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1.1Western Names 1【单选题】

In the format of western names,which name is put first?( ) A、Family name B、Last name C、Surname D、First name 我的答案:D 2【单选题】

Bill is the short version of ( ). A、William B、Steven C、Robert D、Richard 我的答案:A 3【判断题】

There is only one given name in western name.( ) 我的答案:×

1.2What is Culture 1【单选题】

Culture is the beliefs, ( ) and way-of-life of a community or society. A、traditions B、habits C、customs D、costumes 我的答案:C 2【单选题】

Which one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( ) A、Chinese food B、Spring Festivel C、Chinese medicine D、Football 我的答案:D 3【判断题】

Chinese culture is better than American culture.( ) 我的答案:×

2Geography of the USA 2.1 Topography of the USA 1【单选题】

( ) and Hawaii are seperated from American mainland.

A、Colorado B、Indiana C、Alabama D、Alaska 我的答案:D 2【单选题】

Which is the largest states by population?( ) A、Texas B、New York C、California D、Florida 我的答案:C 3【判断题】

Boston is on the West Coast of America.( ) 我的答案:×

2.2Three Icons of America 1【单选题】

Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )

A、Because it is the first national park in the world. B、Because it is in America.

C、Because it is the biggest national park in America. D、Because it is the first national park in America. 我的答案:A 2【单选题】

Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincoln's faces are made on Rushmore.( ) A、Madison B、Roosevelt C、Kennedy D、Adams 我的答案:B 3【单选题】

Which country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( ) A、The United Kingdom B、Canada C、Australia D、France 我的答案:D

2.3Comparison of the USA and China (1) 1【单选题】

Which is not the major environment issues of America?( ) A、Air pollution

the Mount B、Water shortage

C、Loss of agricultural land D、desertification 我的答案:C 2【单选题】

The most fresh water used in China is in ( ). A、Domestic B、Industry C、Livestock D、Agriculture 我的答案:D 3【单选题】

In 2013, the population of China is about ( ) more than that of America. A、3 times B、4 times C、5 times D、6 times 我的答案:B 4【单选题】

Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( ) A、China has more railways than America.

B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico. C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.

D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China. 我的答案:A 5【判断题】

The total area of China is bigger than America.( ) 我的答案:×

2.4Comparison of the USA and China (2) 1【单选题】

All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia. A、the UK B、the USA C、France D、Japan 我的答案:B 2【单选题】

The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ). A、White, Hispanic and Black B、White, Black and Hispanic C、White, Black and Asian

D、White, Asian and Black 我的答案:A 3【单选题】

In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years.? A、70 B、72 C、75 D、79

我的答案:C 4【单选题】

1 kilogram is ( ) pounds.? A、0.6 B、1.7 C、2.1 D、2.2


3.Economy of the USA

3.1Overview 1【单选题】

Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( ) A、China B、Japan

C、South Korea D、Germany 我的答案:A 2【单选题】

Which one of following is not an American company?( ) A、Google B、CocaCola C、Facebook D、Airbus 我的答案:D 3【判断题】

Per capita means a person.( ) 我的答案:√

3.2Comparison of USA and China 1【单选题】

The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China. A、Canada B、Mexico