四川省泸州市泸县第一中学2019届高三二诊模拟英语试卷(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章四川省泸州市泸县第一中学2019届高三二诊模拟英语试卷(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

were coated with PMMA and cycled through charges 200,000 times.The PMMA-coated nanowires showed no evidence of damage.The results suggest that batteries could last forever,without losing charging ability.

Thai hopes to continue her research to understand why this gel works so well and to see if any other gel could create better results and she is enjoying the publicity about her discovery.She said she never expected her research to get media coverage.“It’s kind of cool,”she said.“I'm really glad people are showing interest in my work and not just in the work itself,but also in technology and energy.” 32.Why did Mya Le Thai work on lithium-ion batteries? A.She disliked the batteries for her laptop. B.Her team were assigned to invent a new battery. C.Many people thought batteries were too expensive.

D.The batteries would soon lose the function to charge fully. 33.What can we infer about nanowires?

A.They last only 7,000 charging cycles. B.They are too weak to carry electricity. C.They are not suitable to use in batteries. D.Their thinness is a cause of batteries degrade.

34.What might be Thai and her team’s breakthrough? A.Coating nanowires in gel. C.New materials for batteries.

B.A new kind of battery.

D.A new way of charging batteries.

35.What may be the best title for the passage?

A.The options of batteries for wireless devices B.A woman invents a life—long battery.

C.Mya Le Thai discovered Nanowires degrading

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 The modern competitive sport of weightlifting originated in 19-century Europe and was


D.The reasons for batteries

included in the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. 36 At that time, simple competitions were held to see who could lift the heaviest weight.

The first worldwide weightlifting championships were held in London in 1891. At that time, there were no female competitors. Today, the World Weightlifting Championships, organized by the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF), are held every year. 37 .

Weightlifting as an Olympic event got off to an unsmooth start. It was not held as a separate event in the first games held in 1896, but as a field event. 38 The sport returned to the Olympics again in 1904, this time as part of the athletics program. Not until 1920 did weightlifting make its real Olympic comeback. The 1920 Olympic Games, held in Antwerp, Belgium, marked weightlifting’s debut(首次露面)as a separate event. 39 Previously, weightlifters in the Olympics were all required to compete against each other, regardless of their size. One-hand lifting was dropped from the sport in 1928. Various weightlifting exercises were added and later removed over many years until 1972. 40 The 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney saw the introduction of the women’s competition, although the IWF has held the World Weightlifting Championships for women since 1987. A. The 1940 and 1944 Games were canceled.

B. It is a sport in which barbells are lifted competitively. C. The 1900 Games had no weightlifting presence at all.

D. The championships include 15 separate weight types for both men and women. E. The 1972 Olympic Games finally presented the weightlifting program in its present form.

F. The sport, however, dates back to ancient civilizations including China, Egypt and Greece.

G. The Antwerp Games also introduced one-hand lifting and weight divisions to the new event.

第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45)


Sherry is in her internship now. Last month, she bought a lipstick which she really liked.

This lipstick 41 her more than 50 dollars. It's not 42 , but it made her happy, because it was the one that she had been 43 for a long time.

Every morning, when she 44 her makeup, everything seems brand new due to this lipstick. It feels like that the whole day is full of 45 .

Sherry has long been accustomed to 46 herself through shopping.

And this desire for 47 possession drives her to work hard. She feels good about this. Her life keeps getting better all because of this kind of 48 .

But her mother thinks quite 49 .

Several days ago, Sherry went back to live with her parents for a while. 50 her mother came to know the price of the lipstick, they kept quarreling for almost a whole day. Her mother thought that it was completely 51 to spend money like this, while Sherry thought her mother was totally 52 reasoning.

What Sherry didn't know was that this woman standing in front of her had once been a little girl who had grown up in poverty and 53 .That little girl could not find enough clothes to wear in winter. And those little desserts you see 54 the shop windows were 55 from another world for her. That girl needed to learn how to spend every penny 56 it were two so that she could 57 .

It's just natural that two people can't understand each other, even for mother and daughter, because everybody's experience is different.

Try to be 58 to the people around you. Try to get to know them. Try to stand in their 59 . If you cannot listen to people, how can you 60 them to listen to you?

41. A. took

B. spent

C. cost C. handy

D. afford D. cosy

D. begging

42. A. cheap B. expensive 43. A. asking for B. longing for for

44. A. puts up B. puts out

C. waiting for

C. puts down D. puts on

45. A. hope B. joy 46. A. rewarding B. praising

C. happiness D. love

C. acknowledging D. admiring C. spirit C. desire C. difficultly

D. treasure D. habit D.

47. A. health B. material 48. A. possession B. lipstick 49. A. apparently B. deliberately differently

50. A. While B. Although

C. After D. Because

51. A. impossible B. immoral C. unpleasant 52. A. about B. beneath C. beyond 53. A. hardship B. comfort starvation

54. A. through B. across 55. A. everything B. anything

D. uncomfortable D. within


C. relief

C. over C. nothing

D. into

D. something

D. even if D. continue

56. A. now that B. as if 57. A. tolerate B. survive 58. A. honest B. loyal

C. ever since C. escape C. patient

D. sincere

D. shoes D. ask

59. A. socks B. boats 60. A. expect B. force

C. sides C. persuade


第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节;满分45分) 第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15 分)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

From the first day I arrived in Kunming, I had my understanding of China 61 (change). Far from being narrow-minded and hostile to 62 (foreign) ,people came up to talk to me the first time I went out on the street. It happened to be all in Chinese, so I didn’t understand much, 63 it did cause me to rethink my assumptions.