美国品牌汽车文化发展研究 联系客服

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目 录

中文摘要、关键词????????????????????????????? 1 英文摘要、关键词????????????????????????????? 2 引言???????????????????????????????????? 3 第1章 绪论???????????????????????????


1.1 汽车文化基本定义 ?????????????????????????? 4 1.2 汽车文化的内涵 ??????????????????????????? 4

第2章 美国品牌汽车文化发展研究???????????????????? 6

2.1 美国人眼中的汽车品牌 ???????????????????????? 6 2.1.1美国人眼中的汽车品牌排名??????????????????????6 2.1.2北美车展??????????????????????????????8 2.2 世界品牌:克莱斯勒简介 ??????????????????????? 9 2.3 美国汽车的设计和制造理念?????????????????????? 10 2.3.1传统设计:大就是美 ????????????????????????10 2.3.2小型车设计:半途而废 ???????????????????????11 2.3.3大众消费促进汽车大规模制造 ????????????????????12 2.4 汽车对美国城乡格局的影响?????????????????????? 13 2.5 汽车改变美国社会?????????????????????????? 14 2.5.1美国的汽车大众化 ?????????????????????????14 2.5.2以车为本 ?????????????????????????????15 2.5.3泊车文化 ?????????????????????????????15

第3章 美国品牌汽车文化的发展启示 ?????????????????? 17

3.1 美国品牌汽车文化对世界汽车产业的影响??????????????????17 3.1.1世界汽车产业格局的调整趋势?????????????????????? 17 3.1.2世界汽车产业格局调整对中国汽车工业的影响??????????????? 18 3.2 中国能否效仿美国品牌汽车文化发展自身??????????????????18

结论 ??????????????????????????????????? 22 致谢 ??????????????????????????????????? 23 参考文献????????????????????????????????? 24



关键词:汽车文化 社会文化 美国品牌 发展研究


Research on Automobile culture development of American Brand

Abstract:The emergence and popularity of the car, not only to expand the radius of people's lives, and with the continuous development of automotive technology and product updates, is gradually changing people's lifestyle, living standards and even the concept of life, rich people's spiritual space changing social patterns, and the formation of a unique social and cultural - of car culture. Cars and car culture should include all relevant social and cultural, that human beings in the automotive research, production and use of the technology generated in the process, knowledge, belief, art, law, ethics, customs and habits. Car culture mainly reflects itself in the automotive design and manufacturing philosophy, humanism, and related summary car. Car is a multi-disciplinary scientific and technological achievements of modern products, the automotive industry represents a level of national science and technology development level, but the auto industry is not merely a question of science and technology, cultural values are important for the development of automobile industry, the design of each countryProduction of cars, all the times on behalf of its national cultural identity, but also melt the imprint of other ethnic culture. U.S. brand cars clearly underlines the characteristics of American culture and civilization, reflects the style, wealth and luxury cars are American friends, relatives, lovers and lovers, an American living room for expansion and extension of the traditional American car, excluding fuel consumption, his best large luxury, sturdy, such as Hummer, wild, such as JEEP, luxury, such as Lincoln, the U.S. car culture is represented by individuals in American society and capitalist values the supremacy of the high efficiency of spirit, I passed on the development of an American brand car culture research, that the development of China's automobile industry needs to come from the car culture summary.

Key words:Car culture; Social and culture; U.S. brand; Development and research