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发布时间 : 星期四 文章北京理工大学博士研究生入学考试英语试题附答案和详解更新完毕开始阅读


Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: In this part there are four passages for you to read. After each passage there are five questions, below each of whom there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter with a pencil on the MA CHINE-SCORING ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Passage One

I was introduced to the concept of literacy animator in Oladumi Arigbede's (1994) article on high illiteracy rates among women and school dropout rates among girls. According to Arigbede, literacy animators view their role as assisting in the self-liberating development of people in the world who are struggling for a more meaningful life. Animators are a family of deeply concerned and committed people whose gut-level rejection of mass human pauperization compels them to intervene on the side of the marginalized. Their motivation is not derived from a love of literacy as merely another technical life skill, and they accept that literacy is never culturally or ideologically neutral.

Arigbede writes from her experiences as an animator working with women and men in Nigeria. She believes that literacy animators have to make a clear choice about whose culture and whose ideology will be fostered among those with whom they work. Do literacy educators in the United States consider whether the instruction they pursue conflicts with their students' traditional cultures or community, or fosters illiteracies in learners' first or home languages or dialects and in their orality?

Some approaches to literacy instruction represent an ideology of individualism, control, and competition. Consider, for example, the difference in values conveyed and re presented when students engage in choral reading versus the practice of having one student read out loud to the group. To identify as a literacy animator is to choose the ideology of “sharing, solidarity, love, equity, co-operation with and respect of both nature and other human beings.” Literacy pedagogy that matches the animator ideology works on maintaining the languages and cultures of millions of minority children who at present are being forced to accept the language and culture of the dominant group. It might lead to assessment that examines the performance outcomes of a

community of literacy learners and the social significance of their uses of literacy, as opposed to measuring what an individual can do as a reader and writer on a standardized test. Shor (1993) describes literacy animators as problem-posing, community-based, dialogic educators. Do our teacher-education text books on reading and language arts promote the idea that teachers should explore problems from a community-based dialogic perspective?

1.A literacy animator is one who ______. A.struggles for a more meaningful life B.frees people from poverty and illiteracy C.is committed to marginalize the illiterate D.is concerned with what is behind illiteracy

2.The author suggests that literacy educators in the US in a way ______. A.promote students' home languages B.force students to accept their culture C.teach nothing but reading and writing D.consider literacy as of non-neutral nature

3.Arigbede worked with Nigerians probably to ______. A.teach American customs and ideology B.make a choice of culture to be fostered C.reject the values of the dominant class D.help maintain Nigerian language and culture

4.According to the author, “choral reading” may represent ______. A.individualism B.collectivism C.competition D.immersion

5.Animator ideology emphasizes more on ______. A.the social function of literacy B.students' performance in tests C.the dominant group’s language D.the attainment of life skills

Passage Two

According to one survey of 12,000 people, about 30 percent of those making New Year's

resolutions say they don't even keep them into February. And only about 1 in 5actually stays on track for six months or more, reports ediets. com, a consumer diet and fitness Web site.

But don't let those odds make you reach for the nearest bag of potato chips. Experts say you can keep those resolutions long term, even if you're struggling now.

“The motivation comes from within, and so when you find that you're declining in your healthy eating program, and then just ask yourself, ‘Is this going to get me the results that I want?',” says Leslie Stewart, a registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist.

“And if you're doing something every day to eat healthy, then that's going to pay off in the long run.”

Stewart advises to use what she calls the 90-10 eating rule.

“If you're eating healthy 90 percent of the time, then 10 percent of the time, you can cut yourself some slack and eat pleasurably.”

She says she believes that “healthy eating is evolution instead of resolution.” The same principle can be applied to a lagging exercise resolution, too.

Staying motivated is key to long-term success, and reviewing original goals can help strengthen a weakening workout program.

Adding variety to a fitness regime also can prevent you from hanging up those exercise shoes. After a few weeks of well-intentioned workouts, boredom may be creeping you're your routine.

Setting goals too high is another common mistake. “If you're not running a marathon at the end of the month, don't worry,” say Mayo Clinic experts. A too intense workout—and the resulting pain and stiffness—is discouraging and may force most to abandon a pro gram. Starting slowly is key.

But if your goals already have fallen by the wayside, Uria says to start up again immediately.

“A little setback is OK; get back on the horse and ride...drive toward that goal,” he says. 6.According to the author, only about 20% people keeping their resolutions does not necessarily mean that ______.

A.the figure is rather depressing and unexpected as well

B.those who have made their resolution should give up their effort C.whoever keep their resolutions should start eating potato chips

D.long-term resolutions are not important for those facing troubles 7.What is the idea behind the 90-10 eating rule according to the passage? A.You should keep eating healthy 90% of the time. B.You should feel free to eat 10% of the time. C.You should learn to eat healthy gradually.

D.Sudden change will be more efficient and effective.

8.Which of the following you should avoid to keep yourself interested in exercise? A.Hanging up your exercise shoes if you feel tired. B.Keeping boredom away from your daily activity. C.Making a schedule with too high goals in it. D.Running a marathon at the beginning of the month.

9.How many suggestions at least have been introduced concerning the exercise resolution? A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven. 10.What is critically important in making long-term resolutions successful? A.You should be struggling with yourself all the time. B.You should constantly evaluate the results you want. C.You should try to keep yourself motivated.

D.You should try your best to diversify your fitness practice.

Passage Three

Our present generation of cultural critics, arriving after the assault of postmodernism and the increasingly widespread commercialization of culture, has been cast adrift, with out any firm basis for judgments. Publications and institutions to support serious criticism, in this view, either no longer exist or are few in number.

Critics today, it is also claimed, are too cozy behind the ivied walls of academe, con tent to employ a prose style that is decipherable only to a handful of the cognoscenti. The deadly dive of university critics into the shallow depths of popular culture, moreover, reveals the unwillingness of these critics to uphold standards. Even if the reasons offered are contradictory, these Jeremiahs huddle around their sad conclusion that serious cultural criticism has fallen into a morass of petty bickering and bloated reputations.

Such narratives of declension, a staple of American intellectual life since the time of the