(英语试卷10份合集)广东省广州番禺区七校联考2019年高一英语下学期期末质量检测模拟试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(英语试卷10份合集)广东省广州番禺区七校联考2019年高一英语下学期期末质量检测模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读

out a math problem.

The children in this class do not take a spelling test all year-in fact, the school avoids all pencil-and-paper tests-nor do they get assigned homework. Instead, their teacher gives them immediate feedback(反馈)on their work throughout the day.

Wele to the school of the 21st century, a place where teachers and students cooperate all the time. Such advanced classrooms are trying things, which some might consider as coddling kids-letting students give a voice-recorded essay instead of a written one or even allowing teens to design their own courses.

Though some people blame(谴责)schools for dumbing things down(降低教育标准), others will say such changes are actually based on the newest research on how to attract today’s youth and increase not only their interests, but also their achievements. Many of today’s school are not holding kid’s interests. And if they Ye not interested, they’re not learning-and isn’t that the point?

“Students today say they want their education to be useful and valuable, and don’t want it to be simply repeating the facts. That’s the kind of learning that be happening for many kids,” says Penny Milton, a researcher. “What we could argue is that to bee good learners, they need to bee thinkers.”

Jan Olson, anther researcher, says schools have been operating the same way since the Industrial Revolution. But the digital age is bringing an education revolution. While using technology is a part of it, what’s important for students is being able to use information and understand it, not just remembering it.

Today’s learner needs fewer traditional tests and more “effective” feedback, ongoing discussion with a teacher, which studies have found is the number one factor in Improving achievement.

32. The first two paragraphs are used to . A. blame Liz for not being responsible for her work B. describe what schools are like in the 21st century C. give an example of a successful school lesson D. question whether it is right not to assign homework

33. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means “some people may think it as a way of ” A. spoiling children

B. making children bee lazy

D. caring about children

C. leading children to make mistakes

34. Jan Olson thinks it important for students to .

A. repeat the facts without really thinking technology

C. make full use of information

B. learn something related to

D. use technology to improve their grades

35. Which is the most effective way to help students achieve more? A. Assigning more homework

B. Offering immediate answers.

D. Holding more discussions with them.

C. Giving more pencil and paper tests.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


We often close ourselves off when painful events happen in our lives. Instead of letting the world soften us, we let it drive us deeper into ourselves. We try to ignore the hurt and, pain, but we can’t hide from ourselves. 36

The items listed below are four tips you can open your heart more fully and pletely. 1. Breathe into pain

Whenever a painful situation arises (出现)in your life, try to face it instead of running away. 37 . When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and accept it. By using our breath we soften our experiences and allow more newness.

2. 38

We’re often confused (困惑的)at the next step to take. Actually, we can try a new decision making process. To start this process, we may ask, “Heart, what decision should I make here? What action feels the most right?” See what es up, then put it into practice and evaluate(评价)the oute.

3. Spend time alone

For most of our lives we’re surrounded by people: our friends, family members, and strangers. 39 When you spend time in solitude(孤独), you’re free from the influences of other people. It might be painful at first, but eventually you’ll add a whole new understanding into your life.

4. Get outside of yourself

40 But in reality, they actually work hand-in-hand. After you’ve explored the depths of yourself, you e away with a new understanding.

Now, it’s time to share that —not through telling others, but through being with others. A. Have a light heart

B. Ask your heart what it wants

C. Is there anything I’m hiding from myself? D. How often do we really spend time alone?

E. This may seem a little contradictory(对立的)to the last tip.

F. We should open our hearts and take action to heal(使愈合)the wounds. G. When we run away from sadness, it gets stronger and more real. 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分55分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


I can never wipe off the memory that I met my current stepmom for the first time. After I parted with my father for ages, I moved to America and was 41 with him. In the beginning, she made sure to let me know that I was wele in her 42 . I remember when I first saw her at the 43 . It was different, but not 44 . Over the past years there is 45 I needed that she did not provide. I’m the young woman I’m today because she made sure to 46_ me properly. Yesterday I went to see her for Mother’s Day. When I gave her 47 , she held my face in both of her hands and kissed me straight on the mouth 48 I had the flu.

Her simple act of affection 49 me back to my first night in America. After I was 50 up from the airport we went home and she 51 my luggage and took me shopping for new clothes since the ones I had brought with me from Africa were a bit 52 . That night before I went to bed, she came to my room, the first room I had ever had for my own. She told me she was 53 to have me and that she would take good care of me. Before she 54 she asked me for a hug. That was my 55 first hug and I was 11 years old at that time.

I’m 23 years old now and I have received many 56 over the past years, but none has given me a greater _57_ or deeper impression. I regarded her as my 58 mother because my new life began when I came to 59_ with her. Today I say to my mother, Mrs. Sherrill Kirundi, thank you, mom. Thank you for your giving me my 60_ childhood back. 41. A. connected received 42. A. life 43. A. shop

B. mind

C. bedroom C. airport

D. office D. bus-stop D.

B. reunited

C. returned


B. railway station

44. A. strange unfortable

B. easy C. unforgettable

45. A. something B. anything C. nothing D.

everything 46. A. approach 47. A. gifts 48. A. so that though 49. A. paid

B. brought

C. talked

D. kept

B. raise

B. keys

C. rise

D. value D. dresses D. even

C. money

B. in case C. as though

50. A. brought 51. A. grasped 52. A. more 53. A. glad anxious 54. A. died 55. A. very

B. looked B. unpacked

C. picked

D. called

D. added D. worn


C. mended C. cheaper

B. newer B. hard

C. unlucky

B. passed B. quite B. offers

C. left

D. entered

D. just D.

C. ever C. hugs

56. A. letters presents 57. A. success 58. A. step 59. A. stay 60. A. last

B. advance

C. future

C. hope

D. excitement

D. birth D. work

B. second B. discuss B. happy

C. share C. sad

D. real

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

在空白处填入适当的内容(1个词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)# Julie: Are you OK, Bill? You look tired.

Bill: Tm fine, Julie. I just 61. (stay) up late last night to write an English article. It is time for me to improve my English writing.

Julie: Read as many things you’re interested in as possible, 62. soon you’ll realise that there are many different ways of saying 63. same thing. After all, having a variety of sentence 64. (structure) in your writing makes your English appear better. Bill: Reading can also broaden my vocabulary. What kind of books should I read?

Julie: You can choose books 65. (write) by native speakers. They, often contain sentences 66. differ from those monly seen in English textbooks.

Bill: Good idea. But sometimes I don’t know what to write about and find 67. hard to write a long article.

Julie: I suggest you begin by writing short ones about topics you’re interested in, such as