新视野大学英语视听说教程第四册6—10单元quiz答案 联系客服

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Your answer A Correct answer A 5. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. WTO Debate Between Rich and Poor Countries on Drug Production.

B. WTO Debate on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Compulsory Licenses.

C. WTO Agreement on Drug Patents.

D. WTO Agreement Against Compulsory Licenses. Part IV

Directions: Choose the right answer.

1. Excuse me, it just ________________ my mind what GDP stands for. A. slipped B. slipped away C. slipped off D. slipped through Your answer A Correct answer A Your answer C Correct answer C 2. GDP is simply a gross measure of market activity, of money changing hands. It makes no distinction ________________ between the desirable and undesirable. A. that B. what C. whichever D. whatsoever

Your answer D Correct answer D 3. The bank's president and its officers all enjoyed a good laugh at the woman for using a $250,000 Rolls as collateral ________________ a $5,000 loan. A. to B. at C. over D. against Your answer D Correct answer D 4. Rich nations welcomed the new deal, which

________________ them to a plan to cut back on the huge subsidies they spend on farmers. A. commutes B. commits C. committees D. commissions Your answer B ________________ to their markets. A. entry B. entrance C. access D. accession Your answer C Correct answer C Correct answer B 5. Developed nations promised to give developing nations better

Quiz 10

Part I

Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. A TOEFL examination.

B. Any English language examination. C. Good luck. D. Ill luck.

2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. To keep evil away. B. To wish for more money. C. To show friendliness. D. To treat a wound.

3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She will paint it brown.

B. She wants the man to paint it brown. C. She asks the man to climb up the ladder. D. She asks the man not to walk under the ladder. 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The building is a 13-floor one.

B. The building does not have a 13th floor.

C. The building has a 13th floor but nobody lives there. D. The building has a 13th floor but few people live there. 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. It causes a car accident. B. It causes an injury. C. It prevents bad luck. D. It makes plenty of money.

Part II

Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers.

Easter Island in the southern Pacific Ocean remains a mystery. When the island was (S1) (1), it was almost uninhabited, but there were many statues on it. People are (S2)

(2)to know who lived there before its discovery, (3)how they lived, and why they (S3) convincing.

out. Different theories give different explanations, but none is completely

The Easter Islanders had their own system of (S4)

(4), different from any other in the world. No other (5)(S5) (S6) (7)Islanders knew how to write. The American did not know how to write either. Who (S7) the Easter Islanders how to write, or did they (6)develop their own system? Remember that writing was first invented in Asia only a few thousand years BC.

(8)(S8) . How did the Easter Islanders get them? Is it possible that a few Easter Islanders traveled 2,300 miles to Chile, got sweet potatoes, and brought them back? But this is unlikely. (S9) (9), which was only colonized in 1492. Could Easter Island have been colonized by people from Chile? Yet, DNA taken from graves dug up on Easter Island has shown that these people were Polynesians, not American Indians. The Polynesians lived on the sea and knew how to travel thousands of miles in their small canoes. They knew where they were going. The American Indians did not know how to do that. Yet, (S10)