2017-2018学年高中英语人教版必修三教学案:Unit 1 Section 5 Word版含答案全面版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2017-2018学年高中英语人教版必修三教学案:Unit 1 Section 5 Word版含答案全面版更新完毕开始阅读




2.主体——主要叙述事件的发生、经过及结果。 3.结尾——呼应标题,发表感想、愿望等。 黄金表达 常用的开头语

1.(2015·北京书面表达)Last Tuesday, our class invited an old craftsman to teach us how to make dough figurines.


2.I still remember my first trip to the Taishan Mountain as if it were yesterday. 我依然记得第一次去泰山旅游的事情,就像是在昨天一样。 主体部分常用表达


①All the flights had been cancelled because of the heavy rain, so all the passengers had to take the train.

②All the flights had been cancelled because of the heavy rain; as a result, all the passengers had to take the train.

③All the flights having been cancelled because of the heavy rain, all the passengers had to take the train.

2.我们在桂林逗留的时间没有像我希望得那样长。 ①We didn't spend so much time in Guilin as I had hoped. ②The time we spent in Guilin was not so much as I had hoped. 3.一听见有人呼救,他毫不犹豫地跳入河中。

①On hearing someone calling for help, he did not hesitate to jump into the river.

②Hardly had he heard someone calling for help when he jumped into the river without


③No sooner had he heard someone calling for help than he jumped into the river without hesitation.


①It is reported that the two robbers stopped a taxi and made their way to the railway station. ②The two robbers are reported to have stopped a taxi and headed for the railway station. 5.救护车赶到时,围观的人已经很多了。

①When the ambulance arrived, a crowd of onlookers had gathered.

②By the time the ambulance arrived, there were a crowd of onlookers gathering. 6.对于这起交通事故的原因,我认为卡车司机应该负主要责任。

①As for the cause of the accident, I think the driver of the lorry should be to blame. ②As far as the cause of the accident is concerned, I think the driver of the lorry should be to blame.

③As far as the cause of the accident is concerned, I think, it is the driver of the lorry who should be to blame.


1.From this experience, I learned that being careful is very important and that we can't be too careful, especially in examinations.

从这次经历中,我了解到细心非常重要,尤其在考试时,我们怎样细心都不为过。 2.Will you join us in the next century? How romantic and fantastic it will be! 你愿意在下个世纪加入我们吗?那将是多么浪漫和奇妙啊!





第一步:搜索单元词汇 1.充满乐趣 full_of_fun 2.沉浸在……be_drowned_in 3.欣赏 admire 4.燃放;引爆 set_off 5.庆祝 celebrate 6.盼望 look_forward_to 第二步:巧用单元语法和句型 (一)根据要求完成下列练习

1.我们聚集在一起,吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。(完成句子) We all gathered around and had a big dinner. 2.然后,春节联欢晚会开始了。(翻译句子) Then_the_Spring_Festival_Gala_began. 3.据报道春晚相当精彩。(一句多译)

①It_was_reported that the Spring Festival Gala was wonderful. ②The Spring Festival Gala was_reported_to be wonderful.


Many stars turned_up on the stage, bringing us so much pleasure that we were all drowned in admiring their performances.


The midnight saw us setting_off the fireworks to_celebrate the beginning of a new year. 6. 黎明时,我们盛装打扮,挨家挨户的拜年。(完成句子) At dawn, we all dressed_up and paid a visit door to door. (二)根据所给要求,用以上句子完成句式升级 7.用现在分词短语作伴随状语改写句1 We_all_gathered_around_having_a_big_dinner. 8.用全部倒装句改写句2

Then_began_the_Spring_Festival_Gala. 9.用as引导的非限制性定语从句改写句3

As_was_reported,_the_Spring_Festival_Gala_was_wonderful. 第三步:连接过渡成篇

The Spring Festival was really full of fun.

First, we all gathered around having a big dinner. Then began the Spring Festival Gala. Just as was reported, it was wonderful. Many stars turned up on the stage, bringing us so much pleasure that we were all drowned in admiring their performances. The midnight saw us setting off the fireworks to celebrate the beginning of a new year. Then we ate dumplings. At dawn, we all dressed up and paid a visit door to door.

We all hope we will have a good luck in the following new year and we are all looking forward to realizing our all dreams.



Following Christmas dinner, my family was relaxing around the kitchen table. We were discussing the delicious meal we had just had. Dad had risen from his chair and was standing nearby.

My nephew began playing with his new basketball around the table. Upon nearing Dad, he stopped. With shaking, wrinkled hands, Dad had reached out for the ball. He did not speak, and the boy looked at us in confusion. After a few seconds, he carefully passed the ball to Dad. I watched my father closely to see what he would do. A playful smile appeared on his face. Holding the ball and reaching forward, Dad bounced it on the floor and then caught it.

This action was repeated. Smiling with satisfaction, he then turned towards us. Gently tossing (投掷) the ball away, Dad began a game of catch.

The ball continued to be passed through pairs of outstretched hands. Cries of “Over here!”rang through the warm kitchen. Dad's active participation in this game was remarkable to me, since he had dementia (痴呆).This disease had robbed him of many memories and the recognition of people, places and points in time. Despite this, Dad clearly recognized the ball and what he could do with it.

In my younger years, playing with Dad was rare. He worked hard and provided for us, but never showed nor shared much emotion.His favorite game was chess, which he once taught me how to play. But after his illness, connecting moments between father and son had been few before he took the basketball.

I'm not sure how long we played the game. Watching the clock was not important. Dad happily led us until he began to tire.I know that that moment will certainly last forever.This Christmas, Dad gave me a special memory — one that I will always treasure.
