至高等学校英语应用能力考试A级B级真题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章至高等学校英语应用能力考试A级B级真题及答案更新完毕开始阅读

should mark the corresponding letter in order of the numbered blanks. 53 through 57 on the Answer Sheet.

A ------- Our Business B ------- Our Customers C ------- Customer Training D -------- About Us

E -------- Career Development F -------- Select Region

G -------- Contract Information H -------- Site Map

I -------- Privacy Statement J -------- Terms of Use

K -------- Company History L -------- Campus Recruiting M -------- Career Guide N --------News Conference O -------- Social Media P -------- Personal Investing Q-------- Financial Reporting

Examples (L ) 校园招聘 (N) 新闻发布 53. ( )客户培训 ( )公司历史 54. ( )职业指导 ( )使用条款 55. ( )选择地区 ( )财务报告 56. ( )联系信息 ( )社交媒体 57. ( )职业发展 ( )网站地图 Task 5

Directions: Read the following letter. After reading it, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No. 58 to No. 62). You should write your answers(in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Dear Employees:

Please join me in welcoming Jim Johnson as our newest team member. Jim has become the General Manager since March 4. He will be in charge of a new project that can take our business to the national level.

Jim used to be the Vice President in ABC Company for the years. In that position, he looked for opportunities for improvement, made suggestions and helped make decisions.

There will be a staff lunch in the meeting room at 12:30 on March 6. Please come and introduce yourselves. Pizza and soft drinks will be provided. If you can’t attend, stop by Jim’s office any time next week. He will be in the new office on the second floor. Thank you. Best Regards, John Davis CEO

58. Who has joined the Company?

___________________________________. 59. What was his position in ABC Company?


60. What will the staff members do at the lunch party?

They will meet the new General Manager and________________________ themselves. 61. If one can’t come to the lunch party, what might they do?

They might visit the General Manager at his office any time _______________. 62. Where is Jim Johnson’s new office?

It’s on ____________________________.

Part Ⅳ Translation (25 minutes)

Directions: This part, numbered 63 to 67, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No.63 to No.66) is followed by three choices of suggested translation marked A, B, and C. Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. And then write your translation of the paragraph (No.67) in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 63. The VIP customers can take advantage of discounted room rates on a “first-come, first-served” basis.

A. 贵宾可以根据“先来先得”的原则,享受折扣房价的优惠。 B. 本酒店按照“先来后到”的顺序,安排贵宾入住并确定房价。 C. 根据“先来后到”的原则,先来的客人可选择房价折扣率

64. As the world’s largest retailer, Walmart naturally wants to provide its consumers with a wide range of products.

A. 作为全球最大的超市,沃尔玛当然会向消费者提供不同的产品。

B. 作为作为全球最大的零售商,沃尔玛自然要为它的消费者提供众多产品。 C. 作为一家全球最大的跨国公司,沃尔玛在全球范围内销售大量商品。

65. Cars.com offers easy-to-understand information to help you decide what car to buy and how much to pay.

A. Cars.com提供的信息容易理解,能帮你决定该买什么车和花多少钱。 B. Cars.com列出的信息都很容易获取,并且告诉你要花多少钱买汽车。 C. Cars.com销售的汽车都很容易驾驶,而且允许购车者办理分期付款。

66. According to a recent survey, there is demand for medical assistants in different areas of medicine.

A. 各地区统计报告表明,许多地方的医院都急需补充医疗设备。 B. 调查清楚表明,在许多不同的医药领域,都需要医药助理。 C. 根据最近的一项调查,不同的医学领域对医辅人员都有需求。

67. As an international company, ABC Company has been in business for over 50 years. Finding a job within the company can lead you to new heights in your career, as there is room to be promoted to higher positions. These jobs can be the perfect fit for you if you are looking for a job within a growing company.

PartⅤ Writing (25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete a MEMO according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on

the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

说明:根据所给信息完成以下备忘录。 送达:全体员工 发自:经理



内容:公司去年取得很大业绩,每位员工下月将收到奖金$500, 与下月工资一起发放。希望大家继续努力工作,为公司的发展做出新的贡献。祝愿公司明年取得更大的成绩。 签名:Joan Blackburn Words for reference: 奖金: bonus

业绩: achievement 做贡献: make contributions MEMO Date: _____________ From: ______________ To: _____________ Re: ______________ Message: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________




Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension Section A 1.【答案】C

【解析】本题询问“一切最近怎么样?” A. 你迟到了。B. 愿效劳。C. 很好,谢谢。D. 请继续。只有C符合。 2.【答案】A

【解析】询问对方姓名,选项只有A是正确答案,其他都答非所问。 3.【答案】B

【解析】本题考查对一般疑问句的回答。一般疑问句用yes或no来回答,因此B. Yes, of course正确,符合题意。A. 请递给我。C.这边请。D. 别担心。 4.【答案】A

【解析】 “先生,请您在这儿签名。”A. 可以。B. 不客气。C. 我很好。D. 没关系。综上,正确答案为A。 5.【答案】D

【解析】询问是否经常出差。属于一般疑问句,yes-no回答。A. 给你。B. 感谢来访。C.太晚了。D.是的,每月一次。 6.【答案】C 【解析】put through to是打电话用语,表示“接通某人”。A. 没关系。B. 小心脚下。C. 当然可以。D. 不用提。原句询问是否可以接通经理办公室。根据句意,只有C合适。 7.【答案】D 【解析】“我们下周安排个时间开会怎么样?”A. 好久不见。B. 在这儿。C. 要咖啡。D. 没问题。原句是征询对方意见,只有D选项意思合适,其他不适合。 Section B. 8.【答案】A

【解析】询问Tom迟到的原因。The man回答说 “He missed the bus.”因此答案是A。 9.【答案】A

【解析】从男士的回答By credit card可直接选出答案A。 10.【答案】D

【解析】impress“使……印象深刻”。女士的第一句话“....impressed by your work experience.”表明正是“work experience”impresses the woman deeply. 11.【答案】C 【解析】询问从这个对话中我们可以了解关于Linda的什么情况。男士回答She retired last week与选项C不谋而合。A. 她不喜欢她的工作。B. 她换工作了。C. 她退休了。D. 她辞职了。


【解析】男士回答from our website正是答案询问的内容。A. 从广告上。C. 从简报上。D.从销售人员。 13.【答案】A

【解析】询问对话发生的地点。其中的一些关键词如doctor, patient表明对话发生的场所在hospital. B. 饭店。C.宾馆。D. 超市。 14.【答案】C

【解析】询问他们什么时间可以开会。对话中提到两个时间:today和tomorrow. “today”为干扰词,要注意甄别,捕捉关联信息。“Let’s have it tomorrow.”表明答案为C。 Section C

Conversation 1 15.【答案】C

【解析】询问这位男士想做什么。从他的第二句回答“I would like to see a doctor.”可判断出答案为C。A. 见朋友。B看病人。D.找牙医。 16.【答案】A

【解析】询问这位男士有什么问题。同样从他的回答“I’ve caught a bad cold”可知他患有重感冒。所以答案是A。其他选项意思分别为B. 他腿断了。C. 他头痛。D. 他发烧。 Conversation 2