丛林大反攻-中英文台词打印版 联系客服

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丛林大反攻 I think you're still just a mama's bear. 你负责留守,腊肠先生 妈咪要去凉一下 You guard the fort, Mr. Weenie. Mama's gonna take a dip. 太好了,我都快被她醺死了 That's good. Mama's getting kind of gamey. 快点,巴伯 今晚的月亮好圆好亮哦 Come on, Bob. There's gonna be a full moon out tonight. 我活得毫无意义 I've been living a lie! 求求你们带我走 Please, take me with you. 布谷,你不会还在气我 笑你背娃娃的事吧? Hey, Boog. You're not still mad about that backpack thing, are you? -抱歉 -快点,走了 - Sorry. - Come on. Let's go. 布谷 Boog? 好耶 Oh, yeah. -犸莉亚,放手啦 -给偶啦 - Maria, let go. - I'll carry it. 空的啦 It's empty. 女人哦 Ladies. 一、二? 一、二? Heave-ho, heave-ho. 哈哈!好戏上场啰 This is gonna be great. 我们需要更多的鸭子 You. We gonna need more ducks. 爱鹿特,你脸上的是哇塞吗? Elliot, is that chocolate on your face? 不是 No. -宠物 -他会害我们失败 - It's a pet. - He's gonna blow our cover. 安啦,我早就忘光光了 凡事要放开点 Oh, no. I never hold a grudge. I just let them go. 什么声音 What was that? 是攻击信号 It's the signal. 好了,丹尼,赶鸭子上架啰 Okay, Deni. Let's round them up! 好了,姐妹们,屁弹攻势 All right, ladies. Let her rip! -戴防毒罩 -收到 - Gas mask. - Got it! 我的裤子 My pants! 干得好,莱利 好了 Good job, Reilly. All right. 把这些野人赶回村里去 Time to run these guys back to town. 准备好让我骑了吗? Are you ready for this? -这个?有点糗耶 -没错,你说得对 - This is awkward. - Yes. Yes, it is. -让我来 -一切就看你的了 - Can I? - Go for it, Smelliot. 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 冲啊 Charge! 万兽大狂奔,妈妈咪啊 Holy stampede! It's a stampede! 现在秀出你们超酷的表情 All right. Show me your \ 一起来恶整臭猎人吧 Now, let's kick some hunter bahookie! 巴伯,我们被抢了 Bob, we've been robbed! 他们掳走了腊肠先生 And they took Mr. Weenie! 不要退缩,向前冲啊 杀他个片甲不留 Come on, mate! Move them pudgy wee legs! 人生充满了意义 I feel so alive! 上鹿角刺刀 Drop antlers! 祝福我 Bless me. 不要? No! No! 怎样啊,哥儿们 How you doing, partner? 这真是太劲爆了 我们每年都来一次吧 Boog, this is great. Let's do this every year. 不?不要,不要再咬我了 走开 No, no! Get that bill away from me. 发射? Fire! 兄弟们,快逃命啊 Guys, let's get out of here! 警长 Sheriff! Sheriff! 动物抓狂了 那头熊带头造反了 The animals are going wild, and the bear is their leader! 找你的 It's for you. 戈帝,我去带他回来 Gordy, I'm bringing him home. 怕什么,他们不过是畜牲嘛 Come on, men! They're just animals. 爱鹿特,接着 Elliot, catch. 接到了 Got it. 大火攻 Present arms! 耶?! Yeah! 发射 Fire! 天啊 Oh, my God! 快回到车上去 Back to the trucks! 布谷,成功了 Boog, it's working. 全落跑了 Yeah. Look at them run. -祭出爆爆先生 -谁? 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 - Send in Mr. Happy! - Who? 冲? Go, go, go! 投弹 Adieu! 爆爆先生没有爆爆 Mr. Happy didn't go off. 我们只是要赶他们走而已 Hey, whoa. We're just supposed to run them into town. 没错啦,那些人早该落跑了 你说对不对? Well, it's time for them to start running, isn't it? 厄尔,那不是你的新车吗? Hey, Earl, ain't that your truck? 现在不是了 That's a bummer. 对啦?继续跑 That's right. Keep running. 赞啦 Sweet. 自由无价 Freedom! 你好,大笨熊 Hello, Goldilocks. 什么? What? 漂亮啦 Bull's-eye! 快,需要弹药补给 Quick! We need more ammo. 爱鹿特,不要鸡婆了 Elliot! Elliot, stop helping me. -继续补给 -好,看你喜不喜欢被K - Keep it coming. - Okay. Let's see how you like it. 枕头,拜托 A pillow? Oh, come on! 再来? More! More! 够了 All right. 来啊,熊宝贝 Come on, mama's bear. 你可以再狠一点,使出绝招来 You can do better than that. Let's see what you got. 来啊 Come on. 布谷 Boog! 帅,谁叫你惹毛布谷,一杆进? Oh, yeah. Don't mess with the Boogster. Fore! 耶,宝贝箩琳 All right, Lorraine. 亲亲熊宝宝说晚安吧! Let's kiss this bear good night. 不?不要 No! No! Stop! 爱鹿特 Elliot? 哥儿们 Buddy? 爱鹿特 Oh, Elliot. 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 爱鹿特,没事吧? You all right, Elliot? 头有点轻飘飘 I'm a little lightheaded. 威猛大熊,漂亮哦 Hey, Tiny. Nice show. -布谷? -掌声欢迎最威猛的 - Behold, the mighty grizzly. - Boog, Boog, Boog. -海扁他 -不要 - Let's get him! - What? No! -走开,不? -去死吧 - Stay away! No! - Here you go. 万箭穿心 Cannonball! 其实爱鹿特,这个地方满不赖的 You know, Elliot, this place ain't so bad. 等我一下 Hold that thought. Oh, yeah. 看我的佛山无影脚 Karate noises! 不 No. -贝丝 -布谷 - Beth? - Boog? 布谷 Oh, Boog. -他在干嘛? -他没有要海扁她 - What's he doing? - Is he not gonna maul her? 没,她是布谷妈 她会把我们带回家 No. She's his mom. She's taking us home. 全部带走? Every buddy? 我好担心你哦 我要带你回家去 I was so worried. I'm bringing you back with me. 走,我们回家 Come on. Let's go home. 不 Oh, no. 来啊,布谷,回家啰! Come on, Boog. Let's go home. 布谷? Boog? 你已经到家了 You are home. 你让我觉得好骄傲 I'm so proud of you. 怎么样,直升机应该可以 载得下我们两个吧 So how are we both gonna fit in the helicopter? -她还会再回来吧 -谁? - She's coming back, right? - Who? 热裤妞啊 布谷 The shorts lady. Boog? -大个儿 -你好,小不点 - Hey, big guy. - What's up, Tiny? -好极了 -你说过要? - What's up? - You said that we-- -你不爽偶吗? -你们好吗? - You're judging me? - How y'all doing? 嗨,布谷你? - Hey, Boog. - Hi, Boog. 虽然他素只鸭子 可素他很疼偶 I know he's a duck. But he treats me like a lady. 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 -可是她? -兄弟 - But she's-- - Hey, buddy. -帮我找点吃的 -别闹了,她什么时候来接我们? - Hey, find me some food. - Come on. What is our pickup time? 你变第二了啦 Catch you later, Boog. 不准锯我的树,你这个哈伯二齿 Hey! Get off my trees, you bucktoothed sporran! 爱鹿特,我们要留下来 这里是我们的家 Elliot, we're staying here. This is our home. 他们超哈我们的 这里才是我们的地盘 These are our people. This is where we reside. 什么?你秀逗啦 What? Are you insane? 这两天发生的事你都忘了吗? Where have you been for the last two days? 这地方太恐怖了,太可怕了 This place is horrible. Horrible! -哥儿们 -什么事,伊恩 - Hey, guys. - What's up, Ian? 好了,爱鹿特,没那么糟 Come on, Elliot. It ain't that bad. 起码她? 她应该会送一堆哇塞棒过来对吧 She's at least gonna bring some Woo Hoo bars, right? 就剩我们哥儿们了,爱鹿特 It's just the two of us, Elliot. 除非你想回到你的鹿群里 Unless you plan on going back to your herd. 什么,丢下我哥儿们? 好哥儿们第一 What? And break up the team? Bros before does. 对,好哥儿们第一 Yeah. Bros before does. 嗨,爱鹿特 Hello, Elliot. 回家的感觉真好 Feels like home, baby. 布谷 Hey, Boog! -兔子大战 -你肖想哦 - Rabbit fight! - Oh, no, you didn't. 是吗,吃我的兔子 Oh, yeah? Well, eat rabbit. 嘿,哥儿们 Hey, buddy. 巴伯? Bob! Bob! 活生生的野生大人猿标本 A real live homo-sasquatchus. 等等?不? Wait, wait. No. No. No! 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 33