湖北省黄冈中学高二英语下学期期中试题牛津译林版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章湖北省黄冈中学高二英语下学期期中试题牛津译林版更新完毕开始阅读

confusing to us,” said Rogers.

So why would diet soda cause weight gain? No one knows for sure yet, but it could be that people think they can eat more if they drink diet soda, and so over-compensate (过度补偿) for the missing calories.

A related study found some sweeteners (甜味剂) raised blood sugar levels in some mice. “Data from this and other potential studies suggest that the promotion (推广) of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may be risky,” said Helen P. Hazuda, professor at the University of Texas’s school of medicine. “They may be free of calories, but not of consequences.”

59. People drink diet soda to _____________.

A. enjoy its taste B. stay in fashion C. gain more energy D. achieve weight loss A. makes people much thinner more calories

61. We can learn from the passage that ____________________.

A. regular soda makes people lose more weight B. diet soda does help reduce calories C. diet soda drinkers tend to eat more food D. most blood diseases come from diet soda ___________. D

Parents are creating an “I want it now’’ generation by satisfying children’s every demand at Christmas, say experts. Youngsters in Britain are becoming increasingly selfish, state the education analysts.

Nowadays children are forcing their families into racking up huge debts and risk becoming spoilt and dissatisfied in the future.

Behavioral consultant (顾问) Chris Calland said, “Parents are desperate to make Christmas into a magical fairytale for their kids.” “There’s nothing wrong with that as such. The problem arises when it means always giving in to all our children’s demands even if they are beyond our price range or not age-appropriate.”

A. sweeteners sweeteners C. sodas takers

D. diet soda drinkers and sweetener

B. diet sodas and artificial B. helps people to be healthier

D. offers people

60. The new study suggests that drinking diet soda _________________.

C. causes people to become heavier

62. The underlined word “They” in the last paragraph probably refers to


Ms. Calland, who runs “Santa Says No” style sessions with colleague Nicky Hutchinson, added, “Many of us go into so much debt providing the gifts our children want that we spend the rest of the year paying off the bills.” “Yet so often the parcels we’ve carefully wrapped (包装), once opened,are just pushed away because the very thing our little boy or girl was once so desperate for, they have now lost interest in”.

Ms. Calland and Ms Hutchinson have drawn up a list of guidelines to help parents manage their children’s Christmas lists this year. They say that adults can actually improve their relationships with their children by resisting “pester (纠缠) power”.

Ms. Calland said, ‘‘All too often we say ‘yes’ because we want an easier life when the fact is that we’re only building up problems for the future. We are helping create a generation of youngsters who are blind to the needs of others and the necessity of hard work.”

“Children learn fast — if we sometimes change our mind, they quickly realize it might be worth lying on the floor and screaming for it. Make sure you and your partner are working together on this. Be consistent. And try not to get caught up in competition with other families or friends.”

63. What is the main problem with the “I want it now” generation? A. They can’t keep their interest in gifts. live in fairy tales.

C. They waste a lot of money on gifts. self-centered.

64. What is probably the aim of “Santa Says No” style sessions? A. To advise on how to wrap gifts properly. B. To keep children’s interest in the gifts.

C. To tell parents how to say no to children’s demands. D. To advise parents on what gifts to buy for children.

65. According to the passage, we can infer that Ms. Calland intends to . A. analyze children’s generation parents

C. introduce a new generation parents

66. Ms. Calland would agree that parents should . A. buy nothing for children at Christmas carefully for children

C. avoid competing with others their own gifts

D. let children choose




D. give her support to

B. give advice to

D. They are quite

B. They like to



International experts meeting in Australia say global carbon emissions (排放) can be reduced by more than 50 percent through simple energy saving measures. People at a conference in Australia, which increasingly relies on coal for power, say that reducing power consumption is an affordable way to both cut energy costs and reduce pollution.

While many nations turn to cheap and dirty energy sources, such as coal, to meet their increasing energy needs, analysts in Australia say the best way to meet those needs is to improve energy efficiency.

A range of simple solutions include using energy-efficient homes, household appliances and lighting, and driving electric cars. Encouraging homeowners and office workers to switch off their televisions and computers at the end of the day is also seen as an effective way to save electricity.

Grayson Heffner, from the Paris-based International Energy Agency, says reducing consumption could greatly cut global carbon emissions. He calls efficiency strategies (策略) the “soft giant” of clean energy.

“We forecast that energy efficiency will deliver something like three-quarters of the greenhouse gas emissions reductions over the next 20 years. So in the short term energy efficiency is the main way that we reduce greenhouse gas emissions but oftentimes it is not so importantly stressed in the discussions,” said Heffner.

Energy experts working in China say the government is making significant cuts in power usage.

Wan Xingwang, a Beijing-based representative of the Energy Foundation, a U.S. non-government organization, says the results have been impressive.

“In the past five years China achieved about 19.1 percent of energy reduction of its GDP. That translates to something like more than 600 million tons of coal savings,” said Wan Xingwang.

While most nations have some sort of government-sponsored energy efficiency programs, energy analysts say initiatives (主动性) by individuals and companies can also help cut demand.

Steven Nadel, executive director of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, a non-profit group based in Washington, says other developing nations are recognizing the benefits of cutting power consumption and taking action. 67. To increase their energy supplies, many nations _____________________.

A. turn to new energy C. develop solar energy energy

B. turn to cheap energy D.




68. Which of the following cannot help to reduce energy consumption effectively?

A. Using electronic products in small size. B. Using more electric cars. C. Turning off computers after work. D. Building energy-efficient houses.

69. What can we learn from what Grayson Heffner said?

A. 75% of the greenhouse gas emissions can easily be cut in the next 20 years. B. Ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions should be discussed. C. Using clean energy is the strategy to cut global carbon emissions. D. The key to reducing greenhouse gases in the short term is to improve energy efficiency.

70. According to the last two paragraphs, which of the following statements is true?

A. The programs reducing energy consumption shouldn’t be sponsored by individuals and companies.

B. All nations have government-sponsored energy efficiency programs. C. It is time that all nations should combine their efforts to save energy. D. Some developing nations are taking action to cut power consumption.

第四部分:书面表达 (共两节,满分50分)



71. We ___________________________ of consumer attitudes towards organic food.



72. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around __________________________.



73. ___________________ was that he had received no apology for what happened

yesterday. (annoy)


74. Who _____________________ went to the concert with you last night? (it) 昨晚究竟是谁跟你一起去听音乐会的?

75. So quickly ___________________________ her new surroundings that everyone was

amazed. (adapt)

她如此快地适应了新环境以至于每一个人都很惊讶。 76. There






