大学体验英语综合教程1 - 第三版 - Unit - 1 - 电子教案 联系客服

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e.g. The doctor contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform.

14) torture: n. the act of causing someone sever physical pain

e.g. It was sheer torture to have him play the violin so badly. The interview was sheer torture from start to finish.

15) cherish: to care for tenderly; love; to keep a feeling deeply and firmly in mind

e.g. The old man cherished the girl as if she were his daughter. Children need to be cherished.

4. some new words and expressions Step 3 Post-reading Tasks (45mins) 1. Summarize the passage

Summary: College is safe laboratory in which to experiment with new things. There are no parents around to control you or make all decisions for you. But most of the decisions you make don’t have as great a risk as they will have after college. Being a student is a real career but only a temporary one. Teachers can give some guidance without being either parents or bosses. Classmates can set either a good or a bad example, and you can learn to tell the difference. What happens outside the classroom is an important part of the college experience. Students should cherish all of this like the student in the story, because they may never have such and opportunity again. 2. Check the answers of Ex.12, 13 and 14 Step 4 Assignments 1. Read Passage B.

2. Review the words and phrases in Passage B

Section III Write and Produce (2 periods) Step 1 Revision (10 mins)

Dictation of words and phrases in Passage A and B Step 2 Grammar (35 mins)

1. Forming compound and complex sentences Simple sentence: Birds sing. S + V Compound sentence: It was late, so we went home. *教案*

S + V S + V Here “so” is a conjunction. 2. Conjunctions

that, before, whether, if, although, because, as long as, as soon as, since, after, who, which, whom, those, why, where, how, when 3. Do Ex.17 and 18 and check the answers. 4. Pair works. Do Ex.19 in pairs. Step 3 Practical Writing (40 mins) 1. Registration Forms

Think about it: What is registration form? How to fill registration form?

2. Work in pairs. Make a registration form for your friend. 3. Name Cards What’s name card? 4. Useful abbreviations

Add. Tel. Email O.H. P.C. Fax 5. Do Ex. 20 and check the answer (personal work) Step 4 Assignments (5mins) Ex.21. Design a business card.