基于层次分析法的企业网络舆情危机应对评价研究 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章基于层次分析法的企业网络舆情危机应对评价研究更新完毕开始阅读

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摘要网络舆情危机应对评价是企业在新的舆论背景下研究危机应对的重点.采用定量和定性分析有机结合的层次分析法确定指标体系及权重,给出了企业网络舆情危机应对评价的步骤,并进行了评价验证.该评价体系为相关单位网络舆情危机应对评价提供一定的参考和指导. 关键词网络舆情;危机应对;评价;层次分析法 中图分类号G353.1文献标识码A A Study on the Evaluation of the Analytic Hierarchy Processbased Enterprise Network Public Opinion Crisis Response ZHANG Junling

(School of Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Lanzhou,Gansu730020, China)

AbstractThis paper adopted the method of the analytic hierarchy of combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis process to determine indicator system and weights, then put forward the evaluation step of enterprise network public opinion crisis response, and evaluated

verification. The results showed that the method proposed was feasible and instructive. The evaluation index system did a good directive function of enterprise network public opinion crisis response. Key wordsNetwork public opinion; Crisis response; Evaluation; Analytic Hierarchy Process 1引言

