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发布时间 : 星期日 文章2019年黑龙江省绥化市中考英语试卷和答案更新完毕开始阅读


53.【分析】本文是一篇阅读判断题,主要介绍了一个老人家因为辣椒便宜买来吃,即使很辣也继续吃的故事,通过故事告诉我们对于一些已经失去的没用的东西,需要顺其自然,适当放弃. 【解答】(1)F.细节理解题,根据原文Two rupees in India is almost nothing,so the old man bought a kilogram and started eating them.两卢比在印度几乎不需要什么钱,因此老人买了一公斤且开始吃了起来,可知他是因为价格便宜而买的,题目中的说法错误.故得此答案.

(2)T.细节理解题,根据原文Two rupees in India is almost nothing,两卢比在印度几乎不需要什么钱,题目中说法一致,是正确的.故得此答案.

(3)F.细节理解题,根据原文The old man said,\,so I must eat them.\,这个老人说,我付了钱,所以我必须吃了他们.可知不是因为他很饿的原因而一直吃,所以题目中说法错误.故得此答案.

(4)T.细节理解题,根据原文In our life,all of us have put money,time and effort into something﹣maybe a relationship or a job﹣and sometimes,even if we know there's no hope that things will get better,we still continue with it.,在我们生活中,我们所有人都付出了钱,时间和努力到一些事情中,或许是一段关系或者一个工作,且有时候,即使我们知道事情不会变得更好没有希望,我们仍然继



(5)T.推理判断题,根据原文if you've lost a lot for something that doesn't work,let it go and move on.It's better than continuing losing,如果你已经失去了一些东西且那些都于事无补,顺其自然继续生活.这总比继续失去会更好.可知文章故事告诉了我们,有时候要明智地放弃些东西.题目中说法是正确的.故得此答案. 54.【分析】本文是一篇阅读表达,主要介绍了中国孩子周末比上学时间更忙要忙于各种课后补习班的现实,且提出了医生对课后补习班的看法.

【解答】(1)exam.考查英文释义,根据题目,a test at school or college to see how much you know about a subject在学校或者大学的一个测试,是为了检测你对于一门学科学得如何.即考试,exam.故答案为exam..

(2)Yes,I do.考查主观实际题,结合自身情况,周末有上过课后补习班,即回答Yes,I do.故答案为Yes,I do.

(3)listen to music and play badminton.考查主观实际题,结合自身情况,在压力下我经常听歌和打羽毛球.故答案为listen to music and play badminton..


【解答】(1)Chinese people考查细节理解,根据原文Chinese people


talk about subjects such as ages and income(收入),which Americans think is not polite.中国人谈论的话题如年龄和收入,美国人是认为这是不礼貌的,故答案为Chinese people. (2)Yes,they do..考查细节理解,根据原文Unlike the Chinese,few elder Americans live with their children.不像中国人,很少年长的美国人和他们的孩子一起居住.说明中国人很多年长的人会和他们的孩子一起居住.故答案为Yes,they do.

(3)No,they don't.考查细节理解,根据原文Chinese people have different understanding of\.In China,\a lifelong relationship between friends who think it's their duty to give each other any help,中国人对朋友有不同的理解.在中国,友谊意味着一辈子的关系,他们会认为是他们的责任区帮助彼此.Americans always call people they meet friends 美国人总是称别人为朋友.故答案为No,they don't..

(4)Education and jobs 考查细节理解,根据原文Chinese people value education and jobs more than Americans do,who pay more attention to good nature instead,中国人比美国人更重视教育和工作,他们更多关注与好的本质.可知答案填入 Education and jobs.故答案为 Education and jobs.

(5)Some cultural differences between China and the US.考查主旨大意,根据原文Let's share some cultural differences between China and the US to help understand each other,让我们来分享一


下中美之间的文化差异来帮助更好地了解彼此吧.故答案为Some cultural differences between China and the US.

第三部分 写作(共计10分)七、写作 请仔细观察下面的图片,并根据所给提示和要求写一篇80词左右的短文. 56.【分析】高分句型一

They also bring food and fruit to them.他们还给他们带来了食物和水果. bring sth to sb 给某人带来某物 高分句型二

For example,we can protect environment and save water,obey traffic laws and so on.

例如,我们能保护环境,节约用水,遵守交通规则等. For example 例如,表示举例子;so on 等等

【解答】Daniel and Danny are good friends.They are middle school students in the same class.

They always visit sick children in the hospital at weekends.They also bring food and fruit to them.(高分句型一) Sometimes,they help them to do homework.

They also visit old people's home and help old people clean the house and wash the dishes.(具体事实).I think they are generous and helpful.(写出感受) As a student,there are many things that we can do to make us excellent students.For example,we can protect environment and save water,obey traffic laws and so
