2018届北京市各区高三英语上学期期末考试试卷题型分类专题汇编--阅读理解D篇-老师版(带答案已校对珍藏版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2018届北京市各区高三英语上学期期末考试试卷题型分类专题汇编--阅读理解D篇-老师版(带答案已校对珍藏版)更新完毕开始阅读


They worked with 117 students in three different classes. 59 students were in a psychology research methods class that did not specifically cover critical thinking. They served as the control group. The other 58 were in one of two courses on historical mysteries. Their courses were explicitly designed to develop skills in critical thinking. The control group students did not change their beliefs, but students in both history courses had lower beliefs in pseudoscience at the end of the term.

Even beliefs in specific topics not covered in the history courses went down, an indication that students were applying their critical thinking skills on their own. \students is important, because beliefs are extremely hard to change,\professor of psychology at NG State.

Coauthor McGill, assistant professor of history at NG State, agrees. \importance of teaching critical thinking and the essential role that humanities can play in the process.\She said the study may be especially timely right now. \courses: give students tools,%us to put current events in context.\

Their study, \Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in a History Course”, was published in Science & Education. It seems to be having some impact already. McLaughlin told the Skeptical Inquirer that they have received many emails from the media and other very inspiring. People seem hungry for critical thinking tools and students probably won't just pick up those skills without explicit instruction and practice.

Their study couldn't track students over time, but if the effects of the humanities courses successful teaching of critical thinking skills could be shown to keep existing over time, it would be an especially welcome advance. In the meantime, it is good for all of us to recognize that science course aren't the only academic route to teaching critical thinking and resisting pseudoscientific ideas.

1. The underlined sentence in paragraph 3 indicates that . A. teaching critical thinking in history courses is effective B. beliefs are really hard to change

C. the control group can freely practice their critical thinking D. the participants suspect the topics covered in class



2. How can humanities influence people's thinking according to McGill? A. They help students evaluate positively.

B. They offer students new ways of thinking.

C. They give people science thinking tools. D. They encourage people to predict the future. 3. How does the author think of teaching critical thinking? A. Critical thinking cannot be trained in a term. B. Clear guidance and practice is quite necessary. C. The effect of critical thinking cannot last long. D. History courses are the most practical approach.

4. According to McLaughlin, which of the following examples proves his opinion? A. \

B. \C. \ D. \

Keys: 1-4 CDDC