高考英语一轮复习 模块7.4 Public transport(练)(含解析)牛津译林版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章高考英语一轮复习 模块7.4 Public transport(练)(含解析)牛津译林版更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 4 Public transportation


考点-1. convey

【教材原句】Horse-drawn buses, trams, cabs and carriages were used to convey people

to and around the city centre. (P50)马拉车、有轨电车、计程车和非机动车被用来将人们送往市中心及其周围一带。


①Our facial expressions convey our emotions, such as anger, or joy, or disappointment

我们的面部表情 ,如愤怒、喜悦或失望。 ②Words can't convey how delighted I am! 话语 我是多么高兴!

③Would you please convey my good wishes to your mother? 请向你母亲 ,好吗?

④This train conveys both passengers and goods. 这列火车 。

⑤A taxi conveyed us to the railway station. 一辆出租车 。

⑥Air is the medium by which sound waves are conveyed. 空气是声波 。


convey one's feelings表达感情 convey one’s emotions 传达情感 convey news/information to sb. 把消息/信息传给某人 convey meanings传达意思

convey sb.sth./convey sth.to sb. 向某人传达某事 conveys passengers /goods载客/运货 【即时巩固】单项选择题

①I was so excited at the news that I could hardly ________ my feelings in words. A. carry B. convey

C. survey

D. communicate

②What is it that the author wants to ______to his readers through the story? A. send

B. convey

C. take

D. talk


【教材原句】However, new trains had to be developed and the plan required raising

a large amount of money, so the digging was postponed until 1860.(P50)但是,新式列车得加以研发,并且这个计划需要筹集大量的资金,所以地下隧道的挖凿被推迟到1860年。


①I got everything ready yesterday,but only to learn that the summer camp was postponed.

昨天我做好了一切准备,却没想到 。

②They postponed making a decision and we just had to wait. 他们 ,那我们就只能等了。

③The sports meeting will be postponed to the following Saturday because of the rain.

由于下雨,运动会 。


postpone (doing) sth. 推迟(做)某事 postpone

sth.to/until ... 把……推迟到…… delay, postpone, put off 三者均可表示将某事推迟到原订时间之后的某一时间进行,其后可接名词或动名词(但一般不接不定式)。为了表明推迟到何时,可用介词 to, till, until 等。 They delayed [postponed, put off] leaving. 他们推迟动身。 He decided to delay/postpone/put off his holiday to/till/until next month.他决定把假期推迟到下个月。 几点区别 ①delay 除表示推迟日期外,还可表示暂时阻挠或阻挡,因此有“耽搁”、“拖延”等意。如: The heavy rain delayed my journey. 大雨耽搁了我的行程。 ②postpone 和 put off 主要用于延期,两者常可换用,只是后者较通俗和口语化;但是 put off 有时 以人作宾语,表示借辞推脱或搪塞某人、推迟或取消与某人的约会、使某人不高兴或反感、打扰某人、让某人下车等,此时不宜用 postpone。 He tried to put me off with more promises. 他想用更多的诺言来敷衍我。 We’ve invited friends to dinner and it’s too late to put them off now. 我们已邀请朋友来吃饭,现在取消来不及了。 Don’t be put off by the title-it’s a really good book. 别介意这书名不好,它真是本好书。 Don’t put me off when I’m trying to concentrate.我正要集中注意力呢,别打扰我。 注:delay 也可以人作宾语,但强调的是耽搁某人的时间 I was delayed by the traffic. 因交通堵塞,我迟到了。 ③delay 除用作动词外,还用作名词,其余两者不用作名词。如: We must leave without delay. 我们必须马上离开。 That is the reason of my delay in answering your letter. 这就是我迟迟不给你复信的缘故。 注:名词 delay 后可接 in doing sth,但不接 of doing sth 或不定式。 【即时巩固】单项选择题

①It was an unpopular decision to ________ the new hospital. A. postpone to build

D. decide building

B. postpone building

C. put off to build

②After the earthquake, to make sure that rescue work could be carried out as smoothly as possible, the premier his visit to that country. A. put away put down

B. put off

C. put up


③—Why were you late for such an important concert?

—The plane arrived at the airport after a ________of three hours. A. delay

D. request

B. rest

C. tour

考点-3. undertake

【教材原句】Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles

Yerkes, undertook improving the system in 1902 by obtaining ownership of the many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways Company of London. (P51)看到这种情况,一名叫查尔斯·耶基斯的美国富商于1902年承担起了改善地铁系统的工程,他买下了许多不同的地铁线,创立了伦敦电力地铁公司。


①The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.