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26. D. 那些接受冷却疗法的人既没有减少痛苦,也没有增加痛苦。说明效果不明显。

27. C. 根据后面的with other remedies可知,医疗工作者们将用冰进行的冷却疗法与其他疗法作比较。

28. B. 参见注释27。

29. B. 前一句说―ice caused ?the most severe damage‘‖,可知它有时是―有害的‖harmful。 30. A. 用冷水冲被烧伤或烫伤的地方,可以缓解疼痛。 2语法填空


数:214 成时间:10分钟 度:*** Welcome to our company, everybody. This time our company has 11 college students 31 (work) in 5 departments .I am Luisa ,Director in charge of the student practice.

Let me say something to you all. Starting work can be exciting on one hand , and can also 32 (worry) on the other. No matter 33 your future job is, you will have to work with others. Learning to get on well with others must come first, 34 (include) all people in the company and our customers. And second, this morning right 35 my introduction, spend some time reading the introduction of the company and get to know the people in your office and find out what our company is like .This afternoon you can walk around our workshops and know 36 about the products. 37 one is allowed to leave the company before 5:30. By the way, lunchtime comes at 11:50 and it's free of charge. Remember this: \ 38 it will change your future life . \can answer your real learning 39 you can make up your mind to go through with it. This is what I like to say to you at the moment. If you still have 40 questions, please come to my office .Thank you. 答案:

31.working 32.be worrying 33.What 34.including 35.after 36.more 37.No 38.that 39.if 40.any

31.working,现在分词短语working in 5 departments作后置定语,修饰11 college students。

32.be worrying,―令人担忧的/令人焦虑的‖,由also可知,and连接be exciting和be worrying,表并列关系。

33.what ,从前后关系可知―无论你将来的工作是什么;‖,所以此处no matter what是最佳答案。 34.including,介词,―包括‖。

35.after.表―我的介绍之后,今天上午的其他安排。 36.more,从前文可知此处表更进一步了解产。 37.No, No one is allowed to leave...表任何人不允许离开……。 38.that,考查so...that…的结构。 39. if,表假设关系。 40.any表―任何……‖



数:352 成时间:7分钟 度:*** It is always hard for a small fish to live in a big pond. Pluto's recent departure from the classical planet family clearly proves that size really matters.

Astronomers voted on August 24 to create the first scientific definition of the word \\and Pluto obviously didn't make the cut. It turned out to be only a \矮行星) \

After weeks of heated debate, over 2, 500 astronomers from 75 countries voted on the definition of a \planet must have a clear neighbourhood around its orbit. Pluto has widely been considered a planet since its discovery in 1930. Unfortunately, it has a special orbit which overlaps with Neptune's. It is all because, compared with Neptune, Pluto is very small. It is attracted by Neptune's gravity when the two planets get closer.

According to IAU, a \planet\should have an orbit around the Sun. It will not have a clear neighborhood around its orbit, and must not be a satellite. The new classification means that the science textbooks will have to be updated.

The solar system is now made up of the eight \planets. The classical planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The debate over Pluto's status started in 1992. After an advanced telescope was sent into space, astronomers started to find a belt of objects, which lies beyond Neptune. The belt contains nearly 1,000 objects, including Pluto. As they continued the exploration, scientists recently discovered at least 41 dwarf planets at the edges of the solar system. There are at least two objects of a similar size to Pluto.

It seems that even if the IAU had kept Pluto's status as a planet, the classical theory of nine planets in the solar system would have had to be changed, but the other way around. More dwarf planets of a similar size to Pluto would join the family of planets. Scientists will probably find many more dwarf planets.

41. The main purpose of the text is to ____________. A. prove to the readers that size matters B. tell readers about a big change of the planets C. explain the classical theory of planets D. inform us of science textbooks being updated 42. We can infer from the text that _____________. A. eight planets make up the solar system B. it has been hard for scientists to define a \ C. Mars is very hot and you can't go near it D. Pluto shares the same orbit with Neptune

43. Scientists argued about Pluto's status for a long time because _____________. A. Pluto was first discovered in 1930 B. the family of planets is too big C. Pluto is located beyond Neptune

D. many dwarf planets, like Pluto, were found

44. The reason for Pluto's departure is that ____________. A. Pluto does not fit the definition of a \B. Pluto cannot compete with other planets C. Pluto is attracted by Neptune's gravity

D. other objects of its size have been discovered 45. The best title of the text is _____________. A. An Unexpected Result B. Eight Planets C. Goodbye Pluto

D. New Scientific Definition



42.答案是B.考查推理判断。从文章第三段可推知。 43.答案是D.考查细节理解。从文章最后两段可知。 44.答案是A. 考查原因推断。从文章第三、四段可知。 45.答案是C考查主旨理解:全文的中心就是冥王星从9大行星中被降级了,并对此解释原因,故C项最能体现文章的主题。


请根据以下所提供的内容,写一篇议论文,题目为―How to Make Friends\。 要点如下:

1.要到有人的地方,与人交谈。 2.与陌生人交谈时不要紧张。

3.与人交朋友要有自信, 主动与人攀谈。 4.友谊是建立在互相信赖的基础上的。

5.培养自己广泛的兴趣,因为兴趣广泛的人交友容易。 (写作要求)

1.必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容。 2.将5个句子组织成连贯的一篇短文。 3.使用必要的连接词。

4.短文的第一句和结束句已给出,不计人句子总数。 How to Make Friends

Making friends is a skill.If you do as l tell you,I'm sure you can make friends with others.






____________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:

How to Make Friends

Making friends is a skill. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must first go where there are people, for staying home alone won't have any chances of making friends.

Some people are nervous when talking to strangers, so try to act self-confidently when you want to make friends with others. Don't wait for others to start a conversation with you when you feel like talking with them. Friendship is based on mutual liking and \

interests in your daily life, for a person with different interests is easy to make friends with others. If you do as I tell you, I'm sure you can make friends with others.

Unit 2 Poems


I单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点) 词语 辨析 1.poem/poetry 2.transform/change 3.appropriate/suitable/fit 4. run out/run out of 1. sorrow n. 悲哀, 悲痛 2. anger n. 怒, 愤怒 词形 变化 词汇 部分 重点 单词 3. translate v. 翻译, 转变为 4. ending n. 结尾, 结局 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. sorrowful adj. 悲伤的 angry adj. 生气的, 愤怒的 translation n. 翻译, 译文 end v. 结束, 终结, angrily adv. 愤怒地 translator n. 翻译者 end n.末端, 尽头 aspect n.方面;样子;外表 convey v.传达;运送 concrete adj.具体的 tease v.取笑;招惹;戏弄 pattern n.模式;式样;图案 underline v.在下面画线;强调 exchange v.交换,交流 sponsor n.赞助人;主办者 vt.发起,举办,倡议 重点 词组 重点句子 重点语法 take it easy从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 轻松 make up of(多用于被动)构成 try out 试验, 考验, let out发出, 泄露 1.Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions. 2. And said though strange they all were true. 虚拟语气(II)(见语法专题) II 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1). poem/poetry n. 诗歌 【解释】 poem[C]诗歌,诗体文 poetry[U]诗歌的总称 【练习】选择poem或poetry并用其适当的形式填空 1) Keats and Shakespeare are masters of English ______. 2) People write _________ to make other laugh. Keys: 1) poetry 2) poems 2). transform/change v.改变,变化