丛林大反攻-中英文台词打印版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章丛林大反攻-中英文台词打印版更新完毕开始阅读

丛林大反攻 有天矮人受不了了 One day the elf could take no more 跑到楼上敲侏儒的门 So he went and banged On the rude dwarf's door 结果没想到他们居然公证结婚 And what do you know They suddenly both were 不要再傻了,他们是一伙的 Don't be fooled. He's one of them. -谁? -敌人啊,笨熊、笨鹿 - Who? - The enemy! The bear! That deer! 所有的动物 All them animals! married 晚安,布谷 Good night, Boog. 我有车库可以睡了 我要睡在车库里 I'm sleeping in the garage. I'm sleeping in the garage. 快啊,腊肠先生 你做得到哦,加油 Come on, Mr. Weenie. Beg. You can do it. 加油,拜拜 Come on. Beg. 巴伯他不听话 巴伯教他怎么拜拜 Bob, he won't listen. Bob, show him how to beg. 是拜狗教徒 Dog worship. 妈啊 Oh, my! -你们没事吧? -什么?不? - You folks all right? - What? No, no, no! He's-- 他绑架了你们,我知道? Taken you hostage. I know, I know. 你们获救了,我制伏了敌人 You're safe now. I've got the enemy neutral-- 好了,腊肠先生 没事了,宝贝 There, there, Mr. Weenie. Are you all right, baby? 你是天底下最可爱的腊肠狗 You're the sweetest little weenie I ever saw. 我已经预见未来了 I have seen the future. 就从山林村这种小镇开始肆虐 It will start in small towns like Timberline. 很快就天下大乱 Soon, it'll spread. 所有的动物全部倾巢而出 从洞穴、动物园 They will invade from burrows, caves, petting zoos. 如果我不阻止他们 If I don't stop them... 人类就要被他们踩在脚下了 ...it'll be a total reversal of the natural order. 他们会嘲笑我无能 等着瞧吧 They laugh at old Shaw, but you'll see. 真相早晚会大白的 The truth will be revealed. 我们听懂你的话了 We know exactly what you mean. -真的? -我们是科学家,可以算是吧 - You do? - We're scientists. Well, of sorts. 我们想要拍栩栩如生的纪录片 And we're trying to secure photographic documentation... 拍活生生的野生大人猿 ...of a real, live homo-sasquatchus. -野?野生什么? -我们要去找大脚怪 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 - Homo-say-what? - We're looking for Bigfoot. 大脚? 我居然跟两个头壳坏掉疯子哈啦 Bigfoot--? I didn't realize I was talking to a couple of wack jobs. 不要相信他 宠物是双面间谍 Don't trust him. Pets are double agents. 只要你稍不注意 他就会咬你 The moment you turn your back, he'll shiv you! 不可能,我们收服他了 Oh, no, he can't. We had him fixed. 布谷 Boog? 布谷,你醒了吗? Boog. Are you awake? -现在醒了 -太好了 - I am now. - Awesome. 我昨晚看到你的睡相了耶 你就像个小天使 I was watching you sleep last night and you were like a little angel. 不过你太胖,打呼声好像? Except for you're fat and snoring like: 我会帮你解决问题的 We're gonna work on that, though. 我发明了打呼疗法 把整只手 I invented this cure where you stick your whole hand... -塞进嘴巴里就好了 -要多久才能回到山林村? - ...in your mouth. - How long before we get to Timberline? 天黑以前,安啦 Oh, by nightfall. Easy. 你确定吗? Are you sure? 当然确定了 Absolutely. 想不想看我搞笑? Hey, you wanna see something stupid? 我觉得我们最好快点赶路 Well, then we better get going. 对,我们要赶时间 这个我帮你保管 Right. We're on a tight schedule. I'll carry your load. 不?等等 Oh, no. Whoa, wait. 你最好小心一点,不要弄掉了 因为他是很脆弱的 Look, you gotta be real careful with him, okay, because he's real delicate. 想吃小鱼饼干吗? Want a fishy cracker? 不想,回家再吃好了 No. I'll eat when I get home. 听着,好姐妹 Listen, girlfriend. 想要找到像偶男朋友那种男子汉 就要打扮得漂亮一点 You wanna find a man like my Ignacio, you gotta check your look. 黑白讲,偶美得冒泡 我可以把到所有的男子汉 What are you saying? I'm black and white. I go with everything. 问题出在所有的男子汉 都不想把你 You go fine with everybody. Maybe that's your problem. -那不是昨天那两只臭到爆的 -我有几个作秀好点子 - Ain't those the same two skunks-- - I had some thoughts on the show. -我的秀? -热裤妞过时了 - My show? - The lady in the shorts has gotta go. 22

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丛林大反攻 她是票房毒药 节目要够酷、够炫、热情够劲 She's slowing us down. It's gotta be fresh, new. I want some jazz. 我才是主秀 观众买票是来看我的 I'm the star, and the people out there come to see me... 威猛大熊 -秀给我们看嘛 -爱鹿特 - Let's see some moves! - Elliot! 干嘛? Yeah. 爱鹿特,又是那一座带衰水壩 我们一直在绕圈子 Elliot, this is the same dang dam. We've been going in circles! ...a grizzly bear. 圈子,一次绕一圈 原来如此 Circle. One time around. I see. 你根本就不知道哪里是哪里 你有你的事业 我就得待在家里照顾小布丁 You don't even know where we're going. You get to have the career while I stay home and look after Dinkleman! 帅啊,箩琳 Got them, Lorraine! 我又不是你老婆 He's not even mine! -那是什么 -猎人 - What was that? - Hunters? 我就不能去追逐梦想,是不是? I don't get to have a dream. Is that it? -他们跑来上游干嘛? -好了,兄弟们,找掩护 - What are they doing up here? - Okay, boys. Take cover! 兄弟 Buddy. -布谷,快躲起来 -我先走一步 - Boog, we gotta hide. - I'm out of here. 你有没有想过 也许我喜欢唱歌 Don't you think I might like a little singing... 布谷,等等,不要踩上去 Boog, wait! Don't go out there! -喜欢跳舞,来点? -爱鹿特 - ...a little dancing, a little: - Elliot. 大胖子,你站住 你那么大一只会踩垮水壩的啦 Hey, tubby, stop! Hey, this ain't a load-bearing structure! 没有嘛,你只会一直问我 “要多久才能回到山林村?呆头” But no. All I ever hear is, \糗爆了 simple? Oh, that's bad. -“要多少才能?” -爱鹿特,那是同一群水獭吗? 箩西,快躲起来 - How long until we get home?\- Elliot! Are those the same Rosie, in here. beavers? -走开,放手 -兄弟? -不是,水獭长得都一样 -青蛙王子 - Stop. Get off. - Buddy, buddy, buddy! - No. All beavers look alike. - Hey! Tiny dancer! 惨了 好耶,摇咧摇咧? Crud. Yeah, that's right! Shake it, shake it! 煞星 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 Shaw! 小布丁 -拉我一把,布谷快抱住我,布谷 -放开我,爱鹿特 - Give me a hand, Boog! Hold me! - Stop. Get off! Elliot, get Dinkleman! 你不会有事的 You're gonna be okay! 我们死定了,你明知道的 We're gonna die and you know it. 这一次没有人能够救得了你们了 No one around here to save you this time, boys! 划,布谷,快划 Paddle, Boog! Paddle! 前面有大石头? Grab a boulder! Grab a boulder! 左边?右边 Left, left. Right! 你好神哦 Oh, like you know. 他人呢 Where is he? 不见了 又见了 He's gone. Oh, there he is. 不见了 又见了 No, wait. There he is. There he is. -你这个小王八? -他在那里 - Why, you little-- - There he is. 别吵,我在驾驶 Quiet, I'm trying to drive. 快点,布谷 Faster, Boog! 这好像一边打猎一边钓鱼 Like fishing and hunting at the same time. off. Get off! 停! Stop! 小布丁 Dinkleman? 你?都是你害的 You. You did this. -对,没错? -什么,我怎么了? - Yeah, that's right. - What did I do? 你把我们冲到打猎特区来了 You dragged us down to the hunting grounds. -你要我们躲去哪里? -我们是煮熟的鸭子了 - Yeah, where are we gonna hide? - We're sitting ducks out here. 猎季就要开始了 And it's open season! 对? 好了?不要吵了 All right, all right. That's enough. 这不能都怪他 Guys, it's not his fault. 没错,爱鹿特,这都要怪你 Oh, you're right, Elliot. It's your fault. -怪我? -对 - My fault? - Yeah. 要不是你 我现在就会待在家里 If it weren't for you I'd be home right now. 这一切就不会发生 None of this would've ever happened. 你还说你知道回去的路 可是你耍我 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com