高考英语 Module 2 Traffic Jam同步导学 外研版必修4(1) 联系客服

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A soldier in the field might have responded “Be careful what you wish for”—and then gratefully bit on a chocolate bar,the only food available for miles. 1.What was the American soldiers’ attitude towards the chocolate bars? A.They were delicious. B.They tasted awful.

C.They were necessary for survival. D.Too many of them were produced. 答案 B

解析 观点态度题。根据文章第二段中“They were awful”可知,巧克力很难吃。所以选B。

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.The US soldiers used the chocolate bars as bath soap.

B.The US soldiers did not have enough food during World War Ⅱ.

C.The US army produced more chocolate bars than necessary for its soldiers. D.European people regretted eating chocolate bars from the US soldiers. 答案 C

解析 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“...the number of bars made were far greater than the army needed.”可知,正确答案是C。

3.The underlined expression “turn his or her nose up at” probably means “ ”.

A.reject B.demand C.receive D.smell 答案 A

解析 词义猜测题。根据该段后文的叙述可推知选A。

4.Elizabeth Radsma never saw chocolate during the war because . A.the US soldiers handed out all chocolates to people in big cities B.the German soldiers kept them all for themselves

C.the British soldiers didn’t share it with the local people D.the US soldiers never showed up in the small town she lived in 答案 D

解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Maybe the Americans gave out some chocolates in the big cities,but we were only in a small town.”可知选D。 B

Forty years ago,Finland was a small country with mediocre(平凡的) public schools.Today,Finland is still small but no one calls Finland’s public schools mediocre anymore.

In 2000,the Finns surprised the world when their 15-year-olds scored at the top of a closely-watched international exam called the PISA,the Program for International Student Assessment.Finland has stayed near the top ever since,while the US scores around the middle.

Pasi Sahlberg,an official of Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture,is in Seattle this week to share the story of Finland’s success,and what states like Washington can learn from it.

Sahlberg’s message,although he is too polite to put it so bluntly:Stop testing

so much.Trust teachers more.Give less homework.Shorten the school day.

On Tuesday,in a room filled with teachers,principals,professors,school-board members and policy makers,Sahlberg joked about the Finns’ reputation for being a quiet,humble people.When Finland hit the top of the PISA,he said,the biggest disbelievers were Finns.

More seriously,he said,Finland never set out to create the world’s top school system.Instead,he said,the country decided in the 1970s that it wanted to ensure that a student’s success didn’t depend on family background.

To achieve that goal,Finland relied on cooperation among teachers and schools,rather than on competition. Rather than judging teachers and schools based on test scores,he said,Finland puts trust in its teachers and principals.Teachers develop the curriculum in Finland,and design their own tests.There are no national tests,except one at the end of high school. That’s just the start.Along with a shorter school day,Finnish students don’t even start school until they are 7 years old.Many primary schools have a policy against giving homework.

But Finland,he said,succeeded in part by adapting ideas from the US and other countries.And those countries,he said,can learn from Finland,too. 5.What might be the author’s purpose in writing the passage? A.To introduce a Finnish official.

B.To compare the education systems of Finland and the US. C.To share the story of Finland’s success in education. D.To ask the US to improve its education. 答案 C

解析 写作目的题。综合分析全文可知,作者以芬兰教育文化部官员的报告为切入点介绍了芬兰教育成功的秘密,故C项正确。

6.People first learned Finland’s success in education from . A.its students’ performance in an International exam B.its international exchange students C.lectures given by Pasi Sahlberg D.its mediocre public schools 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。由文章第二段可知,在2000年,芬兰学生在一个国际学生评估项目中拔得头筹,由此人们开始了解芬兰在教育方面取得的成功。故选A项。

7.Which of the following contributes to Finland’s success in education? a.Giving students less test. b.Giving teachers more trust.

c.Evaluating students’ family background. d.Creating the world’s top school system. e.Starting school late.

A.a,b,c B.c,d,e C.a,b,e D.b,c,d 答案 C

解析 细节理解题。综合第四段、第六段及倒数第二段所给的信息可知,芬兰的教育成功之处在于:减少考试,相信老师,上学晚等,而c、d两项不是芬兰所提倡的,故C项正确。 8.What Pasi Sahlberg says in the passage suggests that . A.children should start school as early as possible B.competition among teachers is harmful to education C.the US education system is still the most advanced D.it’s necessary to set up a national curriculum 答案 B

解析 推理判断题。由文章倒数第四段可知,芬兰的教育注重老师和学校之间的合作,而不是竞争,由此推断B项正确。 Ⅱ.语法填空

Odysseus is a literary figure in the Odyssey written by Homer.He rejected the 1.comfortable (comfort) life of a Greek king and made a promise to help another Greek leader,Menelaus,get 2.his wife back.But the war dragged on and on and he was away 3.from his family for ten years.During this time the fortunes of the war were 4.so changeable that no one could predict 5.who would win.Odysseus became tired of the war and the delay in Troy.He 6.eagerly (eager) wanted to return home,so 7.when the Greek kings had their regular weekly meeting,he suggested that they take 8.an opportunity to trick the Trojans.The Greeks built a giant wooden horse so that men could hide inside it.The Greeks then pretended to leave abroad their ships as if they were discouraged by the length of the war.The Trojans blessed their God for their good fortune and prepared 9.to celebrate (celebrate).That night the men climbed out of the horse and 10.opened (open) the city gates to the Greek army.The Trojans awoke to the boom of the warning bell announcing a Greek victory.So the war ended but the punishment of the Trojan people was only just beginning. Ⅲ.写作素材(关于郊游)

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Weather permitting,we’ll go to the suburb to get around. 2.这不仅给我们提供了一次放松的机会,而且还会使我们心情愉悦。

Not only can it provide a chance for us to relax ourself but also we will be in a good mood.


Many new factories are under construction. 4.如果你方便的话,欢迎你加入到我们当中来。

If it is convenient to you,you are welcome to join us.