丛林大反攻-中英文台词打印版 联系客服

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丛林大反攻 You said you knew the way back, but you lied. 我?没有 I-- No. 好啦 Okay. 好啦,也许 Okay, maybe-- 我以为只要我们混在一起 你就会喜欢我 I thought if you hung out with me then maybe you would like me. 天啊,亏我这么相信你 Oh, man. I trusted you, Elliot. 对不起,布谷,我? I'm sorry, Boog. 还是好哥儿们,对吗? We're still partners, right? 不必了,我还是自己走吧 You know, Elliot, I'm better off alone. 那我们呢? What about us? -对啊,那我们呢? -别这样嘛? - Yeah. - Yeah, what about us? 我们?什么我们? Us? There's no us. 那是你家的事 至于你,我们完了 You're not my problem. And you? We're done. -可是,布谷,等等 -完了 - But-- Boog, wait. - Done. -不 -谢谢你发照给我,戈帝 - Oh, no. - Thanks for the license, Gordy. 好了,祝你们好运 All right, guys. Good luck. -厄尔,新车啊? -对啊,怎么样,羡慕嫉妒? - Hey, Earl. That a new truck? - Yeah. Check it out. Jealous much? 你还好吧 You okay? 我把他送去瀑布上游 I put him way above the falls. 但愿我这么做是对的 I hope I did the right thing. 你放心,贝丝 布谷待在新家会很快乐的 Don't worry, Beth. I'm sure Boog is happy in his new home. 讨厌的大自然 Stupid nature. 文明世界 Civilization. 有人吗? Hello? 对不起,打扰了 请问有人在吗? Excuse me. Is anybody home? 心爱的蛋糕盆 Oh, sweet porcelain. 观众也为他疯狂 And the crowd goes wild! 这屋子里一定会有冰箱 Now, there's gotta be a fridge in here somewhere. 哇塞 喔,不 Oh, no. 笨鹿、臭鼬、水獭 Deers, skunks, beavers. 25

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丛林大反攻 'Cause every bear That ever there was 快躲起来 I gotta hide. 都会在这里聚在一起 Was gathered there Together because 全被那只笨熊给带坏了 That bear's turned them all. 因为今天是熊宝宝的 Today's the day The teddy bears have 坐一下,宝贝箩琳 舒服的休息吧 Here you go, Lorraine. There, you get good and dry. 野餐日 Their picnic! 一大早我们还要去打击犯罪呢 Come morning, we got a rebellion to crush. 笨熊,你绝对逃不出我的手掌心 Hey, bear! There ain't nowhere that you can hide from me! 然后夺回属于我的一切 And then I'm gonna take back what's mine! 只要我弄到我的? As soon as I get mine: 爱鹿特 Elliot. 带头的开快一点 Blowing their heads off! 有人吃掉了我的糖 Someone's been eating my candy. 打猎最好玩了 Good time. 有人坐过了我的椅子 Somebody's been sitting in my chair. 爱鹿特 Elliot. 有人忘了冲马桶 Somebody forgot to flush! 兄弟没了 No buddy. 他现在还在这里 And he's still here. 爱鹿特,快躲起来 Elliot, you've gotta hide. 来找你的小矮人啊,白雪公主 Come back for your bear, Goldilocks? 猎人来了 The hunters are here. 你完蛋啰,因为我来了 Ready or not, here I come! 他会害死我们的 He's gonna give us away. 如果你今天跑进森林 会碰到个大惊喜 If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big 啊,来啊,谁怕谁 surprise All right! Bring it! Bring it! 如果你今天跑进森林 你最好伪装自己 -布谷 -哥儿们 If you go out in the woods today You better go in - Boog? - Hey, buddy. disguise 你跑回来做什么? 因为森林里每一只熊 What are you doing back here? 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 拜托,没有好哥儿们我回不了家 Come on. I couldn't go home without my partner. -我才没有哥儿们 -爱鹿特 - I don't have a partner. - Elliot. 我不需要鹿群,我也不需要你 I don't need the herd and I don't need you. 不要来烦我 So leave me alone. 这点我可能做不到 Ain't gonna be able to do it. 因为我已经救了你一命 You see, I already saved you once. 我要负起责任来?保护你 That makes me responsible for you. 别装了 我要你亲口说“好哥儿们” I saw that. Come on. Let me hear you say it. Partners. -不要 -你说什么? - No. - What was that? -我们可以做好哥儿们 -抱歉,我听不见 - I guess we can be partners. - Sorry, I can't hear you. 我说我们可以做好哥儿们 I said I guess we can be partners. -好哥儿们? -好哥儿们? - Partners! - Partners! 走这边 Okey-dokey. This way. -走这边 -对,换你带路好了 - This way. - Right. Maybe you better lead. 好,只要回到车库我们就安全了 Yeah. Let's get back to the garage, where it's safe. -安全? -安全? - Safe? - Safe? 布谷 你车库里可以挤得下多少动物? Hey, Boog. How many animals can fit in the garage? 多少动? How many--? 嗨,布谷? Hello, Boog. 请问? 你们要去哪? So where you all headed? -安全的地方 -安全的圣地?车库 - To the safe place. - This land of garage. -跟兄弟 -哥儿们,你欠我们一份情 - With buddy. - Come on. You owe us, Tiny. -对啊,没错? -是啊 - Yeah! - Yeah! That's right! 对不起,我毁了水壩 Yeah, I'm sorry about the dam. 把你们都害得这么惨 对不起,是我的错 And how I messed you all up, you know. My bad. 听着,你要带我们一起走,布谷鸟 So you're taking us with you, right, Booger? 拜托,我求求你 Please? Please. 看看我 我长太帅,死了可惜啊 Look at me. I'm too pretty to die! 这个嘛?也许 Well, maybe... 不行?不可以? No! No! No! 你不能丢下偶们 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 You ain't leaving without us. 我不会再叫你布谷鸟 I didn't mean to call you Booger. -兄弟,可以带吉赛儿去好吗? -等一等?让我想一想 - Can we take Giselle? - Wait! Let me think. 猎人 Hunters. 可恶,今天晚上谁都别想回家了 Dang. Nobody's going home tonight. 他们人太多了 There's so many of them. 这下死定了 That's it, then. 我要死了 No more me. 我的头要挂在墙壁上了 I guess I will be mounted on a wall. 放心,你不会 Oh, no, you won't. 如果我变成了熊皮地毯 也许会让人践踏 Now, when I'm a bearskin rug, they can walk all over me. 可是我现在还活着 我要跟他们拼了,绝不投降 But until that happens, I ain't going out without a fight. -什么?? -他说什么?? - What? - Fight? -他糊涂了 -没错 - The F word? - That's right. 这就是你们教会我的一件事 One thing you all have taught me... 这座森林危机四伏,危险得要命 ...the woods is a messed-up, dangerous place. 你们超疯狂的 这两天你们把我整得超惨的 And y'all are crazy. You've been kicking my butt for the last two days. 对啊,有一点 Yeah, I kind of did. 不好意思 - I didn't. - Sorry. 你们要用对我的招数 对付他们 So let's do to them what you've been doing to me. 让我们的敌人享受 全套的大自然体验 Now, I say we give our guests the full outdoor experience. 万岁! Yeah! 你想要单打独斗,还是全体大作战? Hey! Is this a private fight or can anybody join? 因为我妙酷鼠想要参一脚 Because McSquizzy wants in. 很好,我们需要你们的胆量 Good. Because we'll need your nuts. -还有你们的松果 -你有什么计划,布谷? - And your acorns too. - What's the plan, Boog? 我们要把那些野人赶回村里 Oh, we gonna run those yahoos back to town. 对,没错 把他们整死,再也不敢乱来 Yeah, baby. When we get through with them, they won't ever come back. 你以为你很厉害 So you think you're so tough, huh? 你给我听好 Well, you know what I think? 在我眼里你只是熊宝宝 28

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