西南交大大学英语2第4次作业 联系客服

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Being patient will help you to keep your perspective. You’ll see even a difficult situation, say your present challenge, isn’t ―life or death‖ but simply a minor obstacle that must be dealt with. Without patience, the same scenario can become a major emergency complete with yelling, frustration, hurt feelings, and high blood pressure. It’s really not worth all that. Whether you’re needing to deal with children, your boss, or a difficult person or situation—if you don’t want to ―sweat the small stuff‖, improving your patience level is a great way to start. [共5题]

(1) The best title for this selection is ________. (A) The Art of Patience (B) Patience and Perspective (C) Become More Patient

(D) The Effective Ways to Patience 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C

(2) Which of the following is not TRUE?

(A) Creating actual practice periods is the only effective way to deepen patience. (B) Our intention may strengthen our capacity for patience. (C) Success feeds on patience.

(D) We can deepen our patience by practice. 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A

(3) According to the passage, if we want to be patient, ________. (A) we should have 5-minute practice everyday

(B) we should reach little milestones—five minutes of successful patience first (C) we could create actual practice periods and practice (D) We should be perspective

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C

(4) With patience, ________.

(A) we will see a difficult situation as death

(B) we will see a difficulty situation as a minor obstacle

(C) we can deal with children, your boss, or a difficult person or situation easily (D) we would never be hurt

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B

(5) Without patience, when we see the same difficult situation, ________. (A) we will cry

(B) we regard it as a major emergency (C) we will sweat

(D) we will improve our patience level 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B 参考答案:

[第四单元]; 第5小题:B 文中第二段提到:有耐心,同样的情形可能会变成重大紧急事件。


At sixteen Ron Mackie might have stayed at school, but the future called to him excitedly. ―Get out of the classroom into a job,‖ it said, and Ron obeyed. His father, supporting the decision, found a place for him in a supermarket. ―You’re lucky, Ron,‖ he said. ―For every boy with a job these days, there’s a dozen without.‖ So Ron joined the working world at twenty pounds a week.

For a year he spent his days filing shelves with tins of food. By the end of that time he was looking back on his school-days as a time of great variety (多样性) and satisfaction. He searched for an interest in his work, with little success.

One fine day instead of going to work Ron got a lift on a lorry going south. With nine pounds in his pocket, a full heart ad a great longing for the sea, he set out to make a better way for himself. That evening, in Bournemouth, he had a sandwich and a drink in a café run by an elderly man and his wife. Before he had finished the sandwich, the woman had taken him on for the rest of the summer, at twenty pounds a week, a room upstairs and three meals a day. The ease and speed of it rather took Ron’s breath away. At quite times Ron had to check the old man’s arithmetic in the records of the business.

At the end of the season, he stayed on the coast. He was again surprised how straightforward it was for a boy of 17 to make a living. He worked in shops mostly, but once he took a job in a hotel for 3 weeks. Late in October he was taken on by the sick manager of a shoe shop. Ron soon found himself in charge there; he was the only one who could keep the books. [共5题]

(1) Ron Jackie left school at sixteen because ________. (A) his father made him leave (B) he didn’t want to stay in school (C) he was worried about the future

(D) he could earn a lot of money in the supermarket 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C

(2) What did Ron’s father think about his leaving school? (A) He thought his son was doing the right thing.

(B) He advised him to stay at school to complete his education. (C) He was against it.

(D) He knew there was a job for every boy who wanted one.

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A

(3) After a year, Ron to realize that ________. (A) he was interested in the job

(B) his work at the supermarket was dull

(C) being at work was much better than going to school (D) the store manager wanted to get rid of him 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B

(4) Ron left the supermarket because ________. (A) he knew he would find work in Bournemouth (B) he took a job as lorry driver

(C) he gave up the job because he felt unwell (D) he wanted to work at the seaside 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:D

(5) Ron was able to take over the shoe shop because ________. (A) he got on well with the manager there

(B) he knew how to keep the accounts of the business (C) he had had experience of selling books (D) he was young and strong

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B 参考答案:

[第四单元]; 第5小题:B 全文最后一句中说明他负责鞋店的原因是他是唯一能记账的人,keep the books意思是记账。


Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. Chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it.

Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children in tow. For perception is the mind’s interpretation of what the senses—in this case our eyes—tell us.

Many psychologists (心理学家) today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally diffe

rent things about the same scene. [共5题]

(1) Which of the following is TRUE?

(A) We have chances to receive three different answers from three people. (B) It is likely that we will receive three different answers from three people. (C) It is proved that we will receive three different answers from three people. (D) It is impossible that we will receive three different answers from three people. 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B

(2) Seeing and perceiving are ________. (A) the same action (B) two separate actions

(C) two actions carried on entirely by the eyes (D) several actions that take place at different times 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B

(3) Perceiving is an action that takes place ________. (A) in our eyes

(B) only when we are thinking hard

(C) only under the direction of a psychologist (D) in every person’s mind

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:D

(4) Psychologists study perception by ________. (A) setting up many experiments (B) asking each other what they see (C) looking out of windows (D) studying people’s eyes

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A

(5) The best title for this selection is ________. (A) How We See

(B) Learning about Our Minds through Science (C) Color and People

(D) How to Become a Psychologist 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A