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Unit 1

1.canyon=valley(峡谷) plateau(高原) cliff(悬崖) oasis(绿洲) 2.embark on=start (着手去做) quest for=search for 3.intriguing=interesting (有趣的)

表示阴谋的词:plot scheme conspiracy fire extinguisher(灭火器) 4.discriminative=discriminatory(区别的;有识别能力的) contaminant=pollutant(污染物)

NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局

基督教Christianity 基督教徒Christians 伊斯兰教Islam 穆斯林Muslims 印度教Hinduism 印度教徒Hindus

5.Pilgrim:Mayflower五月花号船 1621年4月15日(旧历1621年4月5日)五月花号离开了美国

臭氧层空洞 ozone depletion 半岛 peninsula 中国南极科考站 1、长城站2、中山站3、昆仑站4、泰山站 Text 1 Science in the Sahara:Man of the Dessert Ⅰ:①面积:9,000,000 square kilometers 3,500,000 square miles

②Sahara:cover 10% of African continent;the number one largest hot dessert in the world;the largest dessert is Antarctica

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the precipitation(降雨量) in dessert less than 10 inches ③location Ⅱ:landscape

sand due(沙丘)25% stone plateau mountains range(山脉) cactus 仙人掌 sand sea(沙海)seasonal 季节性的 Nile River(尼罗河)

The important points of Unit 1 regarding its content and background information:

1.The breakthrough events in the South Pole exploration, in particular, the first and second arrival at the South Pole including names of the explorers, their nationalities, time of arrival and the first South Pole research station.

Amundsen:Norway(in Scandinavian Peninsula)斯堪的纳维亚半岛 set out in October,1911。On December 14,1911,Amundsen,his team members,and nineteen dogs became the first living beings to stand at the South Pole.

Robert Scott:Great Britain,On October 24,1911,the journey began. On January 17,1912,they reach the Pole itself. Second to the South Pole.

On November 28,1929,Richard Byrd of the United States made the first flight to the Pole.About 10 hours after takeoff they reach the Pole.Third - 2 -


to the South Pole.But they didn’t land,so they turned around to head for their station on the ice shelf.

first South Pole research station:Amundsen-Scott (1957)

2.The general information introduced in the class about Sahara Desert

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Unit 2

1.repatriation=being sent back DUI=Driving Under the Influence 酒驾 sending or bringing back refugees,etc.to their own country voluntary ~ /forced ~

2.swipe a card 刷卡 burn the midnight oil=stay up late perform miracle 创造奇迹

单边的:monolateral /unilateral 双边的:bilateral 三边的:trilateral 多边的:multilateral Assignments for Text II

(Additional information is needed to answer the questions besides the passage.)

1、This passage is about the plight of Palestinians refugees in Lebanon. What turned Palestinians into refugees in the first place? Origin of the Palestinian refugees Ⅰ:from the 1948 Palestine War

Arab-Israeli War,marking the birth of Israel Ⅱ:from Six-Day War

also known as the Third Arab-Israeli,fought between June 5 and 10,1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt,Jordan and Syria Palestinians refugees

Originally referred to both Arabs and Jews whose normal place of residence had been in Mandatory Palestine but were displaced and lost

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