2018-2019学年河南省濮阳市八年级(上)期末英语试卷(解析版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2018-2019学年河南省濮阳市八年级(上)期末英语试卷(解析版)更新完毕开始阅读



26.(10分) We all know Bill Gates is a very rich person and good at computer science. But do you know he has another (1) ﹣ reading? He is so interested in reading that he always tries to find a book to read when he is (2) on weekends. And in his large and beautiful house, you can see a big (3) with so many books.

Why does Bill Gates (4) reading a lot? He thinks good books can tell us much about life. As we know, he is fond of (5) about the world. He says books may bring him many smart ideas. A good book is just like a teacher. You always learn (6) than you can think. Gates is kind to young people. He's always doing his best to help them. He thinks reading can teach young people a lot. (7) every year he recommends (推荐) a good book to them. If he decides which book young people (8) read, he'll spend his money buying many of such books and give them for free.

This year his favorite book is Factfulness, a book tells us the world is better than (9) think. He hopes all young people can know more about the world. Which book will be the (10) one Gates wants to recommend to young people? Let's wait and see.

(1)A. job (2)A. free (3)A. kitchen (4)A. hate (5)A. asking (6)A. more (7)A. So

B. idea B. busy B. library B. mind B. making B. little B. Or

C. story C. tired C. park C. enjoy C. thinking C. slow C. But

D. hobby D. sick D. bathroom D. risk D. worrying D. bad D. Because

(8)A. may (9)A. we (10)A. first

B. could B. you B. next

C. would C. he C. best

D. should D. she D. last

四、阅读理解(20小题,每小题10分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 27.(10分) Winter Camp 2018

Where: Lake Geneva, WI (southern Wisconsin), the United States Age: 12 to 18 Date: Dec. 27, 2018 to Jan. 2, 2019 Campers should arrive between 1:00﹣3:00 pm on December 27. Price: 325(350 after Nov. 15) Activities: ? Climbing the wall ? Team building ? Volleyball & Basketball ? Dance class Travel: Arriving flights (航班) should be on December 27 by noon. Departing flights should be on January 2 but not before noon. Buses will be free between camp and these airports: Mitchell (Milwaukee), O'Hare and Midway (Chicago). E﹣mail: Aaron_Creech@ucg.org Phone: 513﹣374﹣9392 根据材料内容选择最佳答案.

(1)If Mr. Green signs up (报名) for his two sons on November 25, he will pay . A. 325 B. 350 C. 650


(2)How long is the winter camp? A. Three days. B. A week. C.Half a month. D. A month.

(3)What won't the campers do? A. Climb the wall. B. Learn to dance. C. Play volleyball. D. Go swimming.

(4)The underlined word \ \. A. 离开的 B. 到达的 C. 最快的 D. 最慢的

(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A. The winter camp is near a lake in Japan. B. Campers can arrive at 2:00 pm on December 27. C. Children under eleven can take part inthe camp. D. Campers will pay for the bus ride from camp to Midway.

28.(10分)There are 502 people in Trashi Thongmon community in Tibet. In the past, they had to talk face to face. The change came last year. For 330 yuan a year, they could use the Internet and also get a telephone and a set﹣top box (机顶盒) to watch TV.

Now, 87 families are using the network and another 18 will be able to use it soon. There is also free Wi﹣Fi in many public areas.

Tsering Kelsang is in a WeChat group with other 24 people from poor families. \community committee (委员会), I work as a part﹣time forest ranger (护林员) and can make 3,000 yuan a year,\. Tsering Kelsang's brother works in Lhasa. Before his family was able to use the network, he seldom talked with his brother. Now they often make phone calls.

\son enjoys watching movies. When I work on the farm, I leave him at home watching movies. I don't have to worry about him running around outside,\said Tsering Kelsang. Families without computers and smartphones also don't need to worry. They can use the four computers in the committee.


(1)The underlined word \ \. A. the telephone B. the set﹣top box C. the network D. free Wi﹣Fi

(2)How often did Tsering Kelsang talk with his brother before? A. Often. B. Sometimes. C.Never. D. Seldom.

(3)Which of the following is TRUE? A. Tsering Kelsang comes from a poor family. B. Tsering Kelsang doesn't have a phone. C. Tsering Kelsang doesn't have a job. D. Tsering Kelsang works in Lhasa.

(4)Tsering Kelsang's son likes on the Internet. A. playing games B. watching movies C. listening to music D. chatting with friends

(5)What's the main idea of the passage? A. People in Trashi Thongmon are living a happy life. B. The network makes people in Trashi Thongmon live better. C. There is free Wi﹣Fi in many public areas in Trashi Thongmon.