江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2019届高三5月模拟英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2019届高三5月模拟英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

: How tall is he?

: Oh, I don't think he could be more than 11 inches tall.

: Eleven...er...we are talking about a little boy, are we not, ma'am? : A boy? A little boy? Good heavens, no! It's my Harold, my little dog. ext 7

: Hey Mary, got milk? : Hey Jack, got milk?

: Have you heard that phrase “got milk” before? The phrase “got milk” was first used in the early 1990s.

: People drank more milk after hearing that?

: Yes! In the US, June is National Dairy Month. And they usually drink milk and eat products made of milk. : What are they?

: Cheese is one, so is ice cream. I think my favourite food is cheese. : I have to agree with you there.

: Sometimes I like ice cream, although we shouldn't eat that as often as we drink a glass of milk. The phrase “got milk” became better known and helped some people make a lot of money. : Ha... That's funny! And then it's used in other ways, right?

: Well, yes! You might see newspapers and T-shirts that say “got guitar” “got dogs”“got fruit”. Ha...Oh, that's a lot of fun!

: Yes. And did they all come from that phrase “got milk”? : Hmm, yes. Of course.


ext 8

: Hi, Paul, it's me. : Hi, Mary. How's the trip?

: Great. I'm having a great time. The weather is perfect. Every day is warm, sunny and great. I sleep late, go to the beach. How is it there?

: Well, it's terrible, actually. It's cold and it rained this morning. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. A big storm.

: Too bad! You should be here with me. : I don't know. Maybe? : What do you mean, maybe?

: Did you hear the weather report today? : No, why?

: You should have. So you could get ready. : Ready for what? : Ready for the hurricane. : Hurricane?

: Yeah, I saw it on TV this morning. A hurricane is coming. There will be lots of strong winds tomorrow and heavy rain. It's a big hurricane, and it's coming up the coast of Mexico.

: Hurricane? I can't believe it. Well, today is sunny and warm. And that's all I care about. Light wind. Beautiful weather. I'm going to the beach. I'll worry about the hurricane later. : Okay. I'll talk to you later. But be careful. : I'll call you tomorrow. Bye.


ext 9

: How long are you planning to stay here?

: I've got three weeks altogether. What do you suggest I see? : What would you like to do?

: I think I'd like to see some of the things that you can't find in other countries.

: Well, I suggest you see some of our national parks. You've got lots of old buildings in your country. Ours is a fairly new country, so our cities and towns are modern. But I guess we've got some of the most beautiful mountains and countryside in the world. Why don't you hire a car and drive around for a couple of weeks? : Is it expensive to rent a car?

: No, not very. You need a driving license. Have you got one? : Yes.

: I think you'd better fly somewhere in the west. Then you can pick up a car and travel around. : What about places to stay?

: I suggest you take a tent. I can lend you one and a few pieces of equipment. Is there anything else I could do for you? Do whatever you feel like doing! Shall we go downtown this evening? We could walk around. ext 10

ananas, which contain a lot of vitamins and minerals needed by the body, represent one of nature's healthiest food choices. In fact, bananas have three times the amount of vitamins A and C found in apples. The tasty fruit also contains five times more protein than apples. These essential minerals and vitamins help control blood pressure and help muscle movement and digestion.

ananas provide not only physical benefits but also mental and emotional benefits. Bananas contain something that helps lift our mood.


he next time you want to polish your shoes, reach for a banana skin. Some people insist that the inside of a banana peel can produce a great shine for your shoes.

any people believe that bananas should never be placed in the refrigerator, but it's just not true. The banana industry has been working hard to correct this myth for years. While banana skins will turn dark in the refrigerator, the fruit will spoil less quickly in the refrigerator's cool environment.