湖北省黄冈中学高二英语下学期期中试题牛津译林版 联系客服

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___________________________ mainstream activities. (access) 有专门为无法参加主流活动的残疾人设计的培训方案。

77. We should accept the disabled people for who they are and give them encouragement

to live ______________________ as we do. (as)



78. The earthquake that happened in Ya’an, Sichuan last week is reported

____________________ the death of nearly 200 people. (result) 据报道,上周发生在四川雅安的地震已导致接近两百人丧生。

79. If his plan ____________________________ at the meeting yesterday, he wouldn’t

be so discouraged now. (meet)


80. John found ___________________________ going to bed late, for it was harmful

to his health. (cut)




Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.

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3. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; 4. 词数为120左右。


湖北省黄冈中学高二英语期中考试 听力录音稿及参考答案 (Text l)

M: Tom’s taking my mum and me to Scotland next weekend. W: That’s a long way. Are you going by car or by train? M: Neither. We’re going by plane. He’s treating us! (Text 2)

W: I’m quite hungry. Do you have any cookies?

M: I’m not sure. Um, no, there are no cookies and there aren’t any cakes but there are some cheese sandwiches. (Text 3)

M: Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda? W: I sure did. It must have cost him an arm and a leg. (Text 4)

W: Grandpa, I think I’d better stay home today. M: You’re not sick, are you? Did you see a doctor?

W: No, it’s this snowstorm. I just don’t want to go out and get stuck in the snow. (Text 5)

M: Stop! Stop! You’re giving me too much.

W: I want you to have more. Here, take another ten dollars. M: You’re too generous. And I’m so selfish. I want more. W: You have good characteristics, too. You’re honest. (Text 6)

M: Are you being served?

W: No, I want a silk dress. Could you show me some? M: Sure. What colour do you prefer?

W: Well, I’m not good at that. What do you think?

M: I think light blue matches the colour of your skin. Would you like to try on this one?

W: Yes. Mmm ... It looks fine. But I’m afraid a light colour doesn’t fit my age. M: I don’t think so. Actually you look younger in this dress. This colour is in fashion this year.

W: It is nice. OK, I’ll take this one. (Text7)

M: What is your greatest strength?

W: I think I’m very good at planning. I manage my time perfectly so that I can

always get things done on time.

M: Why do you think you’d be a good fit for this job? W: Because I’m very skilled in this area. M: Can you work under pressure? W: Yes. I work well under pressure.

M: Are you more of a follower or a leader?

W: I don’t try to go ahead of people and lead them. I’d rather cooperate with everybody else, and get the job done by working together. (Text 8)


W: Hello, Jack. You want to go to the sports centre one day a week, don’t you? Well, I’ve got some

information. On Monday there’s golf.

M: Mmm. I prefer volleyball. Also, Monday’s a bad day for me. Tuesday’s better. Is there volleyball then?

W: It’s basketball, but you like that, don’t you? M: Quite. What can we do on Wednesday?

W: Let’s see. It was badminton, but not enough people wanted to do it so it’s swimming now. That’s no good for me because I hate water.

M: And I go swimming at school every Monday. Is there anything outside? W: On Thursday. There’s football. But look, Friday is good. M: Why?

W: You say you like volleyball. Well, that’s at the sports centre then. M: Great. W: There is tennis on Saturday. That’s outside and you like it better than football, don’t you?

M: Yes, but I like volleyball best. (Text 9)

W: Good morning, what’s the problem?

M: I feel terrible. I feel tired all the time… and I have a headache. W: How long have you felt like this? M: Oh ... for a few weeks, now.

W: Do you do much exercise? Sports? Cycling? Swimming? Nothing? M: Er …I walk to school. That’s about it. W: What about sleeping? Do you sleep well?

M: No, not really. I wake up in the night a lot. W: Why do you often wake up?

M: Well, I worry about my school work. I’m getting behind and I can’t seem to catch up.

W: Oh dear. What time do you usually go to bed?

M: About midnight during the week ... and later on the weekends. W: I see. And do you drink anything before you go to bed?

M: I have a cup of coffee, yes. And I’m always hungry in the evening. I usually have something to eat before I go to bed. (Text 10)

W: I remember very clearly how I met my boyfriend. I was about nineteen and worked in a shop. When someone asked for a sandwich, I had to cut up the bread with a big knife and make the sandwich. One day, a really good-looking guy came in and I thought, “Oh, he’s lovely!” And, well, I felt a bit nervous and he asked for a cheese sandwich. So I cut up the bread very quickly, made the sandwich, and gave it to this young man with a big smile on my face. And he looked at the sandwich and went “Argh!” And when I saw the sandwich was all red. It was covered in blood. I’d cut my hand making the sandwich. And well, there was a silence, and then everyone laughed, and I felt so stupid. But anyway, when the shop closed at six o’clock, he came back and asked me out for pizza, and we started going out!

1-5 ACBBA 6-10 ACCAB 11-15 CBBAC 16-20 BCBAC


21-25 BDDAC 26-30 BCBCD

31-35 CBCDB 36-40 CADDA 41-45 DBCAD 46-50 BCADB 51-54 CACB 55-58 CDCD 59-62 DCCB 63-66 DCBC 67-70 BADD

71. are conducting a survey 72. feeling sorry for myself 73. What annoyed him 74. was it that

75. did she adapt (herself) to

76. who/that have no access to/don’t have access to 77. as rich and full a life 78. to have resulted in 79. had met with approval

80. it necessary to cut out/ (that) it was necessary to cut out