09届高三年级英语上学期月考一试题 联系客服

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p 69. (配备)with one hundred new computers in our school, students can surf the internet at school.

70. The Paralympics is held for p disabled and blind athletes. 第二节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分 ,满分15分) Martin Luther King, Jr, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, 71. was an important political leader in fighting for human right in America. 72. All his life, he believed that it was right and necessary demand 73. changes in society if people could not enjoy his civil rights. 74. He believed that they could achieve their goals by peace actions, 75. not by fighting and kill. It was during the “March on Washington DC” 76. in 1963 when he gave the speech “I have a dream”, which inspired 77. people of all races to fight against equality. King had made many 78. enemies because of his work in the black liberation movement. 79. In 1968, he had murdered. However, his struggle had already 80. changed the whole of society in the USA. 第三节:书面表达(满分30分)

2008年6月6日是我国第13个“爱眼日”。假设你是某校的学生,下面是你校学生近视情况的调查结果。请你根据调查结果用英语写一篇文章,并在文中提出保护眼睛的建议。 1. 高中部学生近视率达到45.2%。 2. 初中部初三学生在初一时患近视的学生只有23%,目前达35%左右。 3. 近视高发病率的主要原因是:学业过重;在电脑前待的时间过长;有不良的阅读习惯





1—5BBDDD 6—10DCBCB 11—15ACDCC 16—20DDAAA 21—25DBAAC 26—30DDABB 31—35CDADB 36—40CCDCB

41—44CADC 45—47CDA 48—51DBCB 52—56ACDDB 57—60BCDA 61. conditions 62. proved 63. despite 64. description 65. Experienced/Seasoned 66. addition 67. accused 68. poverty 69. Equipped 70. physically 71. won前加who/winning 72. right---rights 73. demand前加to 74. his---their 75. peace---peaceful 76. kill---killing

77. when---that 78. against---for 79. 对 80. (第一个)had---was One Possible version:

A recent survey in our school shows that more and more students have become near-sighted. The survey says that 45.2 percent of senior students are near-sighted. It also says that 35% of Junior Three students are near-sighted, but it was only 23% when they were in Junior One.

I think the main causes are as follows. First, we have to do many lessons, especially in Junior Three and Senior Three. Second, some of us spend too much time in front of the computer. Further more, some students often read lying in bed or in dim light.

We must form good reading habits, spend less time in front of the computer, and arrange time for our lessons scientifically. In a word, we must let our eyes have a rest during work from time to time.