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reach the warm Sargasso Sea. Here they lay their eggs, and then the baby eels swim back to the native rivers of their parents. “好吧,”他说道,然后拿起那包腥味很重的鱼。我们往回走的时候,他给我讲鳗鱼向马尾藻海洄游的故事:鳗鱼怎样从达尔玛提亚地区的河流游过地中海,再游过整个大西洋,直到抵达温暖的马尾藻海。它们在那里产卵,然后幼鱼再游回到它们的父母原先待过的河流。 Back at last in the apartment, he unwraps the eel, opens his pocket knife and slices carefully.

我们终于回到了公寓。他拆开鳗鱼包,打开折叠小刀,小心地切片。 \“我不吃,”我狐疑地说道。 “Try one bite, just for me.\“尝一口,就算为了我。” \“我不会喜欢它的。”

While he hangs up our coats, I test one pinch. Smelly, smoky, and salty. 当他在挂我们的外套时,我尝了一丁点儿。很腥,带着烟熏味,还咸咸的。

He goes into the kitchen to heat milk for me and tea for himself. I test another pinch. Then another. He returns with the steaming cups.

他去厨房帮我热牛奶,并给他自己热茶。我又尝了一丁点儿。然后,又尝了一点儿。他从厨房回来,端着热气腾腾的杯子。 The eel has vanished.


Because it is Sunday and I am five, he forgives me. Time slows down and the love flows in - father to daughter and back again.


At 19, I fly out to Japan. My father and I climb Mount Fuji. High above the Pacific, and hours up the slope, we picnic on dried eel, seaweed crackers, and cold rice wrapped in the eel skin. He reaches the peak first.


As the years stretch, we walk along waterways all over the world. With his long stride, he often overtakes me. I've never known anyone with such energy.


Some days, time flies with joy all around. Other days, time rots like old fish. 有些日子,时间在快乐中飞逝,也有些日子会像不新鲜的鱼一样,令人难受。

Today in the nursing home in Virginia, anticipating his reluctance, I beg boldly and encourage him, \Daddy, just a little walk. You are supposed to exercise.\


He can't get out of his chair. Not that he often gets up on his own, but once in a while he'll suddenly have a surge of strength. I stoop to lift his feet from the foot

restraints, fold back the metal pieces which often scrape his delicate, paper-thin skin.



He grips the walker and struggles forward. Gradually I lift and pull him to his feet. Standing unsteadily, he sways and then gains his balance.


\the small of your back. Now - forward, march!\


He is impatient with the walker as I accompany him to the dining room. I help him to his chair, and hand him a spoon. It slips from his fingers. Pureed tuna is heaped on a plastic plate. I encourage him, sing him old songs, tell stories, but he won't eat. When I lift a spoonful of gray fishy stuff to his mouth, he says politely, \don't care for any.\

我陪着他往餐厅走,一路上他对助步车很不耐烦。我扶他在椅子上坐下,递给他一把勺子。勺子从他的指间滑落。塑料餐盘上是一堆金枪鱼肉糜。我鼓励他吃,唱老歌给他听,给他讲故事,但是他不肯吃。当我举起一勺灰灰的鱼肉糜送到他嘴边时,他客气地说:“我一点儿也不想吃。” Nor would I.


Then I take the small smelly package covered in white wrapping paper from a plastic bag. He loves presents, and he reaches forward with awkward fingers to try to open it. The smell fills the room.


\seller near the Potomac, I found some smoked eel.\


We unwrap it, and then I take out the Swiss Army Knife my beloved aunt gave me \



He takes a sip of his champagne, and then with steady fingers picks up a slice of eel and downs it easily. Then another, and another, until he eats the whole piece. And again, time slows down and the love flows in - daughter to father and back

