2019版高考英语大一轮复习模块七Unit2Fitforlife课下作业牛津译林版选修7.doc 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2019版高考英语大一轮复习模块七Unit2Fitforlife课下作业牛津译林版选修7.doc更新完毕开始阅读


6? Tom' s parents are worried that he is addicted to tho computer games which are addictive to children?(addict)

7. It is not safe to let children sharpen his pencil using a sharp knife, (sharp)

8. To our astonishment, the famous star died. That\her sudden death, and it was really astonishing. (astonish)

9. She related her fai lure to my not helping her, so T found it difficuI t to sustain good relati on ship with her. In fact her failure was not related to me at all. (relate)

10. Any applied nt who would like to apply to become an assista nt in our compa ny should send us an application before December 10, 2018?(apply) II ?核心短语一识记?联想?运用


1?try out 测试,试验;参加选拔

2? wear sb out使筋疲力尽; 使厌烦

3. let out 放出,发出

4. swe 11


5.subscribe to同意,赞成, 订阅 6

? be_ _addicted_ _to 对 ... 上瘾,成瘾

7. mass product!on 批量生产 8. open up打开 9. be cautious about 对 ....... 小心谨慎 10. :relate... to... 把 .... 与 ... 相联系 11. carry out 执彳亍,实施 12. pick out 挑选,挑岀 13. look out for 当心;留心 14. fade away逐渐消失 15. due to 由于,因为 16. be connected with 和 ....... 有联系 17. block... from...阻止 ...... 18. in 1 arge quantities 人量地

19. play an important role in 在 ....... 屮起重要作用 20. be aware of 意识到 [会积累]

1. S. +out”短语集锦

?try out测试,试验 ②run out用光,耗尽

③ give out分发,耗尽,用光 ④ break out爆发,发生 ⑤ make out理解,辨认出

?work out制定,解决,结果 2. 走进“be +曰* +to”短语圈

① be accessible to容易接近,易到达 ② be equal to与 ...... 相等 ③ be familiar to被(人)熟知 ④ be sensitive to 对 ...... 敏感 ⑤ be thankful to 对 ..... 感激

3. “与……有关”种种表达 ①

be related to ②be relevant to

③have sth to do with ④be concerned with @be involved in


1. He got the lowest score in the class mainly due_ _to his carelessness. 2. Memories of my sister could fadg ?way after many years. 3.Once the work is started, it must be resolutely carried out.

4? Teens who are addicted to their cel l phones may be placing their heal th at risk. 5. Before the race, he was fine. But afterwards he was worn out. 6. Some people subscribe. _[o as many as two or three different newspapers? 7?Here are some novels.You can picR_ _put those you want.

8. Oxygen is ]et_ _out through the leaves and roots of the plants. III. 经典句式一分析?背诵?仿写

句型公式1:省略结构:if so意为“如果是这样的话”。 [教材原句]Have you ever seen a doctor? If so, what happened? 你曾经看过医生吗?如果看过的话,发生了什么事?

[句型仿写]Will you be free this Sunday? If so, let s go camping. 这个周日你有空吗?如果有,我们去野营吧。

句型公式2: It is likely that...,意为\很可能 ......... \。

[教材原句]Tf you open up any medicine cupboard or go to any medicine counter in the world,

it is likely that you wi11 find aspirin and penici1lin.


倘若你打开世界上任何一个药柜或去任何一家药店的柜台,都很有可能找到阿司匹林和青霉 素。

[句型仿写]1 匸 likely jthat he w订 1 agree with the plan to advocate a low — carbon lifestvle. 他很可能会同意这个提倡低碳生活的计划。

句型公式3: wh订e是并列连词,意为“然而”,表示前后两种情况的对比。

[教材原句]Some acupuncturists insert needles at or near the body part affected by the disease,

while others select points according to the symptoms that the patient has.

一些针灸医师在疾病感染的身体患病处或在患病处附近扎针,而另外一些则根据病人的病症 选择扎针的位置。

[句型仿写]In the US the people focus on creative thinking skills , while in China they only

focus on theory.






If you open up any medicine cupboard or go to any medicine counter in the world, it is 1 ike that you wi11 find aspirin and peniciIlin.

Aspirin was invented in 1897.The first trials of this medicine took place in 1899. Tn 1900 aspirin was sold in shops in form of tablets. Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and help stop pain, and there are also other things that aspirin can help with? In 1977 a study carrying out in the USA showed that aspirin could prevent strokes.

Another drug that have helped increase the standard of people\was discovered by a Scottish scientist named Fleming in 1928. Tn 1940, two other scientists managed to making and test the new drug on large quantities. Because the widespread use of penicillin, many lives were saved during World War II. Penicillin was became the greatest drug of the 20th century, saving millions of 1ives?



that you will find aspirin and penicillin. world, it is


If you open up any medicine cupboard or go to any medicine counter in the

Aspirin was invented in 1897. The first trials of this medicine took place in 1899. In 1900 aspirin was sold in shops in 论

form of tablets. Not only has