cadence生成网络表时出现如下错误解决办法 联系客服

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cadence生成网络表时出现如下错误,解决办法(转) 上一篇 / 下一篇 2012-07-16 18:59:32 / 个人分类:PCB设计 查看( 331 ) / 评论( 0 ) / 评分( 0 / 0 ) 这样吧,一类一类的来分析。 (1)Warning \ #1 Warning [ALG0047] \property on Pin \ignored forP1: SCHEMATIC1, 13)URAT (7.90, 1.20). Connecting pin to net \$k3D3pd-T$W7he ALG0047,这个警告基本可以忽略;造成这个问题的原因是,设计之初先对器件相关的管脚上加上'X'(也就是NC符号),更新设计的过程又对管脚做了连接处理;但是后面的连接处理没有去掉管脚的NC属性,不信的话把那个管脚上的net删掉看看。解决办法很简单,对这些管脚再做一次NC (2)Warning Part NameRG9f&HKhwM #5 Warning [ALG0016] Part Name \PN_C100UP-6.3V-SMT-S_100UF/6.3V\is renamed to \AP PN_C100UP-6.3V-SMT-S_100UF/\这个警告不可避免,allegro对相关的属性名称进行合并,超过一定数量的字符就截掉;在命名规范的前提下就不考虑这个警告了。 无法根治 这个#2 Warning [ALG0016] Part Name \#w?rm 之类的错误在于你建立元件原理图的时候你的原件Value值太长了超过32个字符,从而使系统在进行命名规范的时候溢出,而出错,很简单的,只写关键元件名,比如 A2541P10_HDR2X5-100MIL_2X5 HEADER\is renamed to \HEAD错误只需要 把2X5 HEADER更改为A2541P10,去除中间的空格即可. U(ZE0B5L5b%X;n4g Allegro对一些字符[例如\空格\,\小数点\等等]很在意,可以参阅相关文档的描述.

(3)Error Illegal character \found in \Footprint\

#1 Error [ALG0081] Illegal character \found in \Footprint\property for component instance C255: PG16_AC97, PG16_AC97 (226.06, 132.08) . 封装命名不能包含“.”

(4)Error Illegal character \Slash(/)\found in \Footprint\property

#1 Error [ALG0081] Illegal character \Slash(/)\found in \Footprint\property for component instance C255: PG16_AC97, PG16_AC97 (226.06, 132.08) .

#2 Error [ALG0081] Illegal character \Slash(/)\found in \Footprint\property for component instance D3: PG01_LED&Switch&7-Segment Disp, PG01_LED&Switch&7-Segment Disp (93.98, 33.02) .

#3 Error [ALG0081] Illegal character \Slash(/)\found in \Footprint\property for component instance C245: PG16_AC97, PG16_AC97 (205.74, 35.56) . 封装命名不能包含“/”


Loading... E:\\FPGA\\SCH\\allegro/pstchip.dat

#34 WARNING(SPCODD-34): Expected ';' character on line 5308. Check the name and value syntax for invalid characters in the primitive definition before the line number.

ERROR(SPCODD-47): File ./allegro/pstchip.dat could not be loaded, and the packaging operation did not complete. Check the pxl.log file for the errors causing this situation and package the design again.

#53 ERROR(SPCODD-53): Packaging cannot be completed because packaging has encountered a null object ID. The design may not have been saved correctly. Save the schematic and rerun packaging.

#187 Error [ALG0036] Unable to read logical netlist data.

Exiting... \-pst -d \oard.dsn\-n \-c \-v 3 -j \Footprint\

*** Done*******

掌握排错方法,查找文件pstchip.dat,第on line 5308 看看错误,便可以解决


******************************************************************************** ** Netlisting the design

********************************************************************************* Design Name:

E:\\FPGA\\SCH\\basicboard.dsn Netlist Directory: E:\\FPGA\\SCH\\allegro Configuration File:


Spawning... \-pst -d \board.dsn\-n \-c \-v 3 -j \Footprint\

#1 Error [ALG0081] Illegal character \space\found in \Footprint\property for component instance MG2: Basic, PG06_Stepmotor (180.34, 83.82) .

#2 Error [ALG0081] Illegal character \space\found in \Footprint\property for component instance ISO1: Basic, PG05_DC Motor (134.62, 40.64) .

#3 Info: PCB Editor does not support Dots(.), Forward Slash(/) and White space in footprint names. The supported characters include Alphabets, Numerics, Underscore(_) and Hyphen(-).

#4 Aborting Netlisting... Please correct the above errors and retry.

Exiting... \-pst -d \rd.dsn\-n \-c \-v 3 -j \Footprint\

*** Done ***



#11 Warning [ALG0051] Pin \is renamed to \after substituting illegal characters in Package XC3S1400A-4FG676-C_0FF , U1A: SCHEMATIC1, PG01_FPGACONFIG (2.40, 3.10).

#12 Warning [ALG0051] Pin \is renamed to \after substituting illegal characters in Package XC3S1400A-4FG676-C_0FF , U1A: SCHEMATIC1, PG01_FPGACONFIG (2.40, 3.10).

#13 Warning [ALG0051] Pin \is renamed to \after substituting illegal characters in Package XC3S1400A-4FG676-C_0FF , U1A: SCHEMATIC1, PG01_FPGACONFIG (2.40, 3.10).

#14 Warning [ALG0051] Pin \is renamed to \after substituting illegal characters in Package XC3S1400A-4FG676-C_0FF , U1A: SCHEMATIC1, PG01_FPGACONFIG (2.40, 3.10).

这条警告信息,在命名规范的前提下就不考虑这个警告了。 无法根治,除非去除检测


#60 Warning [ALG0016] Part Name \2_SIP17X2_COM_17×2\is renamed to \COM_172_SIP17X2_COM_172\

#61 Warning [ALG0060] No pins are present in J53. Ignoring this component in netlist. #62 Warning [ALG0016] Part Name \is renamed to \ 器件管脚不存在,有的器件做了但没放管脚,正常

(9) error: Same Pin Number connected to more than one net.

请检查 这个器件的位号是否有重复。 一般是重复了才会出现这种情况。

Checking Pins and Pin Connections

ERROR: [DRC0031] Same Pin Number connected to more than one net. LED&Switch&7-Segment Disp/U17/3 Nets: '3V3' and '485_RE/DE'.

PG01_LED&Switch&7-Segment Disp, PG01_LED&Switch&7-Segment Disp (101.85, 73.66)

上面的问题是器件位号重复 (10)

WARNING: [DRC0008] Two nets in same schematic have the same name, but there is no off-page connector

这个问题是信号同名,到没有用OFF-PAGE连接起来 生成网表会自动重新命名一个名字