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A. higher productivity, but a lower average income B. lower productivity, but a higher average income C. lower productivity and a lower average income D. higher productivity and higher average income

47. According to the passage, a large population will provide a chance for developing _____. A. agriculture B. transport system C. industry D. national economy

48. In a developed country, people will perhaps go out of work if the birthrate _____ A. goes up B. goes down C. remains stable D. is out of control 49. According to the passage, slowly rising birthrate perhaps 'is good for ______ A. a developing nation B. a developed nation

C. every nation with a big population D. every nation with a small population

50. It is no easy job to carry out a general plan for birth control throughout the world because _______ A. there are too many underdeveloped countries in the world

B. underdeveloped countries have low level of industrial development C. different governments have different views of the question D. even developed countries may have complex problems III. Close

American teenagers have always worked for extra pocket money. More than their predecessors, today’s adolescents are __51___ to work long hours during the week for hundreds of dollars each month. They spend the money __52___themselves rather than ___53__it to their families. In a 1987 __54___ of 16,000 high school seniors nationwide, it was __55___ that eighty percent of students who work spend their earnings on their own needs, __56___ clothing, stereo equipment, records and __57___ . __58___ five percent said they contributed most of their income, which often exceeded $200 a month, to help pay family living__59___ . The benefits of this work-and-spend ethic are being __60__ debated. __61___experts, and many parents, __62_that year-round part-time employment increases youngsters’ sense of worth, teaches them financial__63___and reduces tension—and thus__64___ — within the family. Others, __65___ , argue that working teenagers are inappropriately separated, physically and financially, __66___ their families, which__67___ parental authority. Teenagers’ school work can also __68___ . When youngsters work for luxuries, they are buying__69___from education, ” said a program director for the U.S. Department of Education. Working teenagers themselves say they have __70___ time to spend with friends and family.

51. A) about B)fond C) likely D) possible 52. A)by B) on C) in D) for

53 .A) contributing B) contribute C) paying D) pay 54. A) view B) inspection C) observation D) survey

55 .A) suggested B) found C) recommended D) advised

56. A) for example B) such as C) that is to say D) in other words 57 .A) going to the movie B) going to movies C) movies D) the movie 58. A) Other B) Only C) Additional D) Further 59 .A) expenses B) money C) values D) charges

60. A) furiously B) heatedly C) thoroughly D) entirely 61. A) No B) All C) Any D) Some

62 .A) insist B) demand C) suggest D)require

63 .A) accounts B) ability C) responsibility D) well-being 64 .A) crash B) conflict C) battle D) struggle

65 .A) furthermore B) therefore C) however D) besides 66 .A) in B) with C) from D) by

67 .A) weakens B) loses C) reduces D) destroys

68 .A) be suffered B) suffer C) be suffered from D) suffer from 69 .A) destruction B) separation C) affection D) distraction

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70 .A) more B) less C) reduced D) sufficient