2014年高考真题 - 英语(江苏卷) Word版含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2014年高考真题 - 英语(江苏卷) Word版含答案更新完毕开始阅读


Never before had a kitchen so much of a History 以前从未有过的

It tells of Freedom, Success, and of the Architecture of big American cities. Because that is where it started: in the second half of the 19th century!

Welcome to a new Era of Kitchen Interior Design 新纪元室内设计

Back then, a Generation of successful American Entrepreneurs企业家 dreamt of a new style of Architecture to express their personal wealth. This dream was realized by young architects such as Daniel Burnham and Stanford White.

They all had studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. And they created a new style for Architecture and Interior Design, named after the famous French Art Institute: Beaux Arts. SieMatic BcauxArts Breaks and Creates

In fact it was not a new style at all, but a composition合成物of styles from different periods and cultures. Many world-famous structures such as the Chicago Art Institute and the Statue of Liberty account for 解释原因it. But what does that have to do with 有关your kitchen? Just as much as you want it to. Because in the same way that the anti-conventional architects back支持 then took the freedom to combine elements from different historical eras, today, you too can break the conventional rules of style and create something new: your own personal composition of your kitchen. For that, SieMatic BeauxArts offers unique opportunities: A broad range of seemingly conflicting features that you combine to a harmonious design of your own. You can choose from menu of various forms, appealing colors,夺目的颜色 and precious materials,珍贵材料 to create an environment that is much more than just a kitchen: a reflection of your personality. 反应自己的个性

56. Why did the BeauxArts style attract American entrepreneurs?

A. It helped display their money status. B. It was created by famous architects.

C. It was named after a famous institute. D. It represented the 19th century urban culture. 57. What is unique of SieMatic BeauxArts? A. Its designs are anti-conventional. B. Its designs come from famous structures.

C. Its customers can enjoy their own composition. 展示自己的构思 D. Its customers can choose from various new styles.

B 经济知识类阅读

However wealthy we may be, we can never find enough hours in the day to do everything we want.58 Economics deals with this problem through the concept of opportunity cost,机会成本 which simply refers to whether someone’s time or money could be better spent on something else.

Every hour of our time has a value. For every hour we work at one job we could quite easily be doing another, or be sleeping or watching a film. Each of these options has a different opportunity cost—namely, what they cost us in missed opportunities. 下文为例


Say you intend to watch a football match but the tickets are expensive and it will take you a couple of hours to get to and from the stadium. Why not, you might reason, watch the game from 59 home and use the leftover money and time to have dinner with friends? This—the alternative use of your cash and time—is the opportunity cost.

For economists, every decision is made by knowledge of what one must forgo放弃—in terms of money and enjoyment—in order to take it up. By knowing precisely what you are receiving and what you are missing out on, you ought to be able to make better-informed, more reasonable decisions. Consider that most famous economic rule of all: there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Even if someone offers to take you out to lunch for free, the time you will spend in the restaurant still costs you something in terms of forgone opportunities.

Some people find the idea of opportunity cost extremely discouraging: imagine spending your entire life calculating whether your time would be better spent elsewhere doing something more profitable or enjoyable. Yet, in a sense 在某种意义it’s human nature to do precisely that—we assess the advantages and disadvantages of decisions all the time.

In the business world, a popular phrase is “value for money.” 现金价值People want their cash to go as far as possible. However, another is fast obtaining an advantage: “value for time.” The biggest restriction on our resources is the number of hours we can devote to something, so we look to maximize the return we get on our investment of time. 60 By reading this passage you are giving over a bit of your time which could be spent doing other activities, such as sleeping and eating. In return, however, this passage will help you to think like an economist, closely considering the opportunity cost of each of your decisions.

58. According to the passage, the concept of “opportunity cost” is applied to被用于 ________.

A. making more money

B. taking more opportunities

D. weighing the choice of opportunities

C. reducing missed opportunities

59. The “leftover ... time” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to the time ________.

A. spared for watching the match at home C. spent on the way to and from the match match

60. What are forgone opportunities? 放弃的机会

A. Opportunities you forget in decision-making. B. Opportunities you give up for better ones. C. Opportunities you miss accidentally.

C科普知识类阅读 介绍一些与愤怒有关的表现以及医学原理和人们生气的时候表现出的行为模式。


B. taken to have dinner with friends D. saved from not going to watch the

D. Opportunities you make up for.

Most damagingly, anger weakens减弱 a person’s ability to think clearly and keep control over his behaviour. The angry person loses objectivity客观性 in evaluating the emotional significance of the person or situation that arouses his anger.

Not everyone experiences anger in the same way; what angers one person may amuse another. The specific expression of anger also differs from person to person 61 based on biological and cultural forces. In contemporary 当代 culture, physical expressions of anger are generally considered too socially harmful to be tolerated. We no longer regard duels (决斗) as an appropriate expression of anger resulting from one person’s awareness of insulting behaviour on the part of another.

Anger can be identified in the brain, where the electrical activity changes. Under most conditions EEG (脑电图) measures of electrical activity show balanced activity between the right and left prefrontal (额叶前部) areas. Behaviourally this corresponds to the general even-handed disposition (意向) that most of us possess most of the time. But when we are angry the EEG of the right and left prefrontal areas aren’t balanced and, as a result of this, we’re likely to react. And our behavioural response to anger is different from our response to other emotions, whether positive or negative. 脑电图在额叶前部会出现不平衡的现象62

Most positive emotions are associated with approach behaviour:行为模式we move closer to people we like. Most negative emotions, in contrast, are associated with avoidance behaviour: 逃避行为we move away from people and things that we dislike or that make us anxious. But anger is an exception to this pattern.63 The angrier we are, the more likely we are to move towards the object of our anger. This corresponds to符合于 what psychologists refer to as of ensive anger: the angry person moves closer in order to influence and control the person or situation causing his anger. This approach-and-confront behaviour is accompanied by a leftward prefrontal asymmetry (不对称) of EEG activity. Interestingly, this asymmetry lessens变少 if the angry person can experience empathy (同感) towards the individual who is bringing forth 产生the angry response. In defensive anger, in contrast, the EEG asymmetry is directed to 指向the right and the angry person feels helpless in the face of the anger-inspiring situation.

61. The “duels” example in Paragraph 2 proves that the expression of anger ________.

A. usually has a biological basis C. is socially and culturally shaped

B. varies among people

D. influences one’s thinking and evaluation

62. What changes can be found in an angry brain?


A. Balanced electrical activity can be spotted.

B. Unbalanced patterns are found in prefrontal areas. 额前区 C. Electrical activity corresponds to one’s behaviour. D. Electrical activity agrees with one’s disposition. 63. Which of the following is typical特点 of offensive anger?

A. Approaching the source of anger. C. Moving away from what is disliked.

B. Trying to control what is disliked. D. Feeling helpless in the face of anger.

64. What is the key message of the last paragraph?

A. How anger differs from other emotions. C. Behavioural responses to anger. D社会生活类阅读

August 1990,Boston Dear Maya Shao-ming,

To me, June 6,1990 is a special day. My long-awaited期待已久 dream came true the minute your father cried, \more than just a second child, more than just a girl to match our boy. You, little daughter, are the link to our female line, the legacy of another woman's pain and sacrifice 31 years ago. 65 Let me tell you about your Chinese grandmother. Somewhere in Hong Kong, in the late fifties, a young waitress found herself pregnant (怀孕) by a cook, probably a co-worker at her restaurant. She carried the baby to term, suffered to give it birth, and kept the little girl for the first three months of her life. I like to think that my mother—your grandmother—loved me and fought to raise me on her own, but that the daily struggle was too hard. Worn down by the demands of the new baby and perhaps the constant threat of starvation, she made the painful decision to give away her girl so that both of us might have a chance for a better life.66 More likely, I was dropped at the orphanage (M JLR) steps or somewhere else. I will probably never know the truth. Having a baby in her unmarried state would have brought shame on the family in China, so she probably kept my existence a secret. Once I was out of her life, it was as if I had never been born. And so you and your brother and I are the missing leaves on a family tree. Do they ever wonder if we exist?

Before I was two, I was adopted by an Anglo couple. Fed three square meals 美餐a day, I grew like a wild weed and grasped all the opportunities they had to offer—books, music, education,


B. How anger relates to other emotions.

D. Behavioural patterns of anger. 愤怒的模式