there are? 3 .学习课文

1. We know school in England and in China are very different. Do you want to know more about English schools? Now watch video and find the answers.

① Do they study hard?

②Can English children have fun at break time? (Practise in pairs)

就学生的回答学习study, break T: Do you study hard?

They study hard , we study hard, too. T: From 8:40 to 8:50 is break time. T: What do you do at break time? (引导学生做完整的回答。) 2.复习时间的表达法

教师准备一个钟表,拨针,学生说时间 T: What time is it? It’s ??. 3. Listen and repent the text. 4. Do SB activity2 What time do you get up? What time does our school start? What time does it finish?

What time is your favourite subject? What time do you go to bed? Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1. Do SB activity 4

There are two pictures. Who can find the difference quickly? (Practise in pairs)

(对找的又全又快的小组及时奖励) 2. Fill in the blanks

① There ________children’s paintings on the wall. A are B is

② In China, school________at 8 o’clock. A starts B start

③What time do you go to school?———— A. I go to schools on Monday B. I go to school on foot. C. I go to school on 7 o’clock ④Do you like your school?