2019秋(安徽)外研版七年级英语上册练习题:Module 9 达标测试卷 联系客服

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2019秋(安徽)外研版七年级英语上册练习题:Module 9 达标测试卷

Module 9 达标测试卷

时间:100分钟 满分:120分

第一卷 听力部分 (20分)


你将听到五个句子,请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。 ( )1. A. police ( )2. A. lie ( )3. A. waits ( )4. A. leaving ( )5. A. get off

B. postcards B. line B. wears B. driving B. get on

C. potatoes C. lion C. walks C. running C. get up


你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 ( )6. What is Lucy doing?

( )7. Where does Jim work?

( )8. What is that in the sky?

( )9. What has the girl got?

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2019秋(安徽)外研版七年级英语上册练习题:Module 9 达标测试卷

( )10. What is Lucy doing now?



听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。 ( )11. Where is Lily?

A. In her classroom. B. In her bedroom. C. In the playground.

( )12. What is Lily doing?

A. Cleaning her classroom. B. Playing basketball. C. Doing her homework.

听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。 ( )13. What does Tom do?

A. He's a doctor.

B. He's a student.

C. He's a teacher.

( )14. What does Tom like doing on weekends?

A. Reading books and playing chess. B. Playing baseball. C. Watching TV.

( )15. Does Tom play any sports?

A. Yes,he does.

B. No,he doesn't.

C. I don't know.



What Are They Doing in the(16)________? Amy She is a(17)________girl. She is reading a picture book. 2 / 11

2019秋(安徽)外研版七年级英语上册练习题:Module 9 达标测试卷

Bill Sam Others Bill is next to Amy. He is(18)________a letter to his brother in Chinese. Sam is(19)________Bill. He is doing his homework. Three students are(20)________the floor. They are working very hard. 第二卷 笔试部分 (100分)

五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )21. —Can this bus take me to the Jiefang Cinema?

—Yes. You can ________ the bus on Lujiang Street. And the cinema is on your right. A. look at

B. get off

C. put away

D. search for

( )22. Students in Grade Seven are ________ a trip to Mount Huang.

A. with

B. from

C. in

D. on

( )23. Be quiet!The baby ________.

A. is sleep

B. is sleeping

C. sleep

D. sleeps

( )24. There are all kinds of socks ________ at the shop now.

A. on sell

B. on sale

C. in sale

D. to sale

( )25. —Can I see your manager?

—Sure. Please ________ here. The manager is talking on the telephone. A. wait

B. live

C. leave

D. click

( )26. There is ________ milk here,but there are ________ apples.

A. few; a few B. few; a little C. little; a few D. little; a little

( )27. We are having a good time. ________,we have to(必须)go home now.

A. Nowhere C. Anyway

B. Anywhere D. Nobody

( )28. There are many people on the bus. Some are sitting and ________ are

standing. A. another C. the others

B. others' D. other

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2019秋(安徽)外研版七年级英语上册练习题:Module 9 达标测试卷

( )29. Listen! ________ Lucy ________ the violin in the art room?

A. Does;play C. Is;play

B. Is;playing D. Does;playing

( )30. —We are going on a school trip tomorrow.

—________. A. Don't worry C. Have a good time

B. You're welcome D. Not at all

六、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

This is my friend Ben. He doesn't have a good memory(记性). It is Sunday morning and Ben is at the bus stop. He waits__31__Bus No. 328.

After about 15 minutes, the __32__ comes. Ben gets on it and sits down. The __33__ next to him says, “Hey, Ben! Where are you going?” The girl is Nancy. __34__ is in the same class as Ben.

“Oh, hey, Nancy! I'm going to the post office to __35__ a postcard to my Chinese pen friend,” says Ben. “Are you going to visit your grandparents again? I know you go to see them every __36__. ”

“Well, yes. But first, I'm going to buy some __37__ storybooks for them. I want to make them happy,” Nancy says. “ __38__ is your postcard? Can I have a look?”

“Yes, sure,” Ben says. But when he looks down, he __39__ sees a phone in his hand. “Oh, no! I think I must __40__ at the next stop. I must go back to get it. ” ( )31. A. to ( )32. A. bus ( )33. A. boy ( )34. A. I ( )35. A. buy ( )36. A. Thursday ( )37. A. busy ( )38. A. What ( )39. A. only

B. on B. car B. girl B. He B. send B. Friday B. funny B. When B. also

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C. for C. train C. man C. She C. make C. Saturday C. large C. Where C. again

D. with D. plane D. woman D. You D. catch D. Sunday D. expensive D. How D. still