上海中级口译口试部分历年真题集锦(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章上海中级口译口试部分历年真题集锦(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

3. One alternative is to apply for government jobs or to set up your own business. Are you planning to become a civil servant or self-employed? Why or why not? 口译题 Part A Passage 1

Mr. Mayor, let me thank you for the opportunity to share some thoughts about how to ensure Shanghai’s position as a world center of innovation in the near future.// We have already recognized the importance of innovation to Shanghai’s economic growth and prosperity. You have articulated a strategy that places technological innovation capacity at the top of the agenda.//

Innovation is the lifeblood of a country and business—there is no future without it. We have to think of innovation as more than basic science or new laboratory equipment.//

Innovation is the creation of value through new products or services, technologies and business models. And it requires strong leadership, a long term strategy and people who are committed to innovation.


我们已经意识到创新对于上海经济发展和繁荣的重要意义。您已阐明了(上海的)发展战略,那就是将技术创新能力(的提升)置于一切工作之首。 创新是国家的生命线,也是企业的生命线。没有创新就没有未来。创新不仅仅是基础科学研究的投入,也不仅仅是新实验设备的购置。

创新是通过新产品、新服务、新技术和新商业模式的开发而创造的价值。创新需要坚强有力的领导、长期的战略和致力创新的人才。 Passage 2

Dear Chinese friends, tonight, we come to the end of 16 glorious days which we will

cherish forever. Thank you to the people of China, and to all the wonderful volunteers to Beijing Organization Committee of the Olympic Games!//

Through these Games, the world learned more about China, and China learned more about the world. Athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees came to these dazzling venues and awed us with their talent.//

New starts were born. Stars from past Games amazed us again. We shared their joys and their tears, and we marveled at their ability. We will long remember the achievements we witnessed here.//

The athletes tonight have shown us the unifying power of sport. The Olympic spirit lives in the warm embrace of competitors from nations in conflict. Keep that spirit alive when you return home.



新的奥运明星诞生了,往日的奥运明星又一次带来惊喜,我们分享他们的欢笑和泪水,我们钦佩他们的才能,我们将长久铭记在此见证的光辉成就。 今晚在场的运动员为我们充分地展示了体育的凝聚力。奥林匹克精神(的光辉)在来自冲突国家竞技对手的热情怀抱中闪耀。(希望)你们回国后让这种奥林匹克精神生生不息/时代永存。 Part B Passage 1






China is the largest developing country, and Africa is home to the largest number of developing countries. Our combined population accounts for over a third of the world total.//

Without peace and development in China and Africa, there will be no global peace and development. In this new era, China and Africa share increasing common interests and have a growing mutual need.//

The forging of a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership is determined by the dynamics of/need for China-Africa cooperation, and it represents our wish to promote global peace and development.//

Building strong ties between China and Africa/Future development of the Sino-African relationship will not only be beneficial to the progress and development of each side, but also help cement/promote unity and cooperation among developing countries. Passage 2





Dear friend, today I am very glad to be here, on behalf of the Chinese government, to address the conference on some of the practice/what we have done in China in the protection of children and related international cooperation.//

To promote international cooperation in the protection of children, the Chinese Government has taken an active part in international cooperation and exchanges on the one hand and effectively promoted children’s survival, protection and development on the other (hand).//

For (many) years, China has achieved great success through cooperation and exchanges with the UN Children’s Fund, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in its work to protect children.//

The Chinese Government will continue to/further give priority to children’s education in the promotion of education as a whole to ensure a fast development of children’s education in China, and bring it closer to the standard of the developed countries. (200809) 口语题

Topic: Our students should have a better command of Chinese Questions for Reference:

1. Have you noticed that some college students’ Chinese proficiency is not as good as required? Why is it so?

2. What are some of the factors that may lead to the poor command of Chinese by our college students?

3. What measures should be taken to help university students further improve their Chinese?