2017年上海市宝山区中考英语二模试卷(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2017年上海市宝山区中考英语二模试卷(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

he asked,“Do you really need to be interviewed?”Denson’s heart sank.“With the way I look now, how could I possibly pass this interview?”he thought to himself. Then the interviewer turned the chair and to Denson’s surprise, it was the old man he helped earlier in the morning. It turned out he was the General Manager of the company.“Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as a member of the company before you even stepped into the office. I just know you’d be a trustworthy(值得信赖的)worker. Congratulations!”Denson sat down and they shared a cup of coffee as he landed himself a new job. 69. Why did Denson apply for a new job? _____________ A. He was out of work.

B. He was bored with his job. D. He hoped to find a better boss.

C. He wanted a higher position.

70. What did Denson see on the way to the interview? ________ A. A friend’s car had a flat tyre.

B. A wild man was pushing a car. D. An old man’s car broke down.

C. A terrible car accident happened. 71. The elderly man _______.

A. paid Denson some money for the repair work B. gave Denson a free ride for the repair work C. offered Denson some advice on his interview D. asked Denson to drive his car to the office

72. How did Denson feel on hearing the interviewer’s question? ____________

A. He was sorry for the other applicants. B. There was no hope for him to get the job. C. He regretted helping the old man. D. The interviewer was very rude. 73. Which of the following is right? ________ A. Denson was too shy to apply for a job.

B. Denson repaired the car for the elderly man in order to get the job. C. Denson applied for a new job so that he could get a good pay. D. Denson is such a warm-hearted man that he could get a good pay. 74. What can we learn from Denson’s experience?_____

A. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. B. A friend in need is a friend indeed. C. Good is rewarded with good.

D. Two heads are better than one.

B. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)(12分)

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Most people have work to do. With work, they can earn their living. They are busy with their work all day long. Workaholism(迷恋工作)is now very common in our society. Some people no longer do their work in order to live, but they live in order to work.

Company staff in big cities, for example, frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. From time to time, huge amounts of work is waiting for them to complete. Workaholism can be a serious problem, Because true workaholics(工作狂)would rather work than do anything else, and they ___75___ have no idea of how to relax, that is, they might not enjoy movies, sports, or other types of entertainment. Most of all, they ___76___ to sit and do nothing. When workaholics are not at work they feel ill at ease(局促不安),jumpy and nervous(神经紧张). The lives of workaholics are usually stressful(有压力的),and this tension(紧张)and worry can cause health problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases. ___77___, typical workaholics think about their work while driving, falling asleep or when others are talking. Many workaholics are afraid that if they don’t work hard they will lose their job or be a failure.

Is workaholism always dangerous? Perhaps not. There are certainly people who work efficiently under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in work. They feel work is so pleasurable that they are really happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment are the same things. Their jobs ___78___ them with a challenge and this keeps them busy and creative. Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several ___79___ to

work. Of course, work provides people with paychecks(工资),and this is important. But very often it offers ___80___ financial security(经济保障). It provides people with self-confidence. Workaholics have a feeling of satisfaction when they have produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say“I made it”.

75. A. still 76. A. dream

B. probably B. decide

C. politely C. intend C. Anyway C. provide

D. excitedly D. hate D. Besides D. offer D. ways D. more than

77. A. Therefore B. Hardly 78. A. equip 79. A. means

B. pack

B. advantages C. steps

80. A. no more B. more or less C. less than

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

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The eggplant is a member of the potato family. Eggplant varieties differ in s__81_, shape, color, growth habit and even maturation(成熟)time. This strangely named vegetable used to come in only one color – white. It grows in a manner much like tomatoes, hanging from the vine(藤)of a plant that grows several feet in height. It can be steamed, fried, and baked. It can be eaten by l__82__ or combined with meats and other vegetables, Eggplant was first grown in India in the 5th century BC. Its propularity soon spread to China. Finally, during the Middle Ages the vegetable made its way to Europe. At that time, eggplant was not the shiny purple vegetable most people know today. Instead, it’s

like a white egg. Due to this egg-like appearance, eggplant got its name. In its early days, the vegetable was so bitter(苦的)that people often called it a“mad apple.”This nickname started because people believed its bitterness was bad for one’s health. People a___83___ thought eggplant could cause madness and cancer. In fact eggplant is so healthy that it may prevent cancer. In addition, the brain and the heart benefit from this super vegetable. Since it’s high in fibre(纤维素),eggplant can i___84___ digestion(消化). Italy, Turkey, Egypt, China and Japan are the leading growers of eggplant in the world today. Depending on its location, eggplant may be purple, green, orange or yellow, white. And it can be as s___85___ as a tomato or as large as a cucumber. Dish varieties range from simple to complex, with all of them being delicious.

Today, t___86___ of people gather in Loomis, Calif, for the annual Loomis Eggplant Festival. The main activity at the festival is eating delicious eggplant dishes. There is plenty more to do and see, though. Recipe(食谱)contests, arts and crafts, performers, races and children’s activities all“egg - cite”(excite)festival – goers (参

加节目活动者). Most people at the festival would agree --- eggplant is an“egg-cellent”(excellent)vegetable.

Eggplants are now available in markets t___87___ the year, but they are their best from August to October when they are in season.

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)

There has been a lot of talk about Chinese bicycle-sharing recently. Shared bikes are nowadays becoming the center of attention in our Wechat friend circle. Many of our friends post photos of themselves riding bikes, especially during the weekend in natural parks, and we can see people logging in and out of shared bike apps. But are people really drawn to(被…所吸引)the idea of exercise and green transportation all of a studden?

Some people have tried Mobikes lately, and they didn’t particularly like Mobikes. They think the first generation Mobikes, the ones without baskets, are designed for athletes. They are vary hard to ride, and the seat is not adjustable(可调节的). Then, they tried the yellow Ofo bikes. They are easier to ride than Mobikes, but they

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don’t usually have baskets, and you need to enter the password by hand, instead of scanning a QR code and having the lock open automatically like with Mobikes.

We appreciate that there are shared bikes on the roads. They have saved us a lot of

time during emergency situations, and on beautiful, clear days. We do enjoy riding them outside the city. But from what we’ve seen in our friend circles, people have been giving them endless praises, while we still saw some obvious flaws(缺陷).

In our experience, there has never been a unanimous(一致的)decision on anything in public opinion. It makes us wonder whether these people really like riding shared bikes or are just saying this to agree with others. When we asked them individually, a friend of us, Lisa, secretly told us she tried the bikes to fit in(融入朋友圈). She doesn’t like bikes and finds city’s roads too harsh(拥堵)for bike riding. But the only way to hang out(出去闲逛)with her friends was riding out of town together. To join in social activities, she had to pick up bike riding again. Another young man, Simon admitted that he started talking about and forwarding information(转发信息)on thared bikes to appear cool and fashionable to friends. He started paying attention when Mobikes first launched(推出). These views will give us something new to think about when we ride bikes again.

88. Are shared bikes very popular in our cities nowadays?

89. You don’t have to scan a QR code when using Mobikes, do you?

90. What do you need to do when you want to ride a Ofo bike?

91. Why did Lisa sometimes ride a shared bike?

92. How did Simon show his coolness and fashion to his friends?

93. Why do many people like to ride shared bikes?

Ⅶ. Writing(作文)(共20分)

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