牛津阅读树4级(30本)目录 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章牛津阅读树4级(30本)目录更新完毕开始阅读

4-5 The Camcorder.

Dad bought a camcorder.

The children had a race. Dad made a video. “Smile everyone,” said Dad. Dad went to the sports day. He took the camcorder. He made a video of Wilma. It was Jo?s wedding. Dad took the camcorder. He made a video of the wedding. It was Mum and Dad?s anniversary. Wilma wanted to make a video. Dad showed Wilma the camcorder. “It?s easy,” he said.

Wilma made the video. “It?s easy,” she said. “Smile please!” said Wilf. The children watched the race. They saw the sports day.

They looked at Jo?s wedding. They laughed at Wilma?s video.

They went to the tree house. Wilma wanted to make a video. Dad let her use the camcorder. Wilma made the video. She saw two men. They were burglars. The burglars were running away. Wilma made a video of them. “Call the police,” she shouted.

Dad got the phone. He phoned the police. Wilma got the burglars on video. The police came. They looked at the video. “Well done!” they said. The police caught the burglars. “Thanks to Wilma,” said Dad. 10. camcorder[英] [?k?mk?:d?] n. 摄像录像机 11. tree house n. 树上小屋,巢屋

12. burglar[英] [?b?:ɡl?] n. 窃贼;破门盗窃者;夜盗

4-6 The Wedding.

Jo was Mum?s sister. She was getting married. Wilma was happy. She wanted to be a bridesmaid.

Wilf was unhappy. He didn?t want to be a pageboy.

The grandparents came. They came for the wedding. “What a journey!” they said. Mum made Wilma?s dress. Grandmother helped. Wilf looked at the material. “Oh no!” he thought.

Grandmother made the cake. Wilma put a bride and groom on it. “It?s wonderful,” said Jo. Wilma?s dress was finished. Biff and Chip came to see it. “I like weddings,” said Chip. “I don?t,” said Wilf.

Jo took Wilf?s measurements. She gave them to Mum.

Wilf was unhappy. He didn?t want to be a pageboy.

Mum had been shopping. She had a surprise for Wilf. “What is it?” asked Wilf.

“It?s a suit,” said Mum. “You?re not a pageboy,” said Jo. “It was a joke,” said Grandmother. It was the day of the wedding. Dad made a video. Biff took a photograph.

Wilf liked this suit. He was glad he wasn?t a pageboy. He was happy. Everyone was happy. There was a big party. Everyone danced. “I like weddings,” said Wilf. “Will you get married?” asked Wilf. “I don?t know,” said Wilma. 13. bridesmaid[英] [?bra?dz?me?d] n. 女傧相,伴娘


14. pageboy[英] [?pe?d??b??] n. 头发内卷,小听差

4-7 Swap!

Nadim found a bat. It was broken.

Nadim mended the bat. His dad helped. The bat looked good. Chip had a robot. The robot was broken.

Chip liked Nadim?s bat. He swapped the robot for the bat.

Nadim mended the robot. He painted it silver. The robot looked good.

Biff had a skateboard. It had no wheels. Biff swapped it for the robot.

Nadim mended the skateboard. He put on new wheels. “It?s a good skateboard now,” he said. Wilma had a bike. The bike was broken. She swapped it for the skateboard. Nadim mended the bike. He painted it black. The bike looked good. “Not bad,” said Nadim.

15. bat[英] [b?t] n. 蝙蝠;短棍,(棒球等的)球棒,(网球等的)球拍 16. swap[英] [sw?p] vt. 用…替换,把…换成,掉换(过来) 17. skateboard[英] [?ske?t?b?:d, -?b??rd] n. 滑板

4-8 The Flying Elephant.

Mum went shopping. She took the children.

The children looked up. There was an elephant on the roof. The elephant looked funny. The elephant was fat.

The children laughed. “Look at that fat elephant,” they said. “An elephant?” said Mum. “Don?t be silly.”

There was a storm. The wind blew. It rained and rained.

It was a bad storm. The wind was strong. It blew the elephant away.

The children went to school. The elephant was in the playground. The children laughed. The children told Mrs May. “Look at that fat elephant,” they said. “An elephant?” said Mrs May. “Don?t be silly.”

The children liked the fat elephant. They wanted it to stay.

“Sorry,” said the man. “We want it back.”

“Look at the fat elephant,” said Biff. “It?s a flat elephant now,” said Wilma.


4-9 Wet Paint.

Dad was painting the back door. The children were outside.

Floppy wanted to come in. He jumped up. He put his paws on the paint. Dad painted the door again. Biff kicked a ball. The ball hit the door.

Dad painted the door again. Kipper pushed the door. He got paint on his hands. Dad was fed up. He painted the door again. “What a job!” said Dad.

Biff and Chip had a pillow fight. The pillow split open. “Oh no!” said Biff. The wind blew. It blew the feathers. “Oh no!” said Chip. “Wet paint!” There was no wet paint. The door had gone. Dad had put up an old door. The back door was inside. “It?s safe here,” said Dad.

18. split[英] [split] vt. 分裂;分开;<俚>(迅速)离开;分担 过去式: split 过去分词: split

4-10 Everyone Got Wet.

Dad looked at the water butt. The water butt was leaking.

Mum looked at the hose. The hose was leaking. “Oh bother!” said Mum.

Dad mended the water butt. He put a patch on it. “What a tricky job!” he said. The water butt burst. All the water came out. Dad got wet.

Mum mended the hose. She put a patch on it. “What a tricky job!” she said. Mum put the hose on the tap. The top of the tap came off. Mum got very wet. Dad got a new water butt. He put it on the bricks. He got the hose. He filled up the water butt.

The water butt fell over. The water poured out. Dad got wet again.

Mum got a new hose. She joined it to the old hose. She wanted to water the roses. Kipper wanted to help. He turned the tap on. Mum got wet again. “Oh no!” said Mum. The children got the paddling pool. They put it on the grass.

Dad got the new hose. Biff turned on the tap.

No water came out of the hose. “Funny!” said Dad. He looked down the hose. Oh no! The children got wet.

19. butt[英] [b?t] n. 烟蒂,屁股;笑柄;(武器或工具的)粗大的一端;大酒桶 20. water butt n. 集雨桶,大水桶

21. patch[英] [p?t?] n. 补丁,补片;碎片,碎屑;

22. tricky[英] [?tr?ki:] adj. 狡猾的;(形势、工作等)复杂的;机警的;微妙的 23. burst[英] [b?:st] vi. 爆裂,炸破;使爆炸;充满,塞满;爆发

24. tap[英] [t?p] n. 龙头,阀门;塞子; 25. paddling pool[英] [?p?dl?? pu:l] n. <英>(通常在公园中供孩子们玩水的)嬉水池;

4-11 The Dragon Dance.

Mrs May made a dragon. The children helped her. Mrs May painted the head. The children painted the body.


The dragon had a long body. The children liked the dragon.

They wanted to do the dragon dance.

The children got inside the body. Mrs May helped them. “It?s made of paper,” said Mrs May. “Be careful.”

Anneena was inside the head. “Be careful.,” said Mrs May. “Don?t tear the paper.” The mums and dads came. The children did the dragon dance. “What a good dragon,” said everyone.

Oh no! The dragon dance went wrong. The dragon tore in half.

The children were upset. “Never mind,” said Mrs May. “It was only made of paper.” Anneena?s mum had an idea. She told the mums and dads. “What a good idea,” they said. The mums and dads made a dragon. They made a long body. They made a big head. The dragon looked wonderful. The children were pleased. They wanted to do the dragon dande.

The children went into town. They did the dragon dance. “Come to the school fair,” said Chip.

“What a lot of people,” said Mrs May. “Thanks to the dragon.”

26. Anneena

27. tear[英] [ti?] vt. 撕裂,撕碎;划伤;夺走,扯掉;过去式: tore 过去分词: torn

4-12 The Scarf.

Anneena liked knitting. She made a scarf.

Anneena?s mom helped her. The scarf was long and warm. “It?s a good scarf,” said Anneena. Biff and Chip came to play. It was a cold day.

Anneena put on her scarf. “What a cold day!” she said.

Biff looked at Anneena?s scarf. “What a long scarf!” she said.

“I made it,” said Anneena. “I couldn?t stop knitting.”

The children went to the park. They went to the pond. The pond was frozen. It had ice on it. Some children ran up. They pulled Anneena?s scarf.

“Stop it!” shouted Anneena. “Stop it!” shouted Anneena?s mum. A boy went on the ice. The ice was dangerous.

“Get off,” shouted Anneena?s mum. “The ice is not safe.”.

Anneena?s mum couldn?t get the boy. She couldn?t go on the ice.

Everyone was frightened. “Help!” shouted the boy.

Anneena had a good idea. She took off her scarf. “Make a rope,” she said.

Anneena?s mum made a rope. She made it out of scarves and coats. She threw it to the boy. Everyone pulled the rope. They pulled the boy out of the pond. The boy was safe. “Hooray!” shouted Anneena.

“I am sorry!” said the boy. “Thank you.” “Ice is dangerous,” said Anneena. Anneena looked at her scarf. “I?m glad I made it long,” she said. 28. knit[英] [nit] vt.& vi. 编织,编结;接合(折骨等);

4-13 Dad's Jacket.