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中文题目: 冲孔落料复合模设计

英文题目:Punching Blanking Compound Die Design

毕业专业: 汽车机械制造 学生姓名: 准考证号: 指导教师:

二零一五 年 一 月


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。 汽车覆盖件模具制造技术正在不断地提高和完善,高精度、高效益加工设备的使用越来越广泛。高性能的五轴高速铣床和三轴的高速铣床的应用已越来越多。NC、DNC技术的应用越来越成熟,可以进行倾角加工和超精加工。这些都提高了模具型面加工精度,提高了模具的质量,缩短了模具的制造周期。


关键词:冲压模具 高精度 汽车覆盖件模具



In recent years, China has greatly improved the level of stamping die. Large stamping die mold has been able to produce a single set of weighing over 50 tons. Complete coverage for the mid-range sedan mold can be produced

domestically. The accuracy of the 1~2 m, domestic enterprises into the die life is about 200000000 times more station level capable of producing. Fine

blanking die surface roughness of Ra is less than or equal to 1.5 m, the large size (phi = 300mm) thick plate fine blanking die and precision die at home also has reached a very high level.

Around the rapid manufacturing of automobile body manufacture, large

covering parts of the mould, have emerged in recent years, some new method of rapid prototyping, for example, has started the application in the production of multi point forming and laser shock and electromagnetic forming technology. They exhibit the advantages of lower costs, improve efficiency.

. Die manufacturing technology is constantly improving and improving

automobile coverage, high precision, high efficiency processing equipment is used more and more widely. Application of high speed milling machine five axis high-speed milling machine with high performance and a three shaft has been more and more. Application of NC DNC technology, more and more mature, can be inclined machining and ultra precision machining. All of these improve the precision mold surface, improve the quality of the mold, shorten manufacture cycle of mould.

. Panel die in the focus of development is large and medium-sized luxury sedan in the coverage mold high technical requirement of automobile panels, especially outer cover mold. High strength plate stamping die and dissimilar thickness and large multi position progressive die, progressive die in the future there will be rapid development. Multifunctional, multi position progressive die in the focus of development is high precision, high efficiency and large, high life progressive die. Fine blanking die in the focus of development is the thick plate fine blanking die of large precision die, and continue to improve its accuracy.

Keywords: high precision die stamping die of automobile cover