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2. (1) thrown out (2) and so on (3) for dear life

(4) dedicate himself to (5) was tired of (6) turn away

(7) hang on (8) for the sake of

(II) Increasing Your Word Power 1.

Back-formation Original word Back-formation Original word

automate automation housekeep housekeeper

babysit babysitter mass-produce mass-production

book-keep book-keeping self-destruct self-destruction

dry-clean dry-cleaning window-shop window-shopping edit editor wordprocess wordprocessor

2. (1) reached / secured

(2) achieved / attained (3) attained / reached (4) reach / secure (5) achieved / realized / fulfilled (6) fulfill / meet / satisy

3. (2) competitive (3) same (4) momentary (5) specific

(6) sufficient (7) cruel (8) humble (9) famous (10) reasonable Grammar Review 1

(1) (real) subject

(2) object to the verb “make”

(3) predicate

(4) attribute modifying “opportunity”

(5) object complement

(6) adverbial of purpose

(7) adverbial of result

(8) predicative

(9) attribute modifying “person”

(10) independent element 2

(1) To become a famous writer

(2) to take traveler’s checks

(3) to employ a young engineer

(4) take the machine apart

(5) To understand the situation completely

(6) to rise higher in position

(7) to find that the train had left 10 minutes before

(8) to apply for a known job opening

(9) to make trouble

(10) To be more exact

(III) Cloze

(1) chase (2) reputation (3) dedicate (4) reward (5) sufficiently

(6) measured (7) assure (8) Momentary (9) celebrity

(10) target (11) frank (12) liberty (13) illusory (14) regard

(IV) Translation

1. Sentence translation

(1) He attempted to save the enterprise which was on the venge of collapse but failed.

(2) The president has announced that he will not seek re-election at the end of his first term.

(3) The young teacher is skilled at motivating his students to study hard.

(4) She loves giving parties and does os whenever she can find an excuse.

(5) I’m afraid that you’ll have to compete with at least fifty people for an administrative post in this company.

(6) To be frank, I don’t think you stand a good chance of getting promoted even if you are loyal to the company.

(7) It was obvious that his speech aroused the sympathy of the audience for the victims of the earthquake.

(8) Though he has repeatedly assured me of his ability to promote our company’s products, I’ll give him another interview before hiring him.

(9) The company’s investment ended in failure due to the wrong strategic decisions of the general manager and so the board of directors decided to throw him out.

(10) I know you are tired but try to hang on a little bit longer. We will reach the peak in half an hour.

2. Paragraph translation

Many people want to be famous because fame can bring them both honor and respect form the public. In most cases, fame can also help them gain wealth. But, after all, very few people can really become famous while most people, including most artists, are unlikely to become famous.

It is true that some failure for some people at certain times in their lives does motivate them to strive even harder so as to achieve final success. For example, Thomas Edison, the famous American inventor, had tried hundreds of materials before he finally found the suitalbe fuse for the electric bulb. However, unfortunately, for most people failure is the end of their struggle.

Therefore, in my opinion, success is one thing and fame is another. As long as you have tried your best, you’re already successful whether you are famous or not.


Working with words and expressions 1. 2. cloze
