2019-2020年牛津译林版九年级上英语阅读理解加强训练(三)(含答案) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019-2020年牛津译林版九年级上英语阅读理解加强训练(三)(含答案) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读


1. C。 从第三段第一句 But Shangri-La is not in Xinjiang – rather, it is believed to be in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces. 可以得知人们相信香格里拉在云南和四川省,也就是中国的西南部。 故答案为C。 2.B。从文章第二段第一句 Shangri-La was first mentioned in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon. The book, written by British author James Hilton 得知希尔顿被提及的原因是香格里拉第一次被提及是在他的小说《消失的地平线》里。故答案为B。

3. D。从文章第四段第三句 In fact, I first heard of it in a video game called Far Cry 4.可以得知作者第一次知道香格里拉是在游戏视频里。故答案为D。

4. D。 从全文得知这篇文章的主要目的是告诉读者一些有关香格里拉的事实。故答案为D。

Day Four 阅读难度★★★

Awards for weird science

How do wombats (树袋熊) make their poop (便便) into cubes (立方体)? How much saliva (口水) does a 5-year-old child produce? Do people feel happier when they hold a pen in their mouths? These

questions sound a little strange. But some researchers took them seriously. They won the 2019 Ig Nobel Prizes on Sept 13.

The Ig Nobel Prizes, which were first awarded in 1991, are given to 10 unusual achievements each year. They were created in order to “honor (表彰) achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them

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think”. The awards show the public that there are no boundaries (界限) in scientific research.

Here are a few of this year’s winning funny science discoveries.


Holding a pen in your mouth

Do you often hold a pen in your mouth? When you do this, do you feel happier? Germany researcher Fritz Strack has studied this for years. In 1988, he found out that holding a pen in one’s mouth makes one happier. When people do this, the pen forces them to smile, which makes them appear happier.

However, in 2017, Strack overturned (推翻) his own work. After doing the same experiment as before, he couldn’t get the same results. He now thinks that holding a pen in your mouth won’t necessarily (必然地) make you happier.

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Chemistry A 5-year-old’s saliva

Kids produce a lot of saliva. But just how much? Japanese researcher Shigeru Watanabe wanted to know the answer. He did a study of 30 5-year-old kids, including his three sons. He did the study on 5-year-olds because they could follow the instructions (指令) more easily than younger kids.

His findings are surprising! A 5-year-old child can produce about 500 ml of saliva each day. That’s about as much as a bottle of water. In general, saliva is good for our health. It helps us digest (消化) food and keeps our mouths moist (湿润的).


Wombats’ cube-shaped poop

Did you know that wombats make cube-shaped poop? US researchers Patricia Yang, David Hu and their coworkers wondered about this. They figured out how the animals do it after studying the organs (器官) of several dead wombats. It has to do with their intestines (小肠). Their intestines are highly elastic (有弹性的), which allows them to make cube-shaped poop. Perhaps this finding can help people find new ways to make cube-shaped products. Fill in the blanks: Funny science discoveries 1.________: Physics

* Wombats can make cube-shaped poop because their intestines are

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highly 2.________.

* The finding might help us find new ways to make 3.________ products. Japan: 4.________

* By studying 30 5-year-old kids, Shigeru Watanabe found that a 5-year-old child can produce about 5.________ of saliva each day.

* Normally, saliva is good for our 6.________ because it helps us digest food and keeps our 7.________ moist. Germany: Psychology

* In 1988, Fritz Strack found that people look 8.________ when they hold a pen in their mouths. That’s because the pen 9.________ them to smile.

* In 2017, he couldn’t 10.________ his point again with the same experiment.

* He now thinks it isn’t necessarily true. 参考答案及解析

1. The US 由副标题“Physics”第二句 US researchers Patricia Yang,可知答案

2. elastic 由副标题“Physics”倒数第二句Their intestines are highly elastic可知答案

3. cube-shaped 由副标题“Physics”最后一句Perhaps this finding can help people find new ways to make cube-shaped products.可知答案 4. Chemistry 由副标题“Chemistry”第一段第三句Japanese researcher Shigeru Watanabe wanted to know the answer.可知答案

5. 500 ml 由副标题“Chemistry”第二段第二句A 5-year-old child can produce about 500 ml of saliva each day. 可知答案

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