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丛林大反攻 真是太悲惨了 -跟我说话死得有多难看? -伊恩在附近? It's a tragedy! - ...last time you talked to me? - Is Ian around? 对?好惨 你这样抽搐多久了? Yeah, right, whatever. How long have you had that tic? 是这样子的,我要回村里 越来越恶化了 But check this out. I'm looking for town. I think it's getting worse. 能不能请你们飞到天上去 糗大了 Okay? Now, could one of you guys fly up there... Oh, crud. -帮我带个路? -飞行?飞行 你好啊,臭鹿特 - ...and show me the way? - Fly? Fly? Hello, \ 别吵,他会听到 我都叫他臭鹿特 Quiet. They'll hear you. I called him Smelliot. 吉赛儿 兄弟们,正圆围攻阵 Giselle. Herd! Circle formation! -爱鹿特 -小美人,你好吗? 群天兵,那是椭圆 - Elliot? - Hey, gorgeous. You pinheads. That's an oval. 爱鹿特,你跑哪去了? 再?圆一点 - How you doing? - Elliot, where have you been? More circle-y! 我去?大城市 你还真有种敢回来这里 Oh, you know. Big city. You got a lot of nerve coming back here. 闯盆江湖,增广见闻 大鱼大肉,作秀爆红 -谢谢夸奖 -我不是在夸奖你,孬种 Kind of a road trip. Saw the sights, hit the buffet, took in a - Why, thank you. - That was not a compliment, maggot! show. 他正要离开了 对吧,爱鹿特 前途一片光明 Well, he was just going. Right, Elliot? Things are looking up, Giselle. 对?伊恩 真的?听说你被卡车撞了 Yeah, Ian. Really? I heard you got hit by a truck. 我?我只是顺道过来 跟几个老朋友打个招呼 那是谣言 I had to stop by and say hello to some of my old pals. That-- Rumor. 包伯、凯文、席丹 额头好点没? 你最好快点溜 还记得你上次 Bob, Kevin. Jurgen, how's the knee? You better get out of here. Remember what happened... 我将你逐出家门 永远? 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 I told you to leave the herd and never, ever, ever... 他们有好几百只耶 -永远? -永远?永远不准回来 It was-- There was of them. - Never? - Never, ever, ever come back. 他们还有松果耶 回来? And they had nuts. Back? 不要理他,布谷 我没?没要回来 Don't listen to him, Boog. I'm not-- I'm not back. 布谷? 是什么鬼名字? 我?我和我的好哥儿们要去山林村 Boog? What is that short for? Me and my best buddy are heading to town. -布谷鸟吗? -布谷鸟 对啊,我一定会想念你们的 - Booger? - Booger! Yeah. I sure am gonna miss you guys. -给我听好 -我是在听啊 放开你的臭蹄子 - Listen, you! - I'm all ears. Off the upholstery! -我?这个? -布谷,我们走啦 又怎么了? - Well... - Boog, let's go. What now? 你们两个真是天生的绝配 就像我刚才说的,永远? You two are perfect for each other. So as I was saying, never, ever, ever-- 你是衰ㄎㄚ,而你是大西瓜 熊? You're a loser and you're a loser-er. A bear! Bear. Bear. A bear. 兄弟们,我们走 爱鹿特,你还好吧? Herd, let's bound! Elliot, are you all right? 臭鹿特 头昏昏,脑钝钝 Hey, Elliot. Buttermilk biscuit. 你的那根掉了哦 伊恩,他还背娃娃耶 I think you lost something. Hey, Ian. Get a load of this. 也许会长回来的,拜,爱鹿特 快住手 Maybe it'll grow back. Bye, Elliot. Hey, cut it out. 拜了 我听过你哦 Yeah, see you. Oh, I've heard of you. 后会有期了,大胖熊宝宝 你是被松鼠K得满头包的大笨熊 See you later, backpack boy! You're that bear that got his butt thumped by a squirrel. 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 这就对了,叫你落跑吧 That's right, fool. You better run. 跑远一点啊,没种的娘娘腔 Keep on prancing, you panty-waisted cow. 对,他再废话,我就要开扁了 Yeah. One more word, and I was gonna rack him. -没错 -我超想扁他,你看看他 - That's right. - I was waiting for it. 吓死了,吓得屁滚尿流 He's scared. He's scared. 对啊,就是啊 - Look at him run. Look at him run. - Yeah, I know it. 放他一马吧 Look at him go. 你请他喝一杯前要不要亲他一下? Are you not gonna buy him a drink before you kiss him? 你们这对好姐妹 You big jessie. 给我滚啦,衰ㄎㄚ,大西瓜 On your bikes, you big numpties. 刚才那是伊恩的女友,你想把她? That was Ian's girl you was trying to talk to, huh? 小色鬼 You dog. 他说得对,我是个衰ㄎㄚ Ian's right. I'm a loser. -你才不是衰ㄎㄚ -明明就是 - No, you're not a loser. - Yes, I am. -你不是 -我是 - No, you're not. - Yes. 相信我 遇见你那天,伊恩把我赶出家门 Trust me. You know the day I met you, Ian kicked me out of the herd. 鹿角断了一根,被车撞昏 还被人绑在引擎盖上 I lost my antler, I got run over and tied to the hood of a truck. 你说那叫什么? What do you call that? 衰ㄎㄚ? 那我呢? A loser. But check this out. 掌声欢迎最威猛的大熊 Behold, the mighty grizzly. 我长得像熊,说话像熊 I look like a bear, I talk like a bear. 我却不会抓鱼,也不会爬树 连待在森林都不会 But I can't fish, I can't climb a tree, I can't even go in the woods. 那算什么? 我像驴,又像鹿,我四不像 That's nothing. Half doe. Half buck. I'm a duck. 我骑着独轮车跟人要饼干 Hey, I ride a unicycle for crackers! -我眼袋很大 -我不会弹手指 - I have a glass eye. - I can't snap. -我以为手机是鸡 -我胖到看不到小弟弟 - I thought \ 人是我杀的 I killed a man. 至少你还有家可以回 Well, at least you've got a home. 家? Home. Yeah. 但愿回得了家 I sure hope so. 19

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丛林大反攻 -这什么声音,你的脖子吗? -不是 - Crimenently! Was that your neck? - No. 我的小鱼饼干,她还是爱我的 My fishy crackers. Oh, she still loves me. 谢谢你,贝丝 Thank you, Beth. 我要回去啰! I'm coming home. 吃吧,哥儿们 Try one, partner. Yeah. 虽然没有哇塞棒好吃 但可安慰你 Woo Hoo bars they ain't, but they take you back. 让你想到家的温暖 You know? Remind you of home. 甜甜咸咸的家 Sweet, salty home. 可以回到又软又蓬松的床上 Oh, yeah. To be back in my own soft bed. 一天可以吃八餐,外加点心 Eight square meals a day, plus snacks. 贝丝每晚都可以哄我入睡 Beth tucking me in every night. 那里是我的天堂 It's like heaven to me. 对了?明天一回到村里 You know, when we get back home tomorrow... 我一定会跟贝丝和好如初 ...I'm gonna make things right with Beth. 也许只是也许 And maybe, just maybe... 可以在车库里弄个地方让你窝着 ...we'll find a place for you in the garage with me. 赞啦 我要车库 Sweet! Oh, yeah. I'm in the garage. 谁要车库? 我要车库,就是我 Who's staying in the garage? I'm in the garage. 谁要车库? 我要车库,就是我 Who's got a place in the garage? It's me. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah-- -哥儿们 -啥事啊? - Hey, buddy? - Yeah? 帮个忙好不好 我有一点不太好意思说 Do me a favor, will you? It's gonna sound silly, but will you--? -你可以?算了 -快说啦 - Ah, forget it. - What? 快说啦,我挺你,老哥 Come on. I'm here for you. 你?你可以唱一下 “泰迪熊野餐”给我听吗? Will you sing me that \ 当然?可以,什么歌? Absolutely. The what song? 贝丝每天都会唱给我听的 她一唱我就睡着了 Well, Beth always sings it to me, you know, because it helps me sleep. -好吧,那我就来试试看 -谢啦 - Okay. I'll give it a shot. - Thanks. 从前有个神秘矮人 他住在彩虹树里 Once there was a magical elf Who lived in a rainbow tree 他楼上住着便秘侏儒 He lived downstairs From a flatulent dwarf 每天都对楼下放屁 Who was constantly having to pee 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com