牛津阅读树4级(30本)目录 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章牛津阅读树4级(30本)目录更新完毕开始阅读

The children put some tables outside.

They wanted to help children in Need. Chip made a poster. It said, “Help Children in Need”. Biff and Nadim had some plants. Kipper and Wilma had some clothes. Wilf had some books. Anneena had a good idea. She invented a game.

Dad looked at Anneena?s game. “Let me have a go,” he said. A man put Dad?s jacket on. “It?s a good fit,” he said. “It?s five pounds,” said Wilma. The man bought the jacket.

Dad looked for his jacket. “Oh no!” said Wilma. “I?m sorry. A man bought it.” Dad ran after the man. “Stop!” he called. “That?s my jacket.” “No, it?s my jacket,” said the man. “Give me ten pounds for it.”

“Oh no,” said Dad. He gave the man ten pounds. The man gave the jacket to Dad. The man gave Wilma ten pounds. “It?s for Children in Need,” he said. 29. poster[英] [?p?ust?] n. 海报,招贴,公告;招贴画 30. have a go[英] [h?v ? ɡ?u] 企图, 尝试;抱怨

4-14 Stuck in the Mud.

The children went for a walk. It was a muddy walk.

“What a muddy path!” said Biff. “Baa! Baa!” “What was that?” asked Chip. “Baa! Baa!” “What was that?” asked Wilma. “It?s a sheep,” said Dad. “Put Floppy on a lead.” “Oh no!” said Chip. “A sheep is stuck in the mud.”

The sheep couldn?t get out. The mud was too deep.

“Help me get it out,” said Dad. Dad went to help the sheep. He sank into the mud. Wilma and Chip went to help. They sank into the mud.

Dad pushed. Wilma and Chip pulled. They got the sheep out. “Baa! Baa!” went the sheep. Wilma and Chip were muddy. Dad had lost a boot. Wilma went to get Dad?s boot. “Help!” said Wilma. “Now I?m stuck!”


4-15 The Den.

The children were by the stream. Wilf had an idea.

Wilf found some sticks. “Let?s make a den,” he said. “Put the sticks like this.” They all found some sticks. Chip found lots of branches and Wilma found some straw. Biff found some logs. “We can sit on them inside the den,” she said. The children sat in the den but it began to rain.

The ran splashed into the den. “I?m getting wet,” said Kipper.

“We?re all getting wet,” said Dad. “It?s time to go.” “Can we come back soon?” asked Biff. It rained all week. The children couldn?t go out to play.

They wanted the rain to stop. They wanted to go back to the den. The rain stopped. The children went back to the den.

“Oh no!” said Wilma. “We can?t play in the den!” “Shh!” said Wilf. 31. den[英] [den] n. 兽穴;贼窝;简陋污秽的小室;

32. branch[英] [brɑ:nt?] n. 树枝;分支;部门,分科;支流 33. straw[英] [str?:] n. 稻草;麦秆;

4-16 An Important Case.

The children were outside. They were playing football. Wilf kicked the ball. It landed in a bush. “Sorry,” said Wilf.

Wilf couldn?t get the ball. “I can get it,” said Kipper.

Kipper found a case. “Look at this,” he said. “I found it in the bush.” Dad looked at the case. He couldn?t open it.

Wilf looked at the case. “What can be in it?” he asked. “It looks important.”

“What is in it?” asked Wilma. “I don?t know,” said Chip, “but it looks very important.” “What is in the case?” asked Kipper.

“I don?t know,” said Biff, “but it looks very ,very important.” “What is in this case?” asked Dad.

“We don?t know,” said the police office, “but it is very important.” A man came in a big car. “Who is he?” asked Kipper. “I don?t know,” said Dad, “but he looks important.”

The man took the case.

“It?s my case,” he said. “Thank you. It was stolen. It is very important.” The man got in the car. ?Excuse me,” said Wilma. “What is in the case?” “Ah!” said the man. “My sandwiches.”


4-17 Look Smart.

Mum had been shopping.

Biff had a new dress. Chip had a shirt and Kipper had a new top.

Biff looked at the dress. “Put it on,” said Mum. “I want you to look smart.” Kipper looked at the top. “Put it on,” said Mum. “I want you to look smart.” “Come here, Chip,” said Mum. “Put on this shirt.” “I know ,” said Chip. “You want me to look smart.”

Dad came in with a tray. He fell over a bag. A cup fell over.

Some chocolate went over Kipper?s top. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “Chocolate all over my top.” Biff sat down. She sat on Mum?s lipstick. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Lipstick on my dress.” Floppy ran in with muddy paws. He jumped up at Chip. “Oh Floppy!” said Chip, “Mud all over my shirt.

“I can put on my old top,” said Kipper. “No,” said Mum. “I want you all to look smart.” “Smart clothes,” said Mum. “Put them on.” The children put them on. They set off for the party. A lorry went by. Splash! “What a good job!” said Dad. “Nobody looks smart.” 34. tray[英] [trei] n. 盘子;

35. smart[英] [smɑ:t] adj. 聪明的;敏捷的;漂亮的;整齐的

4-18 Tug of War.

The children went to the park. They went with Mum and Dad. They went to the stream. Chip saw a rope. It was by a tree.

Dad had an idea. “We can skip,” he said. He tied the rope to the tree.

Dad and the children began to skip. “Go on, jump!” said Mum. “Jump! Jump! Jump!” They all jumped. They jumped too soon. Whoops! They all fell over. Mum had an idea. “Let?s have a tug of war,” she said.

Dad threw up the rope over the stream. Mum went over the bridge. The children began to pull. Mum and Dad began to pull.

“Easy,” said wilf , and he let go. Mum and Dad pulled and pulled. “Easy,” said wilma, and she let go. Mum and Dad pulled and pulled. “Easy,” said Biff and Chip , and they let go. “Pull , Dad!” called Wilma. “Easy,” said Kipper. “Look at me.” He pulled Mum and Dad into the stream. “Easy,” said the man.

36. tug[英] [t?ɡ] n. 猛拉,推力;绳索链条;


4-19 Adam Goes Shopping.

Mum and Dad went shopping.

They took Adam and Yasmin.

Mum wanted a kettle. Adam wanted to go home. Yasmin wanted some shoes. Adam was bored.

Dad wanted a track suit. Adam was fed up. Adam was tired. He went into a tent.

Mum and Dad looked for Adam. They couldn?t find him. Everyone looked for Adam. Adam was fast asleep.

37. kettle[英] [?ketl] n. (烧水用的)壶;小汽锅 38. track suit[英] [tr?k sju:t] n. 径赛服

4-20 Adam's Car.

Adam had a new car.

He saw a car on television. It looked like his car. Adam had an idea.

He went to the flour bin. He put flour on the car. He dropped the car. “Oh no!” said Adam. He looked in the flour. He couldn?t find the car. The bin fell over. The flour went everywhere. Mum was cross. Adam was sorry.

39. flour[英] [?flau?] n. 面粉 40. bin[英] [bin] n. 箱子,容器;