湖北省第二十四届外语翻译大赛非英语专业B组笔译初赛试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章湖北省第二十四届外语翻译大赛非英语专业B组笔译初赛试题更新完毕开始阅读

湖 北 省第二四屆外語翻譯大賽 非英語專業B 組筆譯初賽試題

I.Each of the following Chinese phrases is

providedwith three English translations,markedA.B

andCseparatels,tickofthebestchoiceandfillintheblanks (15%) [ ]1.新生報到

A freshmen registration B.new comer

C.freshmen's arrival [ ]2.歸元禪寺

A.Guiyuan Zcn Temple B.Guiyuan Arhat Hall

C Guiyuan Buddhist Temple [ ]3.字幕組

A. subtile group B.fansubgroup

C.subtitle workshop [ ]4.白皮書 A.white paper

B.white skin paper C.white-colored paper [ ]5.盜版軟件

A. free copyrighted software B. copied software C. pirated software [ ]6.共享單車

A. bicycle pooling B. bicycle-sharing C. ride sharing [ ]7.長江三角洲

A the Yangtze River delta

B. the three gorges of Yangtze C. the Yangtze Gorges [ ]8.跟團遊 A. mass tour B.DIY tour

C package tour [ ]9.實名注冊

A real-name subscription B. real-name registration C. true-name log-in [ ]10.表情包

A. emotion package

River B.facial package C.cxpression signs

II.Each ofthefollowing Englishphrases isfllowed by three Chinese wersions marked.A,B and

C separately,tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks.(15%) [ ]11.first-tiercity A.超級大都會城市 B.一線城市 C.最宜居城市

[ ]12.urbantaficcongestion A.城市交通事故 B.城市交通規劃 C.城市交通擁堵

[ ]13.prossconferenoe A.記者招特會 B.雜志簽售會 C.新品首發會

[ ]14.Interne celebrity economy A. 網紅經濟 B.互聯網經濟 C.線上奢侈品經濟 [ ]15.Martial Arts A.太極劍 B.武林秘笈 C.武術

[ ]16.Three-Character Scripture A.三字令 B.三字經 C.三綱

[ ]17.simultancousinterprctation A.交替傳譯 B.同聲傳譯 C.隨同口譯

[ ]18.liberalarts A.自由藝術 B.藝術解放 C.文科

[ ]19.selfericeticketing A.無人售票 B.自助售票 C.網上訂票

[ ]20.livevidcostreaming A.網絡直播

B.現場直播 C賽事直播

III.Each ofthefoltowing Chinese sentences isfollowedbythreeEnglis versions marked A,B

and C separately,ti h offthe bes choice andfill in the blanks.(40%)

[ ]21.超過72%の受訪學生對求職感到擔憂。

A. A number of students who were woried abou finding a job arc more than 72 0

B.Over72percentofstudentsinterviewedwerewoedabo findingajob C Over72percentofstudentswhowerewrrdboutfindingajowereineiewd [ ]22.他成煙五年了。

A.It is five years since he smoked.

B.It is five years since he has been smoking C.He stopped smoking for five years. [ ]23.你們打算什麼時候要小孩呢?

A.When do you hope to foster a baby ? B.When do you hope to start a family? C.When do you hope to adopt a child?

[ ]24.“D世代”指の是伴隨著數字裝備和數字文化成長起來の一代。 A.GenerationDreferstothegenerationthatwerebowidiitaevicesnddigita culture

B.Generation D refers to the generation that have grown up with digital devices and digital culture.

C.Generation D refers 1o the generation that has grown 印 w with digital devices and digital culture. [ ]25.


A. Media report about rising unemployment rate have touched students nerves

B. Media reports abou rising unemployment rate have suffered students pains.

c. Students'aches resulted from the media reports about rising unemployment rats. [ ]26.你把我們道到了絕境。

A You've driven us to the death. B. You've backed us into a corner.

C. You've pushed us to the edge of a corner. [ ]27.我經常從網上下載閱讀資料。

A.I often download reading materials from the Internet. B.I often download reading materials on the Internet

C.Ioften download digital materials about reading from the we


[ ]28.我不幹了! A I quit!

B.I don't want it!

C.I don't want to keep it going! [ ]29.據說上海有千六百萬人口。

A.It is said that Shanghai has its people of sixteen million.

B.Shanghai is said to have sixteen million people.

C.Shanghai is said to have sixteen million population. [ ]30.家長將孩子の生活安排得過滿、極力要求孩子在學業上取得佳績。 A.Parents arrange all for their children's lives and demand much for their academic success.

B.Parents arrange too much both for theit children's lives and their academic success.

C.Parents overschedule theirchildren's lives and push them hard for academic uccess.

[ ]31.當你使用完畢之後,該車輛可在市內任意停放。

A.Thecarcan be left anywhere in the city once you're done using it

B.The car can be parked randomly in the city after you drive it.

C. You are firee to park :the car casually in the city after you use it.

[ ]32.超過8成の大學生表示自己有創業意願。

A. More than 0.8 percent college student said they are willing to start a project.

B. More than 20% college students said they are willing t0 start business. C.

More than 80% college students said they are willing to start businesses.

[ ]33.共有38所中國大學進入世界前500名。

A. There are total 38 Chinese wniversities to enter the Worid's Top 500.

B.Thiry-eight Chinese universities are within World Top 500.

C. Thirty-eight Chinese universities join in the World's Top 500.

[ ]34.今年前5 個月,全國出生人口中二孩占比過半。

A. More than halfofthe births in China during the first five months of the yea involved second child.

B. During the first five months of the year, more than half of the second children were born in China.

C. Up to 50% ofthe second children were bom in China durin