(浙江选考)2019版高考英语大二轮复习 专题三 完形填空提升练4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章(浙江选考)2019版高考英语大二轮复习 专题三 完形填空提升练4更新完毕开始阅读



When I was a little girl,I remember that when my dad was repairing

something,every time he asked me to 1 the hammer,just so we would have a time for a(n) 2 with each other.I 3 saw my dad drinking or taking a night out with the boys,all he did after 4 was taking care of his family.

I 5 and left home for college and since then,my dad had been calling me every Sunday morning,no matter what.And when several 6 later I bought a house,my dad was 7 it by himself for three days in the 80°F summer heat.All he 8 was to hold his paint brush and talk to him.But I was too 9 in those days,I did not find any time for a conversation with my dad.

One Sunday 10 we had a telephone talk as usual,I noticed that my dad had 11 some things that we discussed 12 .I was in a hurry,so our conversation was 13 .Few hours later that day came a call.My father was in a hospital with an aneurysm(动脉瘤). 14 I bought a ticket for a flight and 15 I was thinking about all 16 occasions(场合) to have a talk with my dad.

By the time I 17 at the hospital,my father had passed away.Now it was he who did not have 18 for a conversation with me.After his death I 19 much more about him,and even more about myself.All he ever asked me was my time.And now he has all my 20 every single day. 1.A.find B.hold C.pack D.select 2.A.conversation B.opinion C.rest D.idea 3.A.ever B.just C.even D.never 4.A.work B.midnight C.school D.dinner 5.A.fell ill B.broke up C.grew up D.brought up 6.A.weeks B.years C.hours D.days 7.A.building B.making C.fixing D.painting 8.A.shouted B.disliked C.asked D.solved 9.A.busy B.lazy C.worried D.lonely 10.A.morning B.evening C.afternoon D.midnight 11.A.recognized B.guessed C.expressed D.forgotten 12.A.soon B.lately C.personally D.firstly 13.A.short B.boring C.unbelievable D.sad 14.A.Exactly B.Slowly C.Immediately D.Finally 15.A.in a way B.on my way C.by the way D.in the way


16.A.missed C.exciting 17.A.pointed C.arrived 18.A.places C.space

19.A.thought C.cared

20.A.sorrow C.determination

B.impressed D.painful B.stared D.called B.time

D.interest B.concerned D.learned B.happiness D.attention


“Don’t lose yourself,” the old,sick man said.I was four or five at the

time,and my family was 1 him.I can’t remember his name or how we knew him.But two decades later,his 2 disturbed me as I lay disabled on my bed and struggled to come to terms with my life.

For years,I had 3 from desperation.The first incident I can remember happened when I was 14.As I walked home after school one day,I had hardly 4 to reach our flat 5 bursting into tears.By the time I was 16,these outbursts were happening about once a month.It didn’t matter whether the incidents were happy or 6 ,all would be 7 by my mind into something horrible.

One night,I opened my bedroom door just as my 16-year-old sister Banu opened 8 .Her eyes were 9 and she was sobbing.“I can’t stop.I don’t know 10 .I can’t make the 11 go away.”

I was horrified—I was so 12 with my own problems that I had 13 to see that Banu was suffering too.The 14 to help Banu caused me to help myself.

I 15 a support group and started reading self-help books. 16 ,I made a decision to get out of depression.I forced myself to go out and make new friends.I 17 Banu involved in community work and made her come out with my friends.Today,two years later,she is much better.She is taking a pre-university 18 and has a circle of supportive friends.

Depression is an illness with an underlying cause.But no matter how much other people try to help,only the 19 can help themselves get better.I have also become more positive.And the best part is,I have been able to help Banu.I did lose myself,but I managed to 20 myself again. 1.A.admiring B.interviewing C.visiting D.comforting 2.A.operation B.illness C.troubles D.words 3.A.woken B.suffered C.shrunk D.separated 4.A.managed B.tried C.decided D.pretended 5.A.after B.while C.when D.until 6.A.exciting B.sad C.familiar D.distinguishing 7.A.mixed B.taken C.thrown D.twisted 8.A.it B.one C.hers D.ours


9.A.swollen C.hidden 10.A.when C.why

11.A.hopes C.feeling 12.A.consumed C.equipped 13.A.submitted C.failed 14.A.chance C.attitude 15.A.ran C.invited 16.A.In case C.More important 17.A.helped C.left 18.A.job C.chance 19.A.victims C.volunteers 20.A.prove C.support


D.expressive B.what D.where B.regrets D.crying B.connected D.pleased B.refused D.pretended B.guidance D.desire B.joined D.matched B.Or rather D.As usual B.got D.found B.course D.activity B.friends D.supporters B.see D.find



This is the softest and merriest laughter of the year.Maria and Pit Sanders didn’t 1 their son’s teachers.Instead,they decided to present them with 2 for Christmas.

Their son,14-year-old Jake,is that 3 kid who always has something to say in class.So,when the parents wanted to say thanks to Jake’s teachers for 4 him,Maria Sanders said they had to do something 5 .

“How many coffee cups does a teacher 6 ,” she said,“but who doesn’t need a glass of wine after 7 a kid like mine?” With the help of a friend’s printing company,the Sanders turned some bottles of wine into a truly 8 holiday gift for their son’s teachers.

The label features a picture of a 9 Jake and reads,“Our Child Might Be The Reason Why You 10 ,So Enjoy This Bottle On Us.” The teachers 11 the

wine.“That’s all I’m going to say,” Maria Sanders said.“None of the 12 were shocked by it.”

Word about the gift spread 13 after Jake’s older brother,DJ,posted a photo on Twitter and received more than 10,000 likes:My parents always get our elementary school teachers a 14 around Christmas.It is very 15 of them to present something small like a candle or flower to say thank you.This year they got them bottles of wine and 16 the labels with their own with my smiling brother on them...Happy 17 !

Jake insisted he’s not 18 by the gift.In fact,he helped 19 the wine personally.“I thought it was 20 ,” he added. 1.A.call on B.complain about C.turn down D.approve of


2.A.cards B.flowers C.wine D.blame 3.A.naughty B.talent C.innocent D.slow 4.A.comforting B.praising C.punishing D.tolerating 5.A.simple B.special C.amusing D.strange 6.A.break B.fill C.need D.wash 7.A.teaching B.raising C.assisting D.fostering 8.A.practical B.precious C.worthless D.thoughtful 9.A.disappointing B.smiling C.worrying D.loving 10.A.Suffer B.Resign C.Drink D.Choke 11.A.deserve B.serve C.taste D.purchase 12.A.kids B.parents C.brothers D.teachers 13.A.gradually B.wildly C.finally D.cautiously 14.A.bonus B.favor C.gift D.support 15.A.typical B.mean C.smart D.creative 16.A.compared B.shared C.mixed D.replaced 17.A.birthday B.holidays C.tears D.reunion 18.A.moved B.surprised C.offended D.overcome 19.A.deliver B.drink C.pour D.make 20.A.normal B.rare C.guilty D.funny