外贸英语写作习题集及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章外贸英语写作习题集及答案更新完毕开始阅读

II. Translate the following letter into English in a proper form:

Worldwide Trading Pty. Ltd Level 25

367 Collins Street Sydney, Australia




众所周知,我方产品质量优良,价格合理,在国际市场上很受欢迎,希望你方能同意报价。 圣诞节日益临近,请尽快寄订单勿误。 盼即复。




出口部经理 高丽 20--年11月10日


Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 15.

In reply to you enquiry for our Rourou Brand Pillow Cases, we are making you an offer as follows:

Name of Commodity: Rourou Brand Pillow Cases Specifications: NJ100 Quantity: 40,000 pairs

Price: at USD22 per pair CIF Copenhagen including 5% commission. Payment: by a confirmed irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft. Shipment: during July/August 20--

This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.

For your information, there is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

IV. Write an English letter based on the following information:

你方向客户作的铁丝(iron wire)的报价,客户4月9日回信中认为价格偏高。给客户回信,包含以下几点:

1. 最近原材料价格上涨; 2. 我们的质量上乘;

3. 客户所需的1吨是最低起订量,不能打折; 4. 国内外供不应求,现存货已不多;

5. 督促客户重新考虑你方报价,尽快回复;


6. 欢迎其他询盘,并将给予关注。

Unit Five Sales Promotion

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese: 1. leading dealer 2. approach sb for sth 3. competitive offer 4. in large quantities 5.

B. Into English:

1. 属于我们的经营范围 2. 从事.…..业务 3. 详细信息

4. 最新商品目录

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

We are glad to make you a competitive offer as follows:

Name of commodity: Seagull Brand Cameras Quantity: 2,000sets

Price: at USD200 per set CIFC3% New York Packing: packed in cartons

Time of shipment: for shipment during March/April 20-- Terms of payment: by irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft

The above offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.

Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

III. Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information:

你是一家经营轮胎进出口的国营公司,名叫Yellow Sea Tyre Co. Ltd (中国青岛中山路30号贸易大厦15层进出口部 Tel: 0086-532-2688888 E-mail: yst@qdcnc.com)。你从www.business.com网站上得知澳大利亚一家叫Greenworld Trading Pty Ltd(36 Tower Street Sydney, Australia)公司正在中国寻求轮胎的供货商,给他们写一封信介绍一下自己的公司,说明消息来源,并报盘目前畅销货物。

Unit Six Orders and Acknowledgements


Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:


1. cash against documents 2. duplicate order 3. financial standing 4. initial order 5. first order 6. trial order

7. pave the way for 8. friendly cooperation 9. make out a contract 10. draft (n.) 11. draw up

12. sales contract 13. in duplicate 14. for one’s file r 15. stipulation 16. AQSIQ 17. CCPIT

18. terms and conditions 19. shipping marks

20. original sales contract 21. name of commodity 22. specification

23. commodity inspection

B. Into English: 1. 订单 2. 执行订单 3. 销售确认书 4. 拒绝订单 5. 一式两份

6. 向某人订购某种货物 7. 续订单 8. 接受订单 9. 付款条件 10. 提交 11. 确认订单 12. 销售确认书 13. 供某人详阅 14. 向某人订某货 15. 随后的修改 16. 一式三份 17. 一式四份 18. 一式五份 19. 与……符合 20. 合同条款 21. 供某人参考 22. 溢短装条款 23. 仲裁 24. 不可抗力

25. 品质和重量检验证书 26. 目的港

27. 对外经济贸易仲裁委员会 28. 总金额

29. 海洋运输货物保险条款


30. 付款条件

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your quotation sheet and samples sent on 7 June. Both the price and quality are satisfactory, so we now place a trial order for 1,000 dozen.

For your information, women’s cashmere coats are in great demand in Toronto and prices are much high. But the customers here are very selective. Therefore, we must stress the importance of quality and design. If these coats are of superior quality and attractive design, we are sure they will have a good market in Toronto.

As the amount of this order is not big, we recommend payment by T/T.

We look forward to your early confirmation.

Yours faithfully,

III. Translate the following letter into English:



我们确认向你方供应1,000台球桌(snooker tables),每台400美元成本加运保费洛杉矶,十月份交货。付款条件为保兑的、不可撤销的、以我方为受益人的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。

我们确信你们会对我们产品的优良品质感到满意。 如有任何其他要求,请尽管告知。


IV. Write English letters based on the following information:

Letter 1:

1. 经过一番洽谈,各项条件均谈妥,因此我们决定订购1,000台海尔牌微波炉

2. 海尔产品在此地声誉很好,因其品质优良,售后服务也不错,因此希望和海尔建立长期的

业务关系,如第一批货销得很好,将大量续订。 3. 期望早日收到销售合同。

Letter 2:

1. 感谢买方5,000只女式皮包的订单。

2. 保证按时优质履行订单,并请对方务必及时开证以免耽误装运。

3. 告知对方,除所订的一款外,我们还经营更多的、各种各样的时装包,并随附插图目录。


Unit Seven Packing


Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. cardboard carton 2. seaworthy packing