新目标大学英语1教案Unit 2 联系客服

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2.2 Writing skill: proposing solutions to a problem

In developing comparison and contrast paragraphs, you can use

graphic organizers to visualize similarities and differences, e.g., a Venn diagram or a compare / contrast matrix.

two major ways to organize comparison / contrast paragraphs: subject-by-subject and point-by-point.

Ex.1 The following paragraph is organized by using the subject-by-subject pattern.

“Would you rather be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a sea of water?” Within a chosen field, you can now decide which environment is fit for you: a large corporation or a small business. Despite the similar job title or position, the differences are obvious. At a large corporation, your position comes with a list of very specific responsibilities. You work in a team, and if you enjoy collaborating, you will be productive on the job.

Besides, the vision of working your way up is clear and you know what you have to accomplish to get there, but it can also be rather competitive. On the contrary, the structure of a small business is often more flexible. And you may be expected to juggle many roles when you work for a small business. Moreover, you are competing for a higher position with fewer people than in Fortune 100 companies.