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20. A. as B. if C. as if D. only if


This was the morning, when Jeremy, l4 years old, was to begin his duck shooting. He had 1 the whole idea ever since his father had bought him 2 and had promised him a 3 to this isIand. But he loved his father and wanted to 4 him.

They came to the beach. To 5 the sense of fear, he took a 6 of his father, then he put the camera aside and picked up the gun. His father said happily, \ 7 a long time for this day. I'll let you 8 . \屈身) forward, eyes narrowed. \flight(一群) now. Keep your head down; I'll give you the 9 .\

Jeremy's heart was beating 10 . \don't let them come, please!\But they came, closer, closer... \ 11 . He stood up, leaned into the gun the 12 his father taught him. In the same distance, the ducks saw the gunners and flared (突然飞去) wildly. For a second he hung there balanced 13 life and death. There was no sound. Jeremy stood 14 , seizing the gun.

\ 15 didn't you shoot?\didn't answer. His lips were trembling.

\ 16 ,\his hands and wept (哭泣). All 17 of pleasing his father was gone. He had his chance and he had l8 .

For a moment his father was l9 . And then he said, \ 20 his hands. \

\ 21 up, unbelieving . His father was handing the camera to him, and said softly, \stood up and pressed his shutter release(快门) button in a flash. \saw that there was no disappointment in his father's eyes, 22 pride and love. \always love shooting. But that doesn't mean you 23 . Sometimes it takes as much 24 not to do a thing as to do it. \ 25 .\1. A. hated B. loved C. hoped D. known 2. A. toy B. a camera C. a bike D. a gun 3. A. game B. prize C. trip D. holiday 4. A. join B. praise C. help D. please 5. A. learn B. show C.feel D. ease 6. A. rest B. breath C. picture D. care 7. A. lasting B. waiting C. looking D. asking 8. A. go B. shoot C.catch D. play 9. A. word B. gun C.chance D. fact

10. A. wildly B. widely C. tightly D.nervously 1l. A. warm B. excite C. delay D.obey

l2. A. rule B. road C. way D. path l3. A. between B. by C. beside D. beyond l4. A. surprisedly B. quietly C. still D. hard 15. A. How B. Where C. Why D. What 16. A. lovely B. sad C. frightening D. friendly l7. A. hope B. means C. decision D. practice l8. A. succeeded B. tried C. failed D. won l9. A. silent B. cheerful C. calm D. worried 20. A. raise B. lift C. lower D. put 2l. A. sat B. looked C. stood D. put 22. A. almost B. mostly C. even D. only 23. A. need B. might C. dare to D. have to 24. A. energy B. work C. courage D. mind 25. A. gun B. machine C.television D. tool


The Mullah couldn't break his word. That would be 1 for an important person in the village. He certainly 2 to sell his donkey for a dollar. So he said, \ 3 me at the donkey fair(集市) on 4 . I shall sell her at that time. I shall 5 my donkey to the one who will treat her most 6 .\

Everybody was kind to animals in the village. So the Mullah 7 out a plan. He wanted to 8 his word and also to keep his donkey.

On the night before the donkey fair, the Mullah bought a piece of 9 . No one had any idea why the Mullah should want that.

On Saturday, man and boy in the village came to the donkey fair.

They found a 10 tied with a piece of rope 11 the tail of the Mullah's donkey! Beside them stood the Mullah, who looked l2 .

\ 13 , I'll sell my donkey for a dollar,\ 14 , though. My donkey and my cat are very good friends. They must not be 15 . The kind man who 16 my donkey must buy my cat also.\

\ l7 .

\ 18 animal,\ l9 a mouse for a king. Her mother caught a mouse for 20 . She is one of the finest cats. For such a great cat I want one hundred dollars.\

The men laughed, and gave up the idea of owning the donkey.

l. A. right B. wrong C. impossible D. strange 2. A. didn't want B. wanted C. hadn't decided D. intended 3. A. Meet B. Pay C. Talk D. Help

4. A. tomorrow afernoon B. the day afer tomorrow C. the evening D. Saturday

5. A. give B. take C. sell D. show 6. A. cruelly B. warmly C. kindly D. carefully 7. A. put B. thought C. carried D. made 8. A. say B. keep C. break D. send 9. A. bread B. paper C. cloth D. rope l0. A. cat B. dog C. cock D. sheep ll. A. with B. on C. to D. around 12. A. haPpy B. sad C. calm D. eager 13. A. a lie B. true C. real D. a pity l4. A. matter B. problem C. thing D. question l5. A. killed B. sold C. beaten D. parted l6. A. sees B. buys C. likes D. wants l7. A. voices B. sounds C. noises D. cries

l8.A. pretty B. cruel C. strong D. important l9.A. looked after B. caught C. drove D. grasped 20.A. me B. her father C. the Queen D. her


As darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses. They were starting 1 at the mountain top in the distance. It was covered with 2 beautiful and dangerous.

The huge mountain is called Matterhorn. Mountain climbers had 3 the top, using the southern route. But no one had ever dared to try a winter climbing up the 4 side. But now one man was daring to try the 5 route. He was Walter Bonatti, a great mountain climber from Italy.

For two days he had climbed. The village people had watched him 6 . Now they were waiting to see his 7 . lf he planned to 8 the next day, he would light a green signal. A red light would mean that he was 9 .

A tiny green light 10 high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not giving up! The people 11 .

The next day he continued his way upward. He was so lonely and so 12 ! But he would not give up. Again that night he lit the 13 light.

In the morning, Bonatti 14 . He couId not see the top, but he knew he was 15 there. Though the climb was painful, he moved up.

Bonatti had spent months 16 for the clilnb. Was the training enough? Did he have the strength and 17 to climb to the top?

He was finally at the top! News about his 18 was radioed to the world.

The trip 19 the southern route was easy. He was warmly welcomed in the village. He had done the\ 20 \

1.A. back B. forward C. down D. up 2.A. flowers B. ice and snow C. green trees D. rocks 3.A. watched B. passed C. reached D. climbed 4.A. western B. eastern C. southern D. northern 5.A. difficult B. different C. same D. easy 6.A. patiently B. carefully C. anxiously D. eagerly 7.A. face B. figure C. flag D. signal 8.A. return B. go on C. rest D. stop

9.A. tuming back B. moving up C. arriving D. in danger l0.A. rose B. appeared C. turned on D. tumed off ll.A. cheered B. laughed C. jumped D. shouted l2.A. sleepy B. excited C. tired D. happy l3.A. yellow B. blue C. green D. red

l4.A. woke up B. turned up C. got up D. looked up l5.A. already B. almost C. no longer D. surely 16.A. training B. preparing C. planning D. asking l7.A. courage B. skill C. money D. wish l8.A. victory B. thing C. climb D. courage l9.A. along. B. up C. down D. to

20.A. necessary B. important C. great D. impossible


Trudy, an American girl, tried swimming across the English Channel. That was August 6, l962. Her father had 1 her two things. One was not to pull her out of the water 2 she asked. The other was to give her a red sports 3 if she made it.

In gay(愉快的) spirits Trudy 4 out, swimming strongly. All the swimmers started at 7:09 in the moming. Her father and trainer were 5 along in a boat beside her.

At ten o'clock, rain began falling. At midday, Trudy trod(踩) water while 6 and eating a chicken leg. Then she started swimming again. The wind was 7 and the seas became rougher.

Late 8 the wind became even worse. The trainer decided it was 9 trying to finish. He called to Trudy to 10 .

\ 11 , \ However, her father shouted, \抓住)her. Let her 12 .\

At seven o'clock the tides(潮水) turned 13 her. It was more difficult to move ahead. But Trudy still swam on. She 14 victory was possible now, for the 15 coast was in sight. It was getting dark. A sound could be heard over the 16 :hundreds of car horns(喇叭) were cheering her on. With the remaining 17 , she finshed the last 200 yards.

At 18 p.m., Trudy got out of water. She had swum some 35 miles in 19 the