2016年湖南大众传媒职业技术学院单招模拟题(含解析) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2016年湖南大众传媒职业技术学院单招模拟题(含解析) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读




(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 选择题(每题4分,共100分):

第1题:The underlined word 《well-rounded》 in the passage means 《________》 in Chinese.

A. 圆满的 B. 崭新的 C. 公平的 D. 全面的 【正确答案】D

讲解:【解析】联系后一句It is not only to teach him to speak, read and write, but also to develop his creative thinking and other abilities. 描述,可知此处指的是教育是全面的。故选D。

第2题:What did the boy probably write in his composition?

A. lot of special things he had done.B.The story of his father as an

astronaut.C.The unforgettable time he spent with his father.D.The experiences his father had in middle school. 【正确答案】C


第3题:It is expected that educated people will be able to ________.

A. accept education as a way of living B. take an interest in the whole world C. develop their abilities to make plays D. learn subjects like language and math 【正确答案】B

讲解:【解析】根据第三段Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music, read good books, watch plays and most of all take an interest in the world.描述,可知选B。

第4题:One of the benefits from bicycling is that .

A. you can fold the bicycleB. you will be friendly to othersC. you will be more relaxedD. you may get fatter and fatter 【正确答案】C

讲解:细节理解题。根据Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.可知像骑自行车这样的练习会使人感觉更好、更放松和更自信,故选C。

第5题: Passage BMost musicians agree that the best violins were first made in Gremona, Italy, about 200 years ago.These violins sound better than any others. They even sound better than violins made today.Violin makers and scientists try to make instruments(乐器) like the Italian violins. But they aren't the same.

Musicians still prefer the old ones.Some people think it is the age of the violins. But not all old violins from Gremona are special. So age cannot be the answer.The people think the secret to those violins is the wood. The wood must be from



certain kinds of trees. But the kind of wood may not be so important. It may be more important to cut the wood in a special way. Wood for a violin must be cut very carefully. It has to be the right size and shape. The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin. Musicians sometimes think that this was the secret of the Italians. Maybe they understood more than we do about how to cut the wood.Size and shape may not be the answer either. Scientists can make new ones that are exactly the same size and shape. But the new violins still do not sound as good as the old ones. Some scientists think the secret may be the varnish(漆). Varnish is what covers the wood of the violin. It makes the wood shiny. It also helps the sound of the instrument. But no one knows what the Italian makers used in their varnish.

The passage is about .A. making violins B. the old Italian violinsC. scientific ideas D. musical instruments 【正确答案】B


第6题:_______ deer have been moved to a large nature park.. A. The number of B. A lotC. A number ofD. A great deal of 【正确答案】C

讲解:解析:A??的数量 B a lot of表示许多 C 许多大量修饰可数名词复数 D 大量 修饰不可数名词。选C

第7题:The library has just _______ .

A. completed B. been completed C. completing D. complete 【正确答案】B


第8题:It suddenly occurred to me that we could _________ the police for help. A. ask B. look C. tell D. meet 【正确答案】A

讲解:【解析】考查固定搭配。ask sb for help向某人寻求帮助。M: You don't have much experience in customer service.W: Well, I used to work part-time in a small

company. I answered phone calls, received visitors and wrote e-mails to customers.

第9题:Scientists have _______ that world 's population will double by the end of the century.

A. counted B. worked C. calculated D. resulted 【正确答案】C

讲解:词义辨析、count数数 work工作 calculate计算,预测 result结果。科学家已经计算出到本世纪末世界人口将翻倍。

第10题:Tina Fang uses her digital camera to .

A.take pictures and shoot videos B.1isten to musicC.download and read books D.send e-mails 【正确答案】A


第11题:While building a tunnel through the mountain, _________.



A. an underground lake was discovered B. there was an underground lake discoveredC. a lake was discovered undergroundD. the workers discovered an underground lake 【正确答案】D

讲解:【解析】当主句和从句的主语一致时,while引导的时间状语从句中主语和be动词可以省略。从building a tunnel(隧道)可知动作执行者是人,所以主句主语也是人。故选D.

第12题: 城市草地对资源浪费的反思 中国人口多,耕地少,精耕细作成了中华民族的传统习惯。《心里长草》、《满地是草》、《斩草除根》,在人们心目中,草成了贬义词家族中的重要一员。如今,在我们的城市小区、公园,草成了宠儿,从大都市到小城镇, 《满地是草》,不是《斩草除根》,而是在大力的《栽草固根》。我国人口密度大,特别是城市人均占有可活动空间小。但现在全国城市的新开垦区,新建公园占地面积都很大,有的几百亩,甚至上千亩、数千亩,平原做成人工丘陵,耕地做成人工草场。这些草场公园除人行道外,到处是《小草在成长,不要踩踏我》的标牌,不准游人进入。面对空旷的公园,游人只能望洋兴叹,《大饱眼福》。数以万计的城市居住小区,大片的空旷地,也是草场占据。以铺草为主的绿化导致了《有绿无荫》的后果,有的城市绿地草坪比例过大,在炎炎烈日之下,行人却找不到遮阳的树木。 城市绿化,其实种植树种、蔬菜等经济作物立体功能更强,同样面积可以比种草释放更多的氧气、水分,更有利于改善城市生态环境。以植树和种草为例,在吸收颗粒物方面树木是草坪的3倍以上;种树吸收二氧化碳、制造氧气的功能是草坪的5倍多。每公顷树木每年可滞尘量10.9吨,吸收二氧化碳16吨,吸收二氧化硫300公斤,产生氧气12吨。夏季树林中的气温比空旷地低3--5℃,冬季则高2--4℃。一棵大树昼夜的调温效果相当于10台空调机工作20小时。二者的投资比例为1∶10,而产生的生态效益比为30∶1。 据测算,每平方米草坪《喝》一次水需要1.2吨。草坪的修剪、除草、浇灌、病虫害防治等,每年每平方

米要5元左右,这也大大超出以树木为主的绿地管理。这都有悖于《节约型绿化》的指导思想。 中国人均耕地很少,包括绿化在内都应该珍惜和合理利用每一寸土地,都应该把经济效益放在第一位。树木《占天不占地》,在提高市区绿化覆盖率方面起着重要作用,其经济价值和生态价值都比种草有优势。公园可以搞成干果、水果采摘园,冬天搞成蔬菜园大棚园。中国太阳谷绿化就栽植了大量的蛋白桑和甜高粱。蛋白桑可以吃叶、泡茶。甜高粱结籽、秸秆含糖量高,增加甜高粱内容使市民不出城也可以享受到田园生活。 城市绿化植树种菜,少种草坪,并不是说完全拒绝草坪。比如,我国草坪发源地大连,气候干热,土层薄,种树难度大,只能先铺草坪后逐步增加乔木。更主要的是大连市内多山林地段,辅以草坪,能形成较好的绿地景观和生态效果。问题在于不能盲目地追求大草坪,更不能追求欧式大草坪。许多城市为让绿化速成,不顾当地的自然、气候条件,盲目种植大面积的草坪以取代栽树。且多是从国外引进的冷季型草坪,不耐旱、浪费水,缺一点水就发黄,管理费用高。暖季型乡土草坪具有节水耐旱、耐践踏、不用修剪优势。韩国、日本、美国等国家已经认识到冷季型草坪的问题,每年从我国进口暖季型乡土草坪的比重逐渐增加。虽然这些乡土草坪一到10月份就变枯黄,但综合效益要优于冷季型草坪。 (全国人大代表黄鸣 2012.03.07 新浪微博) 下列关于《城市草地》资源浪费的理解,不正确的一项是( )

A.全国城市的新开垦区滥用资源,平原做成人工丘陵,耕地做成人工草场。B.有的城市草地比例过大,在炎炎烈日之下,行人却找不到遮阳的树木。C.全国人口密度大,加上城市草地绿化,导致城市人均占有可活动空间小。D.城市草地的管理成本大大超出以树木为主的绿地管理成本。 【正确答案】C


第13题:Mr. Green wants to buy a new blouse for ____________.

A.Bill's mother B.Bill C.his friend D.other people 【正确答案】A




第14题: Passage C Is it necessary for students to spend more time studying during their winter holiday? I think not.Students have been working hard for

several months now, and soon they will have completes all of this term's course. However unhappily, they may not be able to relax their tight nerves as usual, because I have heard that many middle school headmasters are considering holding classes in winter holidays. After five months of study, our students have become very tired, so perhaps, continuation classes are beyond them. What they

need in the winter holidays is rest. Any more courses will only make them tiresome instead of helping them to progress in their studies. What's more, continuation classes will mean students fail to recover their energy, and this will affect

their work next term. I do hope leaders of Education Bureau(教育局)will forbid such classes in the holidays and allow our students to have a good rest.In the passage the writer tries to_______.

A. give some advice on holiday life for the studentsB. persuade middle school headmasters to give up the idea of continuation classesC. make people better

understand the importance of educationD. make clear what the students are thinking about



第15题:The bus driver drove the writer home later because _______.

A. her brother had told her to do soB. she wanted to earn more moneyC. she

happened to go in the same directionD. she wanted to do something good for others 【正确答案】D

讲解:推理判断题。从司机的回答Just do something nice for somebody. Pass it along 可知他只是想帮助别人,即答案选D

第16题:A. try B. have C. think D. wait


讲解:try to do sth 表示努力做某事,故选A

第17题:The passage mainly tells us that ________.

A. education should make a man improveB. people can get education in a short timeC. people should be able to get better paying jobsD. all subjects are so important for a way of living 【正确答案】A


第18题:The underlined word 'facilities' means _____________. A. 教师 B. 设施 C. 活动 D. 课程 【正确答案】B

讲解:解析:facilities:including music rooms, boats, swimming pools, cinemas and theatres. 可知是设施的意思。选B

第19题:对“人类对森林的误解更是至深至久的”一句的理解,错误的是( )

A.与下文所写的森林对人类及地球的贡献形成鲜明的对比。 B.作者这样写的目的是引出下文对森林的详细介绍,提醒人们重新审视森林的作用。 C.人类文明史上的每前进一步,都是以大量砍伐森林作为代价的。 D.人类对森林的误解是:森林只是让人砍伐取得术材,用之于建筑或造纸等行业。





第20题: 古代中国人对山岳有一种神秘感,《说文解字》解释《山》字说:《山,宣也。谓能宣散气、生万物也,有石而高。》有研究表明,世界上几乎所有民族都存在对山岳的崇拜。人类社会早期崇拜山岳的主要原因有两点。一是很多山岳高大雄伟、山路险阻,又有奇禽异兽 栖息,具有人难以接近的神秘性。这样的山峰,常会被古人看作神灵居所,或具有神力,或 是通往上天的通路而受到崇拜。二是由山峰奇特的形状和山中特殊的物产等自然条件引发人们对山岳的联想,幻想山岳是某种神灵的化身,或者是有某种神灵在守护、管理着山中的奇珍异宝。总体而言,是山岳本身奇特的自然条件吸引着古人对山岳产生崇拜,进而祭祀山岳。 古代中国人很早便对山岳进行祭祀,由于山岳是古代中国人得到生活资料的地方,人们便认为山岳能产出万物,是生命的原动力,具有灵性。每当发生洪水、旱灾、疠疫的时候,人们认为那些灾祸是山川之神在作祟,使到山川之神那里去祷告、祈求。这样,古代中国人便把山岳视为有神秘《灵能》的东西,即所谓《神》了。 中国人谈及山岳风光,必称《三山五岳》,《三山》乃是上古传说中神仙居住的地方,《五岳》则是中华大地五座名山的总称,即东岳泰山、西岳华山、北岳恒山、中岳嵩山、南岳衡山。除引人入胜的优美自然风光,五岳还承载着丰厚的文化内涵。在古代中国,五岳是国家疆域的象征,是帝王举行受命于天、拥有天下象征的封禅圣地。自然风光与人文内涵相 得益彰,使得五岳成为中国人膜拜的圣山。五岳信仰来源手古代中国的山岳信仰,据《礼 记·王制》记载,上古舜帝时天子已经对五岳进行祭祀。考虑到当时的交通情况,这极可能是后人根据西周之后天子祭祀山神情况创造出来的传说,不可信以为真,但表明对五岳的尊崇由来已久。 五岳原本只是中国众多名山大川中的几座著名山岳,在经历了漫长的演变过程后,最终成为中国人心目中的山岳崇拜代表。据考古资料显示,殷人卜辞中已经出现了华山、嵩山的记载。秦始皇统一六国后,对境内山川祭祀进行了一番整理,将五岳等众多山岳一并作为《名山川》纳入官方祭祀行列,此举标志着五岳由区域性名山转变为全国性名山。西汉宣帝神爵元年诏曰:《东岳泰山于博,中岳泰室于嵩高,南岳潜山于灊,西岳华山于华阴,北岳常山于上曲阳。》至此,五岳从众多名山川中脱颖而出,以山岳代表的身份享受国家高规格的祭祀待遇。需要说明的是,此时的南岳并非今日的衡山,而是霍山(即安徽天柱山),北岳并非今日的恒山,而是河北曲阳的大茅山。 中国古代帝王相信五岳不仅仅是五座名山,还与国家政权兴衰紧密联系在一起,他们满怀虔诚对五岳进行祭祀,目的是祈求江山社稷万年永固。 下列关于古人崇拜祭祀山岳的原因,表述不正确的一项是( )

A.高大险峻、禽兽栖息的山峰,神秘莫测,常会被人看作神灵居所,或具有神力,或是通往上天的通路。B.山峰的自然条件,让人们把山岳想象成神灵的化身,或者是有某种神灵在守护、管理着山中的珍宝。C.古人视山岳为《神》,认为它具有《灵能》,庇佑保护了人类不受洪水、旱灾、疠疫等灾祸的侵害。D.人们认为山岳能出产万物,可以给人们提供吃、穿、用等各种生活资料,是生命的原动力,具有灵性。 【正确答案】C
