招投标常用英语 联系客服

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招标附录??appendix to tender

招标公告??notification of bidding, tender notice

招标号??bidding no., tendering no.

招标人??tenderer, contracting party, contracting authority, employer

招标文件??bidding documents, tender documentations, tender documents

招标文件澄清??clarification of bidding documents

招标文件修改??amendment of bidding documents

招标资料表??bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet

招投标范围??scope of bid

争端解决??settlement of dispute

政府采购法??government procurement law

政府采购协议??government procurement agreement

政府采购指令??government procurement directives

直接签订合同??direct contracting

中标标准??award criteria

中标通知??notification of award, award of tender

注册地点??place of registration

专用条款??special terms and conditions

专用账户??Special Account, SA

准备投标书??preparation of bid, preparation of tender



资格预审招标??prequalified tendering

资金来源??source of fund

资质信息??qualification information

自营工程??force accounting