2019-2020年牛津译林版九年级上英语阅读理解加强训练(三)(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019-2020年牛津译林版九年级上英语阅读理解加强训练(三)(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读


college courses.

“They work really hard,” said Kim Thompson, their mother. “Both of them were diagnosed (被诊断) with autism (自闭症) when they were babies and they have had to work really hard to prove themselves.” Evan said he didn’t study with his brother. He spent most of his time watching videos on the ACT website and doing practice questions and quizzes. “I tried not to think about how important it was,” Evan said. “I just answered the questions as best I could and then went on my way.” Evan’s perfect score inspired (激励) Quincy. He also watched many videos on the ACT website to prepare for the test. Choose the answer:

( ) 1. What do we know about the twins? A. They are in the same grade. B. They both got a 36 on the ACT.

C. They were very smart when they were younger. D. They will go to the same college. ( ) 2. Which four areas does the ACT cover? A. English, math, chemistry and physics. B. Reading, English, social science and math. C. Math, English, reading and physics. D. Reading, English, math and science. ( ) 3. How did the twins prepare for the test? A. They took first-year college courses. B. They helped each other study.

C. They watched videos on the ACT website. D. They got lots of sleep before the test.

( ) 4. According to the story, how did Evan feel while taking the test? A. relaxed B. excited C. nervous D. worried

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1. B。从文中第二段最后一句 They both earned a score of 36, the highest score possible on the test. 可以得知这两人在ACT考试中都拿到了36分。故答案选B。

2. D。 由文章第四段第一句 The ACT includes tests in English, math, reading and science, 可以得知ACT考试包含英语、数学、阅读和科学。故答案为D。

3. C。从文章倒数第二段第一二句 Evan said he didn’t study with his brother. He spent most of his time watching videos on the ACT website and doing practice questions and quizzes. 和最后一段 Evan’s perfect score inspired Quincy. He also watched many videos on the ACT website to prepare for the test. 可以得知兄弟两人都是通过在ACT网站上观看视频来准备ACT考试的。故答案为C。

4. A。从文章倒数第二段最后 “I tried not to think about how important it was,” Evan said. “I just answered the questions as best I could and then went on my way.” 可以得知Evan考试时不去想它的重要性,而是尽自己所能回答问题,所以考试时他应当是放松的状态。故答案为A。

Day Three 阅读难度★★

Does the mystical Shangri-La really exist?

Have you ever heard of a place called Shangri-La? It has been described as an earthly paradise (人间天堂) – a place where people have

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learned the secret to inner (内心的) peace and everlasting (永恒的) life. But is it real? In a way, yes – and it happens to be right here in China.

Shangri-La was first mentioned in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon (《消失的地平线》). The book, written by British author James Hilton, tells the tale of a diplomat (外交家) who ends up in Shangri-La after a plane accident in Xinjiang’s Kunlun Mountains.

But Shangri-La is not in Xinjiang – rather, it is believed to be in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces. Although it has not been strictly proven, many people believe Hilton based his description of Shangri-La on writings by Joseph Rock. Rock was a botanist (植物学家) who explored these provinces in the 1920s and 1930s. What he saw in China very closely matches Hilton’s description of Shangri-La.

I first heard of Shangri-La in a video game called Far Cry 4. In this game, your character sometimes travels to Shangri-La to fight against demons (恶魔). In the game, the land is a beautiful place with rare animals and brave people. I think that the game’s creators were likely inspired (受启发) by both Lost Horizon and Rock’s writings.

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I have not been to Yunnan or Sichuan myself, but I’ve been told that the rural areas in these provinces are quite beautiful. I hope to travel there myself someday and see the beauty of “Shangri-La” with my own eyes. Choose the answer:

( ) 1. Where is Shangri-La believed to be? A. Northwest China. B. Northeast China. C. Southwest China. D. Southeast China.

( ) 2. James Hilton was mentioned because ____. A. his book was well-written

B. Shangri-La first appeared in his book C. he went to Shangri-La in the 1930s D. he proved that Shangri-La is a real city ( ) 3. How did the author hear about Shangri-La? A. By reading Lost Horizon. B. By traveling there himself. C. Through a movie. D. Through a video game.

( ) 4. What is the main purpose of the story? A. To introduce a game about Shangri-La. B. To describe what life is like in Shangri-La. C. To tell readers which province Shangri-La is in. D. To provide readers with some facts about Shangri-La. 参考答案及解析

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