新概念二翻译练习与答案 联系客服

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He gazed at the remains of the dog and regreted leaving it at home.


When you were doing that, did it ever crossed your mind that it could cause some misunderstanding?

20、我粗心地把手机漏在朋友家了。I carelessly left my cellphone at my friend's. 21、你一定要细心检查作业并且把错误改正过来。

You must examine your homework carefully and correct the mistakes.


It is hard for everybody to believe an explanation like this. A explanation like this is hard to be believed for everybody.


He accidentally discovered that it turned out that his cellphone was not left at home.

24、这个意外的发现令他感到很兴奋。This accidental find makes him excited. 25、我完全相信这是真的。I quite believe that this is true.

26、他粗心地把杯子摔到了地上。He dropped the glass on the floor carelessly.


If you don't explain , you will cause some unnecessary misunderstanding.

28、他为什么要走对我来说是个迷。Why he wanted to go is a mystery for me. 29、她是个迷一样的女人。She is a mysterious woman.


He snatched the handle, but he didn't stop the box from dropping.

Lesson 54

1、这些面糊就像脱水一样粘。This pastry is as sticky as glue. 2、这种胶水一点都不粘。This glue is not pastry at all.

3、每个人都有十个手指。Everybody has ten fingers.

4、每一个手指的不一样长。Each finger is not as long as the others.


My hands are covered with pastry,please help me answer the phone.

6、你可以混些糖到面粉里。You can/may mix some sugar into the flour. 7、面包和蛋糕都是用面粉做的。Both bread and cake are made of flour.

8、我已经和他们混得很熟了。I have mixed them very well.

9、我尝试说服他和我一起去逛街。I try to persuade him to go shopping with me.

10、我花了半小时才说服他别再打电话来。 It took me half an hour to persuade him not to ring again.

11、不要把我的房间弄得乱七八糟的。Don't make a mess of my room. 12、我考试考得一团糟。I made a mess of my exam.

13、请在这里签上你的名字。Please sign your name here.

14、这是你的包裹,请签收一下。Here's your parcel, please sign and receive it.

15、婴儿总喜欢玩电话听筒。Babies always like playing receivers.


16、我的电话听筒是 黑色的并且有彩色的图案。 My receiver is black with colourful patterns.


I put my hand inside my pocket and felt money in it,nothing could have been more exciting.

18、我说服他放弃那个计划。I persuaded him to give up that plan. 19、你认得出他旁边的那个人吗?Can you recognize the man beside him?

20、今天我吃过晚饭后天色还很早。It is early after I have had my supper today.


At that time,his wife was at work and his daughter was not at home.

22、但是屋子一点都不安静,因为他正在大声地播放音乐。 But the house was not quiet,because he was playing music loudly.

23、大声点,我听不见你在说些什么。Speak up! I can't hear you/what did you say.


I don't know how to make meat pies,can you teach me?

25、首先你要把这些材料混合在一起。First, you must mix these ingridients together. 26、尽管那样会弄脏你的手。 That will make your hands dirty though.

27、我所做的让他很失望。What I did dismayed him.

28、听到这个消息后,我相当地泄气。When I heard the news, I was quite dismayed.

29、小心点,这个门把手坏了。Be careful! This doorknob is broken. 30、门把上布满了灰尘。The doorknob is covered with dust.

31、现在已经很少人寄挂号信了。Fewer people register letter now. Only few people now send registered letters.

32、那正是我想告诉你的。That's exactly what I want to tell you.

33、正在那时候,我的手机忽然响了。At exactly that moment,my cellphone rang.


At exactly that moment, the man in front of him has gone away. (此练习已经外教核对) Lesson 55

1,买车的梦想差点实现了。The dream of buying a car almost comes true . 2,新机器已经被发明出来了。A new machine has been invented.

3,那罐金币被埋在地里。That tin of gold coin was buried in the ground.

4,那座小山的洞里有宝藏。There is treasure in the cave in the hill.

5,谁会把宝藏埋在海边?Who could bury the treasure near the seashore?

6,海盗们到处藏金子。The Pirates hid the gold here and there.

7,凭借一把刀的武装(即 被一把刀武装起来),他进了洞里。 Armed with a knife,he went into the cave.

8,队长很兴奋,也很自信。The leader of the party was very excited and very confident。

9,你们必须核查每个细节。You must examine each detail.